Roundtable: Anti-White Weathermen & Controlled Counterculture (7-27-19)

Kyle talks about how The Weather Underground is portrayed as heroic freedom fighters when they were actually jewish terrorists who got away with their crimes. They then get into some current characters who are attempting to steer “the scene” these days.

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5 years ago

You mentioned the, mainly jewish, weather underground terrorist group mentioned wanting to kill white babies. In psalms 137 jews talked about killing babylonian babies. QUOTE: “Daughter Babylon, doomed to destruction, happy is the one who repays you according to what you have done to us. 9 Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks.” We have two cases here of Jews talking about killing the infants of gentiles who they are scared of. Them talking about killing babylonian infants wasn’t during a time of active warfare, this wasn’t a battlefield situation they were talking about. These jews in babylon were just living there and part of the society, in the same way jews are part of american society.… Read more »

5 years ago

I had a dream last night I was sitting with Kyle and Sinead upon some rocks on a hill, Sinead told me that every so often Ireland summons a tribe of priests into existence on earth from within its DNA, if there is a threat that needs to be dealt with that needs to be addressed with priestcraft(using words to bless or curse). But then the Irish tribe later eliminates this tribe of priests from reproduction because the priest tribe within the Irish community is viewed as a potential threat to the wider community due to their knowledge(especially knowledge of cursing). Yet the priest tribe can withstand the elimination process if they establish themselves as a cohesive unit and prevent the usual process of being… Read more »

Reply to  Owen
5 years ago

A more detailed explanation is explained at this link: and an archive is here: Ireland has a habit of summoning magicians from within their genetic pool into incarnation if there is a need for the use of magick in order to counteract magick used against the Irish, but then according to the dream I had, the Irish then cull those magicians from the gene pool due to fearing their power, only to summon them again in the future if their services are needed. According to the dream though, the magician tribe can withstand the culling process and continue to exist as a reproducing segment of the population if they play their cards right. Jews are a tribe of magicians, and so naturally magicians… Read more »

Reply to  renegade
5 years ago

That blog post you mentioned seems to be tapping into something, that happened awhile back. Roman sources say that Ireland was once ruled by druids. The telekinesis from your dream has been confirmed by experiments done by dean radin which suggests that consciousness can affect random number generators The bible is full of jews praying for the wise men and wizards of their enemies to be destroyed, perhaps these prayers have affected the political classes in gentile nations “In that day,” declares the LORD, “will I not destroy the wise men of Edom, those of understanding in the mountains of Esau? And from the blog post you mentioned chants affecting the energy of an area, this seems to be what the standard… Read more »

Johnny Walker Read
5 years ago

Weather Underground Manifest called Prairie Fire

Chris Pollard
5 years ago

I’d really love to hear you guys do an analysis on the jewish/marxist components that make up punk rock’s history, ie people like jello biafra (would LOVE to hear your opinion on him), fat kike-excuse me fat mike, henry rollins, keith morris, maximum rock n roll magazine, mdc, napalm death, anti-flag and how this music has turned generations of youth (including me for a number of years) onto embracing jewish led nihilism, anarchy, degeneracy, and breeding discontent for the sake of discontent.

Foster XL
Reply to  renegade
5 years ago

Sounds like a good first article for you Chris. It really needs to be done by somebody who lived through it & then realised much later just how many jews were actually involved in the whole punk thing. If you do take it on please don’t neglect the UK scene as this was chock full of kikes also & preceded the West Coast US punk & hardcore thing. Malcolm McLaren comes to mind as a “good” example. I can totally relate to this subject as I was a full-on skateboarding teen when the Sex Pistols & early UK punk bands first exploded on the scene & they provided the perfect energetic soundtrack to our lifestyle back then. We weren’t interested in the politics or fashion… Read more »

Foster XL
Reply to  Foster XL
5 years ago

While we’re at it the current video game industry is something that is becoming more & more apparent as almost completely jewish. The latest trend with “triple A” title producers is to load their games up with micro-transactions even in Single Player Offline mode where after initially buying the game you then pay extra bits of cash all through the game to unlock stuff including even easy solutions to problems that take longer without purchasing said solutions. Many, if not most, purchasable items now are not available to those who don’t fork out the extra cash. Smart gamers use a free cheat tool called Cheat Engine to unlock the extras (and sometimes essentials) for free. Apparently the first patch just released for the latest Wolfenstein… Read more »

Reply to  Foster XL
5 years ago

Yes I hate modern gaming, it’s pretty much a virtual Weimar, loaded with fags/dykes, trannies, fatasses, animal abuse and pedorasty.
The devs for Wolfenstien love preaching their ‘nazi killing’ ways. Every year some new nazi-killer game comes out.

5 years ago

My uncle was an undergraduate at one of the universities attacked by the weathermen and happened to be in the administration building when they went on a violent rampage there. Up until then he had been somewhat sympathetic to them thinking they were a legitimate anti war movement. He told me how he and others had to barricade themselves inside of an office piling furniture against the door. They were all scared for their lives. He had nothing but contempt for them after that experience.

Juan Betancourt
5 years ago

They Were A Goverment PSY Op.

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