Renegade Roundtable: Kyle, Heathen Vegan, Scarlett, Dagmar – Calling It As We See It (9-1-18)

Kyle, Heathen Vegan, Scarlett, and new caller Dagmar discuss a wide variety of topics, such as: the gossip on Gab, controlled op Carolyn, the toxic stench of the right wing, the MGTOW menace, the hijacking of National Socialism, and the recent uprising in Chemnitz.

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6 years ago

I just finished listening to this at work. Excellent discussion, folks. Great to hear from Kyle, HV and Miss Scarlett. Also good to hear a new voice on the roundtable, Dagmar. One of these days if I can ever get a Saturday off, I’ll call in and put in my two cents.

6 years ago

Only 20 minutes in but I, like Scarlett, felt the sting of the attacks on Renegade, and I only get the bits and pieces that you guys re-post. Amazing how you stay in and withstand the fray. Anyhow, I just wanted to share a simple little thing that a counselor told me many years ago in regards to my getting upset or hurt by things someone said. He said: “Just because they say it doesn’t mean it’s true.” I don’t know why that helped me so much, but it did. Could be it just took some charge out of the attacks, made me more of an observer to it than a recipient. Seems it might make a good Internet theme. “Just because they say it… Read more »

Reply to  Liz
6 years ago

Hallo, Liz – I have a question – do you know of any home-schooling resources? I have a friend who has a twelve year old daughter who was to be homeschooled by a retired teacher, but at the last minute, backed out! I told her that I would ask someone on Renegade, since I know that many of you know so much more on these topics than I do – I appreciate any help in this area.

Reply to  Lotti von Hesse
6 years ago

Sorry, Lotti, I do not, except to direct you to our beloved Internet, though, as we know, that will require some sifting through to determine the authentic and the beneficial.

A few shows back HV (and maybe some other hosts and guests touched on it, as well) covered this in depth. As I recall, it was a very informative show and from the perspective of a deeply caring father. I was not successful in finding link. Perhaps others here can provide it and also offer some info to you on home-schooling.

Good luck in this effort. A child, spared the public training camp and encouraged buy nurturing guides in a nurturing environment, is a child on the way to becoming a capable, self-determined adult.

Reply to  Liz
6 years ago

I agree, the public schools are a disaster. Thank you for your reply

6 years ago

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Anthony Roberts
Reply to  Sinny
6 years ago

Why have you spelled the word jew with a N, Carolyn?

Reply to  Sinny
5 years ago

I wonder if Carolyn will be on the frontlines of this ‘war’

6 years ago

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Reply to  Sinny
6 years ago

Wtf! This is exactly what I was talking about with likes of this one and Linder. They put what comes across as some intelligent serious material but then betray themselves as degenerates with their trashy posts.

Reply to  Sinny
6 years ago

gross… trashy and classless

Reply to  Sinny
6 years ago

Oy vey! [imgcomment image[/img]

Reply to  Sinny
5 years ago

This is so unlike her 🙁 Very disappointing and I´m not sure if she´s okay, quite frankly.

6 years ago

Good optics.

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Reply to  renegade
6 years ago

[imgcomment image[/img]

Reply to  Sinny
6 years ago

like school on Saturdays… no class.

6 years ago

Thank you for having our backs, Scarlett!

Reply to  Sinny
6 years ago

Everytime sister

6 years ago

Aw come on Carolyn seems alright to me! Have to listen to this one now and see what is up!

Reply to  Vegtam
6 years ago

Promoting the founder of national bolshevism is “alright” to you? Not to me. Zero tolerance for that shit.

Reply to  Sinny
6 years ago

I like Carolyn, but I must admit she is seeming more and more like CO.
I was asking about Renegade on the Nordic Resistance Movement chat on Spreaker – found out that RB listeners and NRM listeners clashed! It gets disheartening when most of the people you listen to you find out are controlled opposition, or they don’t get along too well.

Reply to  Vegtam
6 years ago

Theres nothing redeeming about Carolyn that you already can’t get from a much better source. Her videos are safe, kosher and don’t really do anything to explain our current situation (wonder why her channel is still up). Her magazine that she seemingly puts so much time and effort into is a joke. I can’t speak for anyone else but I don’t really give a crap if Europeans are responsible for Jazz music, I’d rather focus on the life-threatening issues at hand. And NRM cozied up to the Aut-Right a while ago. You should probably look into a better bullshit meter.

Reply to  newdawnrise
6 years ago

I listen to the NRM weekly podcast which is decent in my opinion, and they are up for election – cannot get any better than that! The normalisation of NS is our next step!

Reply to  Vegtam
6 years ago

Nationalism and Bolshevism are two contradictory things. Basically, Nationalism is something natural that was very common amongst Europeans in the past, even if they didn’t call it that hundreds of years ago. Bolshevism was a subversive anti-nationalist Jewish movement. These Jews overthrew the nationalist order in Russia and butchered millions.

Reply to  Vegtam
6 years ago

She made me uneasy when I observed how her personality on Twitter was completely different then on her channel…then the promotion of Bolshevism started. Completely two faced. What a disappointment.

6 years ago

HV, I was thinkin’ of your analogy of a farmers’ cattle getting out of open gate, that it’s not the cattle to blame but those who opened the gate. It reminded me of a recent conversation with a friend about the forced immigration/invasions, and I took the same stance as you: do not blame the cattle. But my friend said to me, those are the enemy’s soldiers, whether they know it or not, and they must be stopped. It took me aback, but I concluded he was right, for whatever assists our downfall is indeed part of the problem. It’s a tricky, sticky mess. If only we had the time and wherewithal to determine true innocence and not have to hold it accountable. But what… Read more »

Heathen vegan
Reply to  Liz
6 years ago

I agree with your friend, another analogy would be, if someone has been sent to do you harm, you have to deal with them first before you deal with the one who sent them. But, if we want to stop the influx, we have to target the source of the problem. Those letting them in have a virtually unlimited source of people they can “send here”, so to just focus on the symptom, would have us fighting the proxy armies forever.

Going back to our original analogy, if we dont shut the gates we would be forever chasing the cattle.

Reply to  Heathen vegan
6 years ago

Yeah, chop off the head of the snake.


6 years ago

HV, what you said here is so primary: “How better to genocide your folk, right? How better way to genocide a people than convince them that they don’t need the opposite sex? I mean, can’t get a more basic, biological way to genocide somebody, yeah?” Only wish your words could get to all MGTOW ears. Those words not being understood is a grand testament to our stupidity. By “our,” I mean those factions of the human race that will not look at big picture and how actions and beliefs have consequences, sometimes devastating and permanent. Some in MGTOW don’t know they’re being duped. Some know exactly what they’re contributing to and who they serve. If MGTOW isn’t playin’ into the globalsit agenda, I don’t know… Read more »

Reply to  Liz
6 years ago

This should really be the jewish slogan – “Hate, hate, hate, hate” – that’s what their evil Talmud schools teach – the Yiddish kids go to these subversive schools at quite an early age – Uggh, how terrible it all is!

Krav Maga is ghey
Reply to  Liz
6 years ago

Don’t panic. MGTOW is some form of eugenics. The people who understand the issue actually want to have a sexual life and generally a family too.
Besides, it gives more choice to men and then women will have to lower their expectations if they don’t want to stay alone.
MGTOW isn’t totally bad news from that perspective.

Reply to  Krav Maga is ghey
6 years ago

I find them to be ruthless and dangerous. The sway they hold over some youth has an insidious closedmindedness (sp?) to it. And I’m not sure just what aspect of eugenics you’re referring to, but the word itself, in the context of MGTOW, makes me smell a rat. They are putting men into self-forgetting mode, and therefore consequently harming some vital linchpins of life that have both moved society forward and stabilized it: family and male/female love. Of course the discord pours over into community, and then some. It’s a domino effect.


Carmen Lamontagne
6 years ago

Thanks eveyone. So glad you brought up MGTOW . They are all over the place. I’ve been getting hammered by them on fb. Mostly Christian ones. They really do hate women.

6 years ago

Great show. It is refreshing to hear more women speak out. It would be really cool to hear more about Dagmar’s experience.

6 years ago

A superficial treatment of the MGTOW subject. More like a bashing. You are adding wood to the fire. Some facts MGTOW movement is based on: – men/women division started with No-fault divorce law. – 70%+ divorces are initiated by women. What % of those are no-fault cases? no-fault divorce is in essence legalized robbery (material and emotional). – who gets the custody 90%+ time – imprisonment for not paying (overblown) child support. And ONLY child support! – split of assets based on contribution? Yeah right! – worts than parental alienation. Today we are witnessing children weaponization against fathers! – a gigantic increase in portraying men as idiots in commercials.. – universities creating radicalized feminist. Each of these points would fill a show (multiple). MRA tried… Read more »

Reply to  renegade
6 years ago

Plus, it’s not just men who pay child support – there are plenty of women who have to pay child support, too – the whole jewish system is out to destroy us

Reply to  Lotti von Hesse
6 years ago

US official stats for 2011: 30.1B paid by men 3.7B paid by women. LOOK IT UP! In my opinion, they lied and it is even worse today.
Good old “not all” argument… Feels like home already 🙂

>>the whole jewish system is out to destroy us
True. But in this discussion is used as an agreeable generalization to distract from the specific question. Dirty little tricks…
Feels like home already 🙂🙂

Reply to  renegade
6 years ago

You zeroed in on slight impoliteness in the last paragraph. Replace “need to do” with “It is my opinion, the quality of the show would improve if you would consider the following changes:” QC passed?
Now. I would appreciate your opinion of the substance in my original comment.

Reply to  renegade
6 years ago

Good content. Sinead actually agreed on everything the man said (most important – hostile legal system). Why the attitude changed since? If Sinead,Kyle or callers mentioned MGTOW it is ALLWAYS with a kick. Oh those MGTOW idiots or similar. Stupid hostile generalization.

Reply to  renegade
6 years ago

Understand. Just don’t conclude I’m one of them based just on my IP address.

Reply to  Mark
6 years ago

Because all aware men should stop pouting in the corner with MGTOW, and start taking their lands back. The jews are genociding US. Not just White men, not just White women.

Reply to  Mark
6 years ago

The MGTOW movement is a total farce. I was into it until I realised it was just a “fuck you women” i.e. a subdivision tactic. Problems with women are actually self problems, and this is what the “movement” has homed in on. No man has a problem with women per se. The battle is with the jew, not with each other. Yin and Yang are complimentary, and the biggest scam has been to put them at odds.

Reply to  Skalgarir
6 years ago

Precisely the same kind of trash kosher MGTOWs are spreading about women. Note taken.

Reply to  Mark
6 years ago

Mate, every “movement” is kosher. There is no requirement for anything to be given a Name. This is where the National Action screwed up, they labeled themselves thus becoming a legal subject (agreeing to the law) and now that poor lad in in jail for speaking ill of our “Chosen masters”. As far as divorce goes (((who))) has always been at the wheel of these jobs, lawyers doctors politicians etc. This is not something that jumped out of nowhere overnight. It simply takes on different forms. The Tel-Avivision has promoted gender fragmentation for decades though gameshows, comedy and entertainment. I remember a Carry-On episode where a beauty contest was hijacked by grey clothed bovine, bloke head feminist types (if that isnt an agenda then I… Read more »

Krav Maga is ghey
Reply to  Skalgarir
6 years ago

I’d rather deal with dumb and/or uneducated masses that have no internet and no telivitzion than the plebes of today; at least their mind would be relatively raw and unsoiled by the propaganda.

Reply to  Krav Maga is ghey
6 years ago

Krav maga has zero practical use, so good name there bud, anyway why bother with krav maga when you have White Phosphorous a far better martial art!.. Well, dont jump on their defence too quickly, the fact that they are un-thinking is the core problem. They follow the loudest call. There is no such thing as unsoiled brains these days. The influence begins from within the womb. Waters are affected. The bullshit is everywhere. Welcome to hell.

Reply to  Skalgarir
6 years ago

You explained that really nicely, Skalgarir! Because so many of us have been so psychologically abused by the (((system))), many of us become very emotional, isolated, and angry – sometimes we just need someone to explain the whole reality of our current situation and really expose (((those))) who are driving a wedge between us, and what their evil agenda is! I know that I, myself, struggle with solving problems in this jew infested system. Hopefully, we can teach people how to get out of this system

Reply to  Lotti von Hesse
6 years ago

Lotti, Thanks. it is a huge weight to shift, but it is happening. I have seen changes in opinion on posts where I never would have expected it. It is deep, it is deep and scandalous, but not a total loss. I have many cards up my sleeve, so to speak.. Our headway is not always immediately obvious, but there wil be a critical mass of opinion. There has been some interesting developments in the English news regarding the jewish problem, Corbyn, being the #1 “badboy”, couldd it be a play, i dnont knwo, but the important thing is that it is happening.

Foster XL
Reply to  Mark
6 years ago

Mark said – “MGTOW is just a reaction…” That one line tells you all you need to know. Jews feed us bullshit & the weak among us just react exactly the way they’re supposed to. It’s all just the usual weak crap from a bunch of weak so-called “men” who don’t have the mental or physical ability to attack the root cause so instead they just attack the easier target the way it was designed for them to do. Just another pathetic situation of constantly just trying to treat the symptom instead of the cause – the perfect jewish system! That mgtow garbage was garbage from the start & identified very quickly as such. Just forget this blind fool & all his weak reactionary idiot… Read more »

Reply to  Foster XL
6 years ago

@Foster XL
– who initiated divorce?
– on what legal ground? No-fault?
– how were the assets split? On contribution principle?
– did you get custody from any of those marriages? Am I interested in legal justification of decision.
– In your opinion, did your ex wifes tried to brainwash children to hate you? How did you combat that?

>> Just forget this blind fool & all his weak reactionary idiot buddies
Better than bottle anger. It does not hurt me and it helps you. Now you can answer my questions…

Reply to  Mark
6 years ago

Mark, what are you doing to challenge the jew-dicial system besides “going your own way” but not even going your own way, because you are still here trying to convince us to feel bad for you?

Reply to  Sinny
6 years ago

I’m going to watch the documentary about Bouns Army March of 1932.
Then I will do a bit of research on “The Order of the White Feather”. Of course, it was Jewish idea and money. I’m in for spicy details.
I have a feeling that I will discover some stunning historical parallels.
To round up a day and for good night sleep, I will listen to a Tom Metzger’s podcast.

While you are in this thread, would you care to comment on my questions?

Take care Suffragette.

PS. A modest hint: How about to get Ayla (Wife with a purpose) as a guest? That would be nice.

Reply to  Mark
6 years ago

Here is the output from my Firefox Suffragette detector plugin:
Pattern: Shaming
1. Mark, what are you doing to challenge the jew-dicial system
2. but not even going your own way
3. trying to convince us to feel bad for you?

This cloud AI is really something!

Foster XL
Reply to  Mark
6 years ago

Haha! Just listen to this idiot! Legal this, legal that, divorce, asset split, “wife” brainwashing children, etc, etc. A big part of your problem is that you’re so embedded in the materialistic system to start with that when things go wrong you only see it from a materialistic system perspective. None of your questions apply here – there are actually better ways to handle things & some of us are actually capable of doing so. That might be a bit of a surprise to someone like you who very obviously would rather languish in your victim mentality. In fact why are you even here exposing your ignorance? Wouldn’t the Daily Stormer be more your style where you could at least hang out with like-minded untermensch… Read more »

Reply to  Mark
6 years ago

Who created the jewdicial system that promotes no-fault divorce?
Who promoted the women’s movement?
Who stands to benefit from the dissolution of the nuclear family?
etcetera, etcetera, etcetera…

Reply to  Bob
6 years ago

Yes – you are right, Bob

6 years ago

A superficial treatment of the MGTOW subject. More like a bashing. You are adding wood to the fire. Some facts MGTOW movement is based on: – men/women division started with No-fault divorce law. – 70%+ divorces are initiated by women. What % of those are no-fault cases? no-fault divorce is in essence legalized robbery (material and emotional). – who gets the custody 90%+ time – imprisonment for not paying (overblown) child support. And ONLY child support! – split of assets based on contribution? Yeah right! – worts than parental alienation. Today we are witnessing children weaponization against fathers! – a gigantic increase in portraying men as idiots in commercials… – universities creating radicalized feminist. Each of these points would fill a show (multiple). MRA tried… Read more »

Reply to  Mark
6 years ago

Yes Mark, that’s why critically thinking people don’t go asking the government for a license to be in a relationship and have children. If you don’t want the government involved in your relationship, then don’t invite them in. If two adults are mature enough to handle having a family and things don’t work out, they can handle their affairs without the state and lawyers being involved.

6 years ago

I really want to thank you Kyle, Sinead, Heathen Vegan, Scarlet and others here who continually keep us aware of the nefarious ones who are posing as our People in the Alttard and Nationalist movements. When Carolyn Emerick first appeared a few years ago I happily contributed modestly but monthly to her Patreon account. I also did this for a famous Alttard cartoonist but at a substantially higher level of contribution. I ended both of these contributions 2 years ago out of disgust. I am glad to hear from you your suspicions of Linder too as I thought him an A-OK guy whose audio books I like listening to. I also subscribed to Red Ice for a couple of years before hearing from you perhaps… Read more »

Heathen vegan
Reply to  Bob
6 years ago

You are most welcome Bob,

We can all get fooled at times, it is part of the learning and growing process. I do not judge a man by if he was fooled, more, for how long. Someone who can reassess their position and change it according to where the truth leads them, shows their honesty, humility, and commitment to the truth itself. Those that “know it all” have for all intense and purpose become dead, they cease to grow. Growth is the fundamental for life, we are all on a journey, that has been deliberately hampered by those, wishing to keep us slaves.

6 years ago

Heathen Vegan brings up an important point about reading. God knows that I have read probably far too much and acquired far too many books in my lifetime and this has helped to clarify some things yet to confuse me also. All-in-all I would say that at this point I agree with Arthur Schopenhauer on reading: “Reading is merely a surrogate for thinking for yourself; it means letting someone else direct your thoughts. Many books, moreover, serve merely to show how many ways there are of being wrong, and how far astray you yourself would go if you followed their guidance. You should read only when your own thoughts dry up, which will of course happen frequently enough even to the best heads; but to… Read more »

6 years ago

Still listening to the downloaded show off-and-on today as I go about my activities. How nice to hear from Dagmar! I am happy that she has made her way over via Gab. I have created and deleted accounts on Gab twice so far due to frustration with it all. I have been booted from Twitter – who cares? – and though I would like to be there to do battle I will not bother again unless I find a way to use a virtual phone number. Dagmar said she is older but not ancient. I am older and to you all probably ancient : ) It is your world coming and I want to do whatever I can to assist you in having a world… Read more »

Red Fox
5 years ago

Thank you very much for this discussion. My first time here-I was searching for some deconstruction on Ms Emerick as I have been feeling increasingly uncomfortable with her output for several months. For a short period I moderated on her chat (as does Scarlett now) and contributed also. I didnt think that I was easily duped being of a certain age! Wrong.
I will catch up with the later discussion on “folk right”.
Cheers and thank you again from an English backwater.

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