Nick Spero hosts. He talks about how one of his tweets was prominently used in the (((mainstream media))), then he talks to Shaun Surplus, Robert Reyvolt, and others about important issues, such as controlled opposition.
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Good job Nick ( and all the other hosts ) on getting the Renegade name out there. All that hard work, research and investigating is paying off for us. Renegade is the only sane ship left afloat on this sea of degeneracy!
No doubt (((jews))) in (((Hollywood))) will try to (((profit))) from our meme trend…..”Meet The (((parentheses))) 4 ” maybe?
Robert Reyvolt basically hijacks the show with his christard bullshit. You want a true history of the roots of christianity? Read Tacitus instead of “Reyvolt” and his “luciferic” nonsense.
Texe Mars is a high level cointel agent. He brings high quality research on “the jews” while pushing jesus and revelations.
Why hasn’t his “antisemitism” been attacked by the mainstream media? Because he is an intelligence agent aimed at a very narrow target market, disgruntled white nationalists who are sympathetic to christianity (renegade broadcasting).
“Texe Mars is a high level cointel agent. “
So says YOU. Let’s see some proof, you fed/gov disinfo agent, jew hasbaRat, etc.
If I hear one more fucktard say he’s going to vote for Trump because he’s better than Hillary, I’m going to scream. The jews most definitely know how to play the silly goy and the Trump campaign is a perfect example. Remember: presidents are selected, not elected. That maxim hasn’t changed for the 2016 election. The only intelligent vote is to stay away from the polls on November 8.
Yep. The only answer in this context is vote to not vote.
Not on the ball said:
If I hear one more fucktard say he’s going to vote for Trump because he’s better than Hillary, I’m going to scream.
Start screaming loser. People like you are either a shill or dumb ass.
Remember: presidents are selected, not elected.
Not this time around, “fucktard.” If Trump was “selected” by the republican establishment they would be behind him and not working against hm.