Imperium Europa w/ Dana Antiochus 10-30-13

Tonight will be a conversation/interview with Dr. Mark Dyal.  We’ll be discussing his own background/political awakening and philosophical development with topics ranging across the spectrum, with a focus on his engagement and experience in new right circles within a European nationalist context, as well as the potential future of a movement in the U.S.

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10 years ago

When do you hear this guy talking about race? Doesn’t that raise some suspicion? You won’t hear him talking about race because he doesn’t care or is downright averse to racial organization. He is some sort of mystery meat who tries to weasel his way in by whatever means, trying to pass as an Italian right-winger, a tough guy Nietszchean, as one who values masculinity and fighting for fighting’s sake beyond all – but it always comes down to the same thing: to keep Whites in disarray so that some sort of mulatto or quadroon can have a niche Man, he said it, he feels more comfortable with blacks. His master’s degree is in black studies. Do you think these things are an accident?. He… Read more »

Reply to  DanielS
10 years ago

He could in fact be Portuguese, Brazillian or from any other former Portuguese colony, we have millions of people with those looks over here now. At first glance or at a distance they look like white, but as soon as you take a good look at their faces you see they are not. Would he let his hair grow and took off the shades then probably the non white in him would appear much more evident. Just sayin’ i mean, nothing tells me his eyes aren’t eletric blue, but i don’t think so! I see many of these types around here, they appear white, but as soon as they take off the shades you see by the shape or the jet-black that they aren’t. Eyes… Read more »

10 years ago

I would retract one thing from the above statement, that is, the accidental inclusion of the word “its” in this sentence:

We need people who will fight for our race, and ‘its’ the maintenance of its discreet representations, not ones who want to fight for the arbitrary sake of fighting.

Of course, it should read:

We need people who will fight for our race, and the maintenance of its discreet representations, not ones who want to fight for the arbitrary sake of fighting.

10 years ago

“Might makes right – it is only one blind, dumb aspect of nature – it has to be taken into account, but it does not discriminate.”
Obviously the discrimination is in favor of that which has the superior MIGHT. Natural law is NOT blind or dumb. It IS very discriminatory. You either abide by Natural law or face the consequences. Your consent is not requested or required. Jump from a tall building & the law of gravity applies & in moments its SPLAT as you hit the ground. In that sense it doesn’t discriminate. Disregard Natural laws & no matter who you are you will be punished. If you are wise, strong & fit the discrimination is in your favor.

Reply to  Bill Rhyes
10 years ago

That which is of superior might may be in cooperation and coordination(e.g. shield wall) as opposed to superior individual strength.

You don’t really contradict what I’ve said, but only seem not to like my saying the might of nature is dumb and indiscriminate when it comes to race. Therefore, while it must be taken into account, ought not to be our ultimate criteria – which is race, unless you are a-racial and reverent to some other criteria. You seem to be sensitive to my having characterized a phenomenon of forces and impacts as “dumb”. Sorry to hurt your feelings by placing the emphasis on our human judgment and discrimination – rather on behalf of our race.

Reply to  Bill Rhyes
10 years ago

Jews have the might right now, they are constantly winning, have been winning for thousands of years, therefore stronger race by nature. Should we worship them according to your logic?

Reply to  Feeble
10 years ago

“Jews have the might right now, they are constantly winning, have been winning for thousands of years, therefore stronger race by nature. Should we worship them according to your logic?” =========================== I have read or heard that type of irrational comment from feeble minded individuals many times. Most people can’t understand the Natural law concepts described in the book “Might Is Right”. Struggle is a part of life for ALL creatures. Caucasoids have been around for many tens of thousands of years. How much longer? I don’t know. How will things end? I don’t know, but I think our race will prevail, and that our struggle with the Jews will result in a stronger more unified White race that will then advance to higher levels.… Read more »

10 years ago

There is no concept of commumity in “Might makes Right”. This philosophy is not good for Our Race or any other race for that matter.

Reply to  Carmen
10 years ago

It is beneficial (good) to understand Nature/Natural law. That applies to individuals and groups.

Reply to  Bill Rhyes
10 years ago

National Socialism is Natural Law. Right is Might.

10 years ago

Might is nine tenths of the law, nature’s law!
the rest is luck! (1/10th)

A play on the common saying “possession is nine tenths of the law!”

You can use that for your shows Bill 🙂

Reply to  Damon
10 years ago

Also, ignorance of nature’s law is no excuse!

10 years ago

hey Daniel I got a good feel for the guy, I don’t think he’s an infiltrator or anything like that man, although I can see why you’d have some suspicions. i don’t begrudge him for a “black studies major,” a lot of people are pushed into that shit in college, and for him to have pulled himself out of it and into a new right mindset is great. i think he gets race but pushes culture more, anyone who has studied fascism and these topics cannot have an aversion to racial thinking. lastly, when he says he’s more comfortable talking to minorities sometimes, i can concur when it comes to bringing up the jewish problem. there are more pro-Jew whites than non-whites out there, even… Read more »

10 years ago

i really don’t want to get into another might-is-right argument lol, and i didn’t hear him push that on the interview? you make some valid points and we really don’t censor people with opposing views, so you’re free to bring them up here. i’ll admit when i looked at him at first i wondered what his race/ethnic background was, but personally i don’t get too crazy over people looking a little questionable provided they have a good head on their shoulders, we have very little intelligent folks that are good communicators. and i totally understand his frustration with white nationalism and people who make an obsession out of race, some do go overboard with it – it might be the whole point of everything we… Read more »

10 years ago

Thank you for your civil response, Dana. Its good of you, particularly as I can be rather antagonistic in my rhetoric. I am not saying that there should be no White nations that have some gray areas and ambiguities at the margins. That isn’t my major complaint with him. It is that everything that he says is beyond fishy, it bespeaks an inborn lack of empathy. He has been consistent in his views right along; and I do not trust him as light onto the interests of people of native European descent. Just the opposite.

Regarding might-makes-right, I only brought it up because it is in the background of Dyal’s concerns, via Nietzsche.

10 years ago

Dana, Regarding being disgusted with most Whites: Well yes, of course; anybody who cares about Whites would be. Here is the thing – there is a difference from the de-racinated elitism that Dyal is putting across (in proximal encouragement of the homo erotic, elitist male worshiping Nietzsche cult of counter-currents); and endogenous process. Endogenous process begins from the inside out. If you look at our project exogenously (taking the whole group from the outside in), it is near hopeless. On the other hand, if you begin with those who really care, no matter how small a group, even just two people, the possibility always exists for the separatism that we seek. We build our nation from there, endogenously, from the inside out with people who… Read more »

10 years ago

I have endeavored to make that point of a qualitative, endogenous beginning, in the Euro-DNA Nation:

10 years ago

well those are all legitimate considerations, when he said he only cares about the few friends or close brothers in a small knit circle I think that connects to the way you related the Endogenous process, but I do share your concern that it should be tallied up with a real long term goal of the racial rebirthing process. If we lose touch with a collectivist/tribalist unification as the major objective for the purpose of racial separation as a means toward protecting the gene pool, then we will end up with small pockets of resisting whites who will only survive as long as they can make ends meet – without an eventual merging with the All, and that seems hopeless in the end. So we… Read more »

Reply to  Antiochus
10 years ago

“… then we will end up with small pockets of resisting whites who will only survive as long as they can make ends meet – without an eventual merging …”

Dana ~ That is one of the greatest strengths of internet communication, where for now, the many may meet!

Physical contact is required only when the most private of details must be discussed; otherwise, there is no driving need for such meet-ups. Though there will come a time for them, they are in a future yet to unfold.

*** Apparent ‘Power’ not based upon Natural Law is ephemeral. ***


10 years ago

Uh. Mark Dyal? Has he changed his views in the past year? Listen, I understand his presence on Counter-Currents, for that operation has a great deal of focus on issues not specifically race based. But for fuck’s sake, the track record of this site has been very clear, and to give a mic to a race-irrelevantist like Dyal seems here to be only watering down the message, and making concessions, as if your message of White survival has some major common ground with the mere deconstruction of contemporary dogma, regardless of where said deconstruction comes from. Probably should not comment till I listen to it, but other comments here seem to say that no, he is still unconcerned with Whiteness, and just wants to play… Read more »

10 years ago

Hi Dana, @2:01:10 Dyal responded “You know, now we gotta do this every STUPID interview I do, it’s like you get to the end of the second hour and all of a sudden the thing springs to life, but when you say ‘our elite’, you know, so ok, what, who is our elite? What will it be? Will it be the nationalist that wants to keep everything in order, keep everybody at bay and create a new economic system that will properly, um, you know, um, make the most of our human energy and capacity to uphold some kind of economic system, or will it be the guys that actually fight the war? Here Dyal personally insults you, denigrates 2 hour interviews, creates an alexjones… Read more »

10 years ago

Good show, what ever camp Dyal comes from it was very interesting hearing his views.
I liked how you ended with Neurosis, it’s the band closest to my heart and I thought many times about how racial the lyrics for “A sun that never sets” are.

Keep up the good work!

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