Renegade Roundtable: John Smith Hosts (2-25-17)

John Smith talks to Frank, Leifkin, Bob, and Tony about a variety of issues, such as the recent Varg video, people who don’t care about PizzaGate crimes, how to best resist jewish tyranny, and much more.

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7 years ago

It’s always nice to hear Frank.

Anthony Roberts
7 years ago

You are so right about info deluge. I only see 0.1% of what most of the “leaders/researchers here have to deal with. Talk about head-spinning!

I like the Varg Vileness “Willy Wan***” photo – very apt. We all say and do silly things occasionally, but such a 180 turn is so obvious. He has roped nationalists/pagans in, now for the (((real))) and damning message. Get out of here jew-controlled muppet!!

Great show John and some good calls and points. I love hearing all different points of view, but it’s good to stay focused. By being so strong on core fundamentals at Renegade, we are able to think/dream about less important things occasionally.

7 years ago

fwiw, they dont want your guns per say. Of course they will take those that turned over to them all the same. S and W and the rest have had record years since butt boy barry got in office; billions made. And the major stock and share holders are the front men on the top ie. trump, barry and the rest of the critters. Its all payola and they know they will never get enough guns especially now that the sales have doubled and tripled. The game is tax and tax some more with permits, classes, and the rest. Another parasites quild. They have no fear of your pea shooter really because they know you will turn them on each other when they decide its… Read more »

7 years ago

The guy that called into shill for Varg was cringey as hell.

Reply to  Sinead
7 years ago

tried to make the point by example of folks pulling sudden switches; doesn’t matter what they’ve done/said leading up to that point; oh well

Anthony Roberts
Reply to  johnsmithrgb
7 years ago

I think we all have to toughen up, and stop making excuses. Being ironic, double bluff, bla bla. No, Varg knew exactly what he is doing. Enticement, deception then wham!! Leifkin mate, you were wrong on this one. You make great points when you call in, but the time for giving these traitors a second chance is over! The jews want in this never-ending confusion and turmoil. These ratbags have to be called out, and it’s only Kyle and Sinead seeing the big picture ( plug, plug ) and doing this at present. Also, the older guy making all the great points about the kike-jew, passes the phone over to his wife/partner ( missed that bit ) who then shilled for jews and their christard… Read more »

Reply to  Anthony Roberts
7 years ago

Thank you! I’m getting SO sick of people defending clearly anti White individuals who masquerade as pro White. The circle and ellipse it at in again, causing neurosis in the loyal “followers”. It’s time to stop being followers and be creators. Don’t be a pavlov’s dog, be a wild wolf.

Reply to  Sinead
7 years ago

Dam, that woman at the end was so annoying. She sounds like a Pumpkin Head Jones listener. I’m sick of hearing about the magical flying baby Jesus. I wonder if she has ever listened to Charles show?

John SmithRGB
Reply to  Anthony Roberts
7 years ago

yeah I am not a fan of bait and switch when it comes to callers, but it was a funny way to end it

Reply to  Anthony Roberts
7 years ago

Someone did mention this, and I can’t remember who it was so I don’t take the credit for this, but it seems that when a pro White host gets above a certain threshold of subscribers and attention they take a turn all of a sudden.

John SmithRGB
Reply to  Skylgarir
7 years ago

the same rule also applies to shoahing you tube accts apparently 🙁

7 years ago

I also tried putting the censored stuff on youtube and no matter what kind of video I make I get taken down. When you name the jew, they come after you no matter what.

7 years ago

Sinead’s video about Varg Kikernes is spot on.

Reply to  Renny
7 years ago

Wot video? The channels I have are shut down 🙁

Reply to  Skylgarir
7 years ago

Never mind, I found it; I forgot about renegadevids.

Yep, spot on all the way through.

The one thing I wanted to mention about the deforestation is: HEMP BAN! Yes, also the (((paper industry))) not to mention rainforest and soil destruction for COCAINE, the biggest consumer of which is…. (((Wall Street)))!

7 years ago

Boob in DC says not all jews are elites, they’re not a monolith, some are even plumbers! Wow, boob, I had no idea there were jewish plumbers, thanks! Problem is, no matter what class or occupation they are, the majority do what’s best for jews, which makes them kind of , well, a monolith. Tony was dead right, no interest in differentiating so called “good” from “bad” jews . I thoroughly enjoyed hearing him get pissed and hang up like a spoiled child. Maybe next time boob calls in, he can talk about how Andre Anglin and WEEV are “our people”, on “our side”, like he used to on his shit show.

Reply to  Retroactive
7 years ago

There are jews on all levels. Yes plumbers too. The 2% thing may be a little misleading, as far as the TOTAL is concerned. Perhaps 2% is correct for the amount of privileged jews and elite jews (hollykike and government) but when you really have a look these fuckers are everywhere. In every industry, job, villiage. They really are like the Invasion of the Body Snatchers. I think they are more pervasive and present than we think. But they still have the hive jew cell that connects them to the Beast, whether they know it or not.

7 years ago

You cut her off at the best part. Why not let her finish what she was saying? You couldn’t stay on another 5 minutes?

Reply to  Slaney
7 years ago

The system is automated; it’s what’s called a hard out. I had started to wrap things up with an eye on the clock and she was sprung into the conversation out of nowhere; did the best to accomodate

7 years ago

That Varg video did do my head in. On the one hand, I see what he is saying, but on the other he leaves out 9/10ths of the Iceberg (OY VEY).

It is more his tone, than anything else that was really the problem and got to me. It is as though his argument was far too disingenuous. I guess we had no alternatives like Tesla(cough) and Schauberger (cough). Y’know.

7 years ago

Welcome JS, I like your style.

7 years ago

Please never let that woman at the end call in again, if she does I hope Sinead rips her a new one.

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