Drew and Nick talk about a lot of issues related to our current year, in which Trump and his supporters like Milo are the great heroes of our race.
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Drew and Nick talk about a lot of issues related to our current year, in which Trump and his supporters like Milo are the great heroes of our race.
Can you ditch the “like” word with every breath you take? Geez. What happened to your generation and being able to actually speak without using “like”. There is no LIKE nothing when you talk. You “like” people, places and things, not feelings, thoughts and actions!
You’re so right. I’m going to complain to Kyle. Cut Drew’s fee-per-show from $100 to $50 and stop his pension and healthcare benefits too! He needs to learn to speek propa!
This wise young man is doing more for you and your children than anybody…get a ‘like’!
Great show guys. Thanks both for your dedication ( especially Drew, 10 hour physical job, helping friends then doing 2 hr broadcast. )
I don’t think the white genocide message has got through yet to most – but i do feel people are ‘slowly’ waking up to the push on filth and degeneracy. They instinctively know there is some kind of threat to their children.
Will we ever permeate the ” let’s give Trump $100 to keep us enslaved and eventually genocided” brigade? Hmmmm!
I couldn’t agree more about that Milo cunt, or as I call him, Kikelo Pillobiteanopoulos. I had to make that video because he’s an annoying narcissist and impossible to avoid completely on twitter with all the alt fags lining up to become his betas. And most seem unaware he even admits he’s a Jew and about the jew-gay-pedo connection.
“Drew and Nick talk about a lot of issues related to our current year, in which Trump and his pedo fag fans are the great heroes of our race.”
You’re an asshole. I can assure YOU I am no “pedo fag” fan. Vote for Hillary then. Better yet, stay home and don’t vote at all.
Keep ignoring the rigged system and voting Phil, the kikes must love you.
Right, because sitting at home bitching about a rigged system is really going to make a difference. No one with half a brain thinks Trump is some kind of savior, but it’s a good start. But nevermind EEEEEVERYTHING is a conspiracy. And by the way the TRS podcast title NeroTheHero was a reference to Officer Nero who was acquitted in the death of Freddie Grey….nothing to do with Milo the fag. This network has become nuttjob central, ostracizing themselves from others who they used to consider friends. When you can’t even get along with the folks at Red Ice, ya’ll need to take a look in the mirror, because you’ve got plenty of skeletons in your own closets. This network has made itself a joke… Read more »
Oakley’s back. Trump 2016!
He’s someone who was here before? Aww how sweet, Oakley, you are a return visitor who took the time to come back and babble on for three paragraphs about what a good goy you are.
Well ya know, I was hankerin’ for a fill of riviting discussions about flat earth, organic gardens, vaccines, magical menstrual blood, ancient pagan traditions, and who’s the crypto-jew of the week. Yanno….shit that’s really going to change the world for the better.
Come on, drop the sarcasm and admit it, you come here because you love this place. Or, you’re an informant.
Sarcasm: Check
Love this place: Check
Informant: Check
Mailbox: No check
Oh WTF, I sellout and don’t get paid….FUCKING JEWS!
Please, I-I-I need some hyperborean spiritual healing….
Lead by example you whiny faggot.
Why do you assume you’re worthy of a leader?
Is downvoting the only argument you retards have?
I listened to the latest Daily Shoah episode this morning. Really put Kyle in his place in the first 10min.
Doesn’t mattah…call everyone a joo.
Are you still rambling on? *snicker* Pay attention, no, people are actually saying things and not just downvoting you.You’re not a jew, but you are almost as bad – a fucking idiot.
Admit it, you’re an attention whore. I for one am done giving you attention.
How you doing Sinead? Great projection there. It’s quite a talent you’ve got. If I was a jew you’ve definitely got me beat.
Do you and Kyle talk dirty to each other? He talks about his latina girlfriend and you talk about how many nigger dicks have been inside you?
No seriously, you might actually gain some respect if you come clean about your past.
Rose is not Sinead. What the fuck is wrong with you? You are disgusting and unworthy of even being allowed in the comments anymore. Good riddance.
I mean, that is the question. What the fuck is wrong with these people? Jesus. Nigger dicks inside???? I mean Christ, didn’t his mother teach him any respect at all? He couldn’t even have any self respect to talk like that about one of our white women. Bad language is one thing, but this shit is insane. And where the hell do these clowns come up with this crap? So far, I have heard some of the biggest loads of crap anyone would care to hear. These worthless low lives obviously don’t know Sinead at all. Are they aware that there are quite a few of us here that know Sinead at a personal level? Don’t they understand that we are literally pointing at them… Read more »
Drew, I don’t like you and I’ve learned not to listen to you because your a toxic prick.