Tonight will be the scheduled return of Mark Weber of the IHR, where I will continue the conversation already started by Kyle.
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Tonight will be the scheduled return of Mark Weber of the IHR, where I will continue the conversation already started by Kyle.
Weber said the issue of gassings is not important. He said it does not matter if gassings occurred or not. The IHR used to research such things & write articles to correct the record so that it reflects the truth. That is what the IHR exists for. That is his job. If it does not matter to him he should step aside & let someone who cares take over. The supposed gassings are the foundation of the holohoax. It is the holohoax lies that garner sympathy for the Jews. It is sympathy in regards to the holohoax that puts Jews beyond criticism. Any time somebody challenges Jews or criticizes them they are accused of being Nazis that are about to gas 6 million Jews. It… Read more »
Regardless of what you think of Carolyn, she puts her work first. Her recent show about Hitler and Christianity was top notch, and she put her personal beliefs behind her work.
I wouldn’t really call what she did an attack, more like constructive criticism.
Furthermore, getting answers about WW2 is integral.. especially for Canadians and Europeans. The lies about WW2 enable white genocide by giving it credence by associating pro-whiteness with comic book super villainy. He says that other issues are more important, and let’s say for the sake of argument that this is true.. then maybe he should be director of the institute of current affairs review. Currently we have a new swath of people interested in WW2 revisionism and if you want to educate them you need to send them to different pockets of information strewn all over the internet and to various amateur documentaries. It’s hard to convince someone in this matter. And today with the intrinsic infiltration of higher learning faculties having a structured and… Read more »
I am not a fan of his leadership of the IHR, but I found this podcast to be interesting. Below is a portion of a recent article by Niflson. —————— “It is important for our movements to constantly focus their energy on what is happening today and address said issues constantly with our own particular spin. What happened yesterday (figuratively) is already in the past and most people see it that way. Always addressing what is relevant to people in the moment is a sure way of connecting with them and making the issues actively important. It is also easier to give these situations gradations of urgency as the moment may require. Unfortunately, most of our movements today are more akin to ‘historical reenactment societies’… Read more »
I am not in total agreement with the above Niflson material, but he makes some good points. I do think that exposing the holohoax is important, but it is not something everyone is passionate about. We all can concentrate on what we are the most passionate about. For info about the holocaust, Nazis etc one of the people I go to is Carolyn. The IHR is now irrelevant.
It’s a complicated subject, but we’re backed into a corner and we need every strength we can muster.
If every single one of us merely does current events commentary in a mundane populist manner, it’s an extremely limp hand to play.
We need our expert councils and think tanks on all schools of thought that benefit us. If the IHR had a board that consisted of people like Carolyn, Tom Goodrich, Zundel et cetera… they would be a force to be reckoned with.
When is the last time Weber Instituted any Historical Review? I don’t see why the hosts here pander to him, simply because he sits atop the corpse of a once mighty beast.
Bill, you are right on. Carolyn Yeager is right about Weber. Please read my latest article on Renegade Tribune, I address the subject of whether or not it matters whether or not gassings really took place. Mark Weber is too evasive. Something is wrong here.
I will read it. I did NOT like your last one on hate – in fact I hated it. I will probably like this one on gassings. I emailed you earlier today.
Bill, I just sent you an email.
We always have to follow the Voice of Truth, polly. We can’t allow ourselves to be pollyannas now, can we? lol.
Show does not appear downloadable or even playable at Zogtalk at the moment.
And who the f*ck is this annoying polly character that keeps posting these inane & annoying little comments everywhere?! Nothing constructive to say polly? F*ck off back to Mami’s please! Oh that’s right, Anons can’t post there now…
What the hell is going on with the archive? No download,nor Itunes.
Are we to assume that the archive for this show has been lost to the ether forever? I can’t listen live & always rely on the archives so this is sad news as I’ve been enjoying Dana’s shows.
Looks like some kind of safety net needs to be employed so this doesn’t happen again.
Keep up the good work otherwise chaps 😉
It’s there now. Thanks for your support.
Thanks dana and all the renegade crew, another good broadcast, your last caller was right about the soup and i am English and can heartily reccomend it. This time of year autumn winter is when the root vegtables are freshest and full of goodness and make an excellent broth or soup.
I also liked the idea of the White Man March maybe this culd be rolled out across Europe as i know Euro-Nationalists are marching anyway at the moment, and i feel would be glad to join arms across the atlantic with our kindred brothers in arms.
Having listened to this podcast, I am very disappointed at the lost opportunity to put Mark Weber to the sword. When he was interviewed by Kyle, it was clear that Kyle didn’t know the history of the Institute for Historical Review and Mark Weber’s connection with it. Then Carolyn Yeager made a bunch of very valid criticisms revolving around Kyle’s lack of knowledge. Then amazingly, Mark Weber is interviewed a second time by Dana. This time there was no excuse for such a pathetic interview. Mark Weber has been the DEAD HAND running the IHR. A caller it was that had to ask even a half confrontational question. Weber has neutralised the IHR. DANA GET THIS STRAIGHT…………..NOT ONE JEW WAS GASSED ! WEBER SAYS OVER… Read more »
let me tell what Joshua, all i hear is people bitching and moaning – if Weber is so bad – then start your own fucking holocaust revisionist group to spend all your time and energy proving not one hair on a Jew was harmed, frankly I don’t give a FUCK if 6 million Jews were gassed or not…and Weber can’t be half as bad as Eric Gliebe was with the National Alliance, anybody speaking the truth about WWII and history is a friend of mine – why didn’t you call in if you hate the guy so much – i’m sick and tired of sideline complainers
1. I do not live in the USA so it is not easy for me t call in. I am about 8hrs different from you. 2. Debunking the Holohoax does untold damage to Jews. That is why people like Ernst Zundel, Sylvia Stoltz, Germar Rudolph, Horst Mahler and many others were jailed. I don’t care what you give a fuck about. I do care about what is effective, what works and what does not work. When Weber says that between 2 and 6 million Jews were killed that IS NOT THE TRUTH ABOUT WW2! In fact world Jewry likes to hear that! I really think you should eat a bit of humble pie and go to http://thewhitenetwork.com/2013/12/10/continuing-to-revise-holocaust-history-is-relevant-what-to-do-about-it/ just as a starting point. Gradually it might… Read more »
its “hard hitting” towards the enemy – not fellow whites speaking the truth. if he draws a salary then those who pay him that salary or IHR board members should deal with it themselves.
Again, you show lack of knowledge which could be corrected if you spent a few hours at the above mentioned site. Mark Weber controls the IHR, draws a salary from it, and has stooges on the board who produce nothing in the way of historical revisionism. The main criticism is that he has neutered the IHR and uses it as a private pension fund. Nothing of note has come out of the IHR for years. My personal belief is that like David Irving, he has been intimidated by Jews into back-tracking on what he maintained during the Zundel Trials in the 1980s. Now he says nothing that can upset Jews in general.
I am so glad I read these comments so I can thank Bill Rhyes, Lugh, Jim Hardpeka, and Joshua for their sensible stance on Mark Weber and their support of my positions. I’m disappointed in Dana for saying he is hard-hitting against enemies, but not against fellow whites speaking the truth. Mark Weber doesn’t speak the truth when it comes to the IHR. Just cause he can talk fairly well about “some” history doesn’t excuse him from other bad faults. Nothing like young guys such as Dana who think they know everything, eh? I’m going to invite Dana on a radio show and see how he can defend his beliefs on holocaust. I’m also publishing a blog post at carolynyeager.net on this very subject of… Read more »
It would be GREAT if Carolyn was interviewed here at Renegade. I hope Dana does accept the invite from Carolyn also.
I’ll go on her show – i’ve called in before, just not sure if she means defend my beliefs or mark weber’s? i’ll have to ask her
“The IHR is now irrelevant.” – ya, cause there is no material that is truthful and powerful on the website, its this black and white/either-or mentality that I don’t like seeing. Because so and so is not saying what i want him to that makes all the other things he does/says null and void. i just don’t get it Bill
OK Dana the material on the site that was created before Weber took over is relevant. That material is in line with the original mission of the IHR. Look at the home page now & it is clear the original focus is GONE. Even the mission statement has changed. The ruination of the IHR under Weber’s leadership is also relevant. Dana 10 out of EVERY 10 Americans know plenty about the holohoax legend. They received false info on it in school & via the media. It is at the core of their sympathy for Jews. It is the main reason they will defend Jews. The holohoax lies put Jews beyond criticism. The second most important reason lemmings will defend Jews is Christ insanity & that… Read more »
Just remember Dana, George Lincoln Rockwell did recognize the “look at what they are doing to us now” types. Send me your donations so we can save the White race. Notice the Chinese in the meantime do not care about a so-called jewish lolocaust. They are here and are quietly conquering North America without even a fight from the Aryan. The Whites are still busy trying to figure out their belly buttons so to speak. The Chinese know who they are, they have their own economy, their banking system, their own gangs, their very own National Socialism. Hitler did warn that if White Americans did not get rid of the jewish monkey of their backs that the Chinese would be handed North America. The Chinese… Read more »
Dana. Having looked at all your comments to date, I get this feeling you still have not “got it” about Mark Weber. I could be wrong and hope I am. 1. Why is it that it is now a criminal offence in 17 countries (Canada is one of them) where you can be jailed for “Holocaust Denial” ? Those are laws instigated by world Jewry. Isn’t it obvious they think it important ? If Jews think it important, why should any one of us think it not really all that important? 2. What do you think of the sacrifice so many courageous WHITE people have made by standing up for the Truth which resulted in Jail Sentences ? How do you think they would feel… Read more »
Weber speaks the truth on some subjects. When it comes to the most important subject that is relevant to the mission of the IHR he lies. He promotes Jewish lies that strengthen the holohoax story. It is a common Jewish propaganda tactic to get their foot in the door by promoting certain truths so they can increase the chances that a lie (that they deem is more important) will be believed. It is clear to me that Weber’s mission is to serve the colossal Jewish propaganda machine that Joshua mentioned. He knows the gassing tales are easily disproven. He has seen the overwhelming evidence against the absurd gassing tales. He knows that the official gassing story represents the IMPOSSIBLE. He is NOT the typical Joe… Read more »
Mark Weber is a fraudulent, craven parasite who espouses lies about the so-called “jewish holocust of WW II.” He is a horse-shit historian who claims there really was a Belzec “holocaust” and there really was a Sobibor “holocaust” and there really was a Treblinka “holocaust.” But he lacks the courage, integrity and character to defend his claims. There are a combined 55 alleged “huge mass graves” at Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka. If jews really were gassed at these three sites like Weber claims, then why does he cravenly refuse to answer questions about these 55 alleged burial sites of all the alleged gassed jews? Here are three simple questions to ask Weber: # 1 – At Belzec, it is known – WITH 100 % CERTAINTY… Read more »
At 1:00:28 – we hear: “Mark Weber: …certainly the number of jews who died or lost their lives or were killed, total, is certainly more than maybe 2 million, but it’s less than 6 million. Caller Jim: Oh really? Uh, but there were no homicidal gas chambers, am I correct on that? Mark Weber: stammering … bla bla bla … (1:00:55) But I do believe, uh, the evidence shows, that there were gassings of jews at Treblinka, Sobibor and Belzec … (1:01:14) but, my views on that are the same as, uh, David Irving and and some others…” BTW – David Irving claims that about 2.4 million jews were murdered at Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka. That is the kind of “historian” Mark Weber really is.… Read more »
I have one more thing to add here tonight. Caller Jim, whoever you are, you did a great job.
Everyone should check out haw nervous Weber got when Jim grilled him at 1:05:05 – Weber’s mealy-mouthed response was a classic jew like weasel evasion. You could tell that Weber couldn’t end the interview fast enough.