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10 years ago

Does anyone have a link to Kyle on the blacks’ show? Sounds like it’d be funny

Reply to  William
10 years ago
10 years ago

Observer, I believe that all peoples have honor, but every people has a different type of honor. Even the ghetto-trash niggers I have known had a code of ethics they claimed to hold, and did hold it to varying degrees. It seems to me that your definition of “honor” is like the old definition of “civilization.” That is to say: a distinct form unique to Whites. And yes, Whites have a distinct form of honor, and yes, it should never be applied to enemies of our race, or even to members of other races who are not necessarily true enemies.

Reply to  blackacidlizzard
10 years ago

I agree; I believe our honor is indeed, unique to our people.

Our honor should be for us, and applied to our people only.

Why would we be so foolish as to apply a high standard to those who are beneath us in morality, honor, and the capacity to hold and appreciate it?

We must, and we will take our own side.

My honor is for my race only. I share it with none of the aliens.

They lack the capacity, the introspection, and the self-control to even fathom it for a glimmer.

Let them eat each-other. It is none of my, or my people’s concern.

10 years ago

The story about Thatcher, the way I heard it was that is was Brzezinski, and what he said was “Don’t you see that we are the same?”

Reply to  blackacidlizzard
10 years ago

I heard it as I relayed it…but we all know about the repeating of accounts, and how things, nuance, is lost…

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