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8 years ago

Great show Drew! Thank you for addressing this Roosh nonsense. I asked myself for several days, if was truly “over reacting” or having “grandiose delusions”, but now i know, that I was on the side of truth. Any White person who defends this piece of shit, over their own people, is no friend of mine.

Reply to  Sinead
8 years ago

Yes you were overreacting and acting bipolar. I saw that tweet and you deserved it. Lana did not deserve any of the shit you are trying to fling at her like she is the bad guy here. You have serious jealousy and anger issues. You love your crazy drama. I will never listen to you or this website ever again.

Reply to  Danny
8 years ago

Spoken like a true alt-right-cuck-pussy. No brains and a big mouth and lacking of ANY substance, that could pertain to what Drew or Sinead had to say. Are you sure your name is Danny and not Dunny?

“Dunny or dunny can is Australian slang for toilet, either the room or the specific fixture, especially an outhouse or other outdoor toilets. It is often used to specify a distinction between a flushing toilet and a non-flushing toilet (e.g., a longdrop or thunderbox). First used in print in 1952, the word is believed to be derived from the much older ‘dunnakin’ (also spelled ‘dunnigin’ and ‘dunegan’)[1] meaning privy.”

Reply to  Danny
8 years ago

Danny – i felt like thumb-upping your comment ONLY because you said you werent coming back

8 years ago

Let me get this straight: there are “alt right” people defending this thing rather than 1) condemning it or 2) just ignoring it? Incredible. It preys – literally – on vulnerable European women and it promotes the Semetic form of patriarchy to white men (which is inferior to European patriarchy) all while white countries are being invaded by Islam… and there are people defending this? LOL. Looks like the femicommies and SJWs got something right for once in their lives!

8 years ago

The “alt right” should be called “alternative conservative”. Being conservatives, they have a need for respectability. They do acknowledge jews and race, but only because they are redpilled and so cant lie to themselfes any more. But it doesnt feel comfortable and its not respectable, so they will embrace anything that allows them to circumvent these 2 topics. Thats why they love Roosh and anything MGTOW/Gender-Bolschewist. Roosh attacks women in general (or specifically white women), they love that because attacking white women doesnt loose you any respectability points. Its an easy way out. Hes also non-white, associating with a token non-white gives them another +10 respectability points. A desire for respectability is also why ramzpaul cant stop talking about the “1488 crowd” when asked about… Read more »

8 years ago

Totally agree on the MGTOW/Feminism comparison. I just call it Gender-bolshevism.
MGTOW is men throwing a hissy fit about discovering that women are different from men.
Feminism is the same thing. Feminists hate any women that isnt like a man.

Also the “Pic Up Artist” thing is based on the book “the rules” written by a jewess.
It basically tells women to “play hard to get”, not call back, bla bla etc. Same thing the jewish PUAs tell men to do.

8 years ago

The AltRight has shown it’s true colors . A crowd of cowardly players who have no strength of conviction and no fortitude for a head on fight with our enemies . They think they are going to accomplish something with internet babble because they understand that they simply don’t have what it takes for a real fight . Paid for by the Jews for a good distraction ? Wouldn’t surprise me in the least . Let them have their Bathhouse giggles , The Fighters needed to confront the enemies of our race , will not be distracted by them , they know better . And they instinctively avoid Faggots . Those who don’t are not ours .

8 years ago

The PUA ‘movement’ is based on a book called “The Game” buy Neil Strauss, a Je…… [transmission lost]

8 years ago

I hear you. It is as though the crosses to bear are getting heaver… Condolencies m8

Juden Raus
8 years ago

Hey, Drew. Tuned into your show for the first time. I really thought you did a good job and made some very insightful points. I’ll definitely tune in again.

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