Nick Spero speaks with Trevor LaBonte of The Ugly Truth about his personal history and experiences with Gilad Atzmon, the difference between judaism and the other two Abrahamic religions, exposing 9/11, different opinions on Sandy Hook, whether or not Trump might be real opposition, and much more.
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Best documentation/deconstruction of the DSpingola/MGlenn/KJohnson/CWWade/MCPiper & Co Sandy Hoax Re-Bunking Op that I’m aware of:
Did you learn that Keith Johnson is jewish? Did he tell anyone that over that period of time? He spearheaded a campaign of calling researchers employers, the principal’s of their children’s schools, their families, etc, all at the direction of Lenny Pozner. He finally admitted to that on spingolas show after we had someone infiltrate Pozner s private Facebook group where he explicitly detailed all of this. He was an infiltrating agent from the very start. He and spingola both gained credibility in the truth novement by presenting themselves as Jew wise in anticipation of an event like sandy hook. Did he tell anyone he was jewish that whole time he was with afp? The researchers he targeted ( myself included) gave proof after proof… Read more »
Sounds interesting. How about so.e screen caps of the face book infiltration. Nothing like hard evidence….I’m all ears. If what you say is true it would fit their modus operandi.
Keith Johnstein in his own solo pod dated 9.19.15 admitting he’s jewish, and a “recovering conspiracy theorist” lol,
Spingola also promotes a Scientology front: CCHR
Spingola also thinks Putin is a jew, lol. BTW, say what you will about CCHR but they are the cutting edge of anti-psychiatry.
all lies. You’re totally unglued. Sandy Hook was mostly likely a real shooting, of the type that happen all the time. The government does not bat an eyelash at killing people for real, that is the real issue at hand. And BTW they never took your guns. If Sandy Hook was a “false flag,” as so many retards believe, there would have been an objective and it would have been accomplished.
And they’ve accomplished it by pushing the anti-gun agenda forward more and more.
Jews use false flag attacks like Sandy Hook and ISIS to terrorize the population. Gradually driving them into the arms of an authoritarian regime.
The end game is not to overturn the 2nd amendment and then establish a tyranny. The tyranny will come first after which the people will be disarmed and purged of undesirables.
“all lies”; that’s it? Well, I guess you are right, sandy hook was real and Keith Johnson isn’t a whiny self admitted Jew. Wow, that was probably the lamest refutation of a definite claim i have ever heard. Do you want people to think you are a shill? This just reinforces my research. It is quite suspicious that Piper dies in a cheap hotel room when Glenn is supposed to be looking after him. So where is Keith now? Why has spingola totally disavowed him?
Great show, superb guest. Actually picked up and blew away some bullshit that was hanging in my own system.
Probably not. I keep shooting from the hip. That is a bad habit I have.
Where can I find the new documentary?
1. Everyone isn’t an operative. 1. The vote was clearly rigged in HRC favor. 3. I think you give “the jew” way too much credit.
Election was rigged for Trump. Hillary was the shill candidate.
From the bowels of total disinfo shill gordon duff, the narrative is being pushed that the rigging happened against hrc, barett and tony hall already jumped on that bandwagon, with spingola assisting.
get ready to rumble.
That was a shit guest, though you should get an award for being diplomatic and Socratic. The guy has the same method of answering Trump questions as religious people – they just make answers up on the spot without no basis in fact in a desperate act of mental gymnastics. He mustn’t listen to Renegade as every assumption he made up about Trump, has been exposed in recent shows. It’s like he doesn’t know anything that has been on here, or doesn’t want to acknowldge it…yet he even claimed his website/ people are the leading alternatie research? He compares us to red necks, so it can’t really be researching the jewish problem fully if he can’t see it is primarily anti-white, if not only-anti white.… Read more »
Anybody that believes Sandy Hook was real, is an idiot. Jim Fetzer and Wolfgang Halbig are friends of mine and I can’t say enough good things about them. This CW Wade character is not even genuine enough to give his real name. Shame on Keith Johnson and Trevor for believing in this. Sandy Hooks was a hoax, a fraud.
Fetzer and Duff are probably the two most hated clowns out there
On (very) misguided Anti-NWO analysts who think Trump “works for the jews”…
So you used to be a liberal. Are you Alt-Right now (just saw the questionable grammar used in this article eg. “YUUUGE”)? That would make total sense after hearing Spencey boy say, and I quote “The Alt-Right is the new left”. If it looks like shit & smells like shit…
Here’s an article I just authored on the Renegade Tribune:
Hmmmm it seems that everyone that listens to Renegade has everything completely backwards. It is like a nutjob magnet. Interesting.
Can’t be any worse than you (Trevor) saying that Alex Jones is secretly on our side and despises the Jew World Order. bwhahaha!!!
Yep, that Alex Jones thing was the funniest piece of shit I’ve ever heard & I personally wrote this idiot off right there & then! LMFAO! Lies are obvious & fakes always usually burying themselves.
Trevor — shame on you for not calling out weasel anti-white Mark Glenn. Anyone who associates with Mark Glenn is highly suspect.
Just listened to this interview. Nick has really come a long way over the years imho – well done Nick! This guest though! Never have I heard anyone use so many what-ifs throughout an interview! I suggest people go back & listen to it again and note down just how many times he uses the word “may” or “maybe”. Not convincing at all & his self-confessed old liberal ways still have their hooks set deep in this one!
Made a lot of sense hearing Trevor here. Renegade seems to go way too much in one direction “jew here / there” and “control everything” malarky, to a pretty much riddiculous stage now. Has anyone actually been to Israel? It’s a total mess this place, Tel Aviv looks like Italy in the 70s. To think they’re one happy family and control everything is naive and making them look stronger than they are, and opposition to them impossible, that’s bollocks. Bit like Solshenizen wrote. Keep up the good work Nick / Trevor
When jews stop controlling our media, our banks, our politicians, our schools, the big tech companies, etc. let me know. I will be happy to celebrate with you.
It is impossible to comprehend…. at first. But then the jew is a hive mind borg-mind parasite kankerh cell. I said before they are the Thing in the movie The Thing. They infect, absorb and then imitate. You have to consider that these things are not human, and some form of multi nucleonic demon.
Trevor said many of his friends quietly agree with his views. My experience is very different. Most people are too scared to discuss the Jewish question. Or will label you a Nazi if you express any kind of support for NS. But Trevor continues to enjoy the friendship of Jewish musicians. I also find Trevor’s tale of persecution a little bit hard to believe. Trevor claims a group of Jews led by a Jew named Craig Berlin are trying to destroy his career through facebook. I have to question why Jews are openly harassing Trevor on facebook when they could quietly blacklist him. Trevor’s position is that Craig Berlin is crazy and will eventually self-destruct vindicating him. But if that was the case why haven’t… Read more »
Yep, he’s an obvious fraud/pretender.
Does this clown still support dumpf in May 2018?
RIP Nick Spero.
Would you admit yet that Trump is a neocon sock puppet Trevor?