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Achtung Juden
4 years ago

I just exposed a troll on Sineads Faked Alaska video. They’re getting very slick and slimy with the level of deception they’re coming at us with. Posing as a nationalist, but the end up against with the same enemies as the chosenites.

Achtung Juden
Reply to  Achtung Juden
4 years ago

On Bitchute, i should add.

Reply to  Achtung Juden
4 years ago

If this is your channel, then you appear to be a shill too.

Foster XL
Reply to  Sinny
4 years ago

Should just have a filter on the site for all these stupid names – anything with “wolf”, (((nazi))) words or anything (((trad))) or (((anglo))). That would stop half the troll comments right there! 😉

Anthony Roberts
4 years ago

DISCLAIMER, DISCLAIMER: If you are a supposed family abuse victim turned gov’t shekel-grabbing agent, who is easily offended by positive, health-promoting, truth-telling White people, stop listening now! You were warned…alright!!!

PS Great RT – thank you both (you were warned, Surp!) Bita Blocker, Skynet’s robotic jewess, was a zensation on WTFR. She’s a proper Sheila! Her ben wah $250k tastes will be a big hit in the Alpines.

Reply to  Anthony Roberts
4 years ago

HAHAHA! Funny how the pencil-necked ocker would rave on about Gays Of Our Lives & Home & A-Gay yet he’s always been one of those gossipy little soap operas himself! The lightning speed at which he jumped at the opportunity to have a bitch session about Renegade with “Tabitha” proves without doubt what a weasly little gossip queen this manchild is. Are we sure this isn’t actually a FTM? LOL! 😀

Reply to  Anthony Roberts
4 years ago

Anthony you should feel honored you are Renegade’s greatest fanboy. Mr O’Neil almost hates you as much as he hates Sinéad 😂

It was just a major bitch session that he has obviously been chomping at the bit to have for the past 3 years. Ahhh the poor little victims. Fucking pathetic.
O’Neil needs to realize that we don’t care if the sound is not 100% perfectly clean and clear as his shows. It’s the content that matters you muppet. To use an analogy. Would the agent from down under rather listen to a great recording of shite song. Or would he choose to listen to a shite recording of a great song. It would seem the former.

Reply to  Nuada
4 years ago

The sound quality has actually improved.

Reply to  Sinny
4 years ago

Yes but it was a gloating point he brought up a couple times. I just want him to know, if he reads this, that the sound is secondary to the content.

Reply to  Nuada
4 years ago

Yes, thats why sometimes when I can do it..I will watch the show twice to hear what the ((connection)) tried to cut out.

Reply to  Nuada
4 years ago

Thank you Nuada.

One-Eyed Faust
4 years ago

I haven’t listened yet, but I’m sure the presence of bots and paid cyber trolls (pathetic job for pathetic “people”) can lead to confusing genuine commenters with trolls.

4 years ago

Sean from Calli is recycling the Rollie myth that I am Sinead!
Mary is Kyle is Tabitha is James V is Amber is Sinead is Kyle

But seriously, bot’s are freakin’ scary.. and now I really have to wonder about Tabitha. Even as of this morning, I was still holding out that maybe she’s not a jewess, and that there has been just some major misunderstandings and miscommunication.
It’s not uncommon for shiksa’s to be royally screwed by jewish men, jew is a verb after all, but after everything…. it’s just a little bit too much now.
The hole she dug is deep.

That’s all they have… Too much time on their hands dramatizing their own lives, while WE ARE ALL BEING GENOCIDED!

Reply to  Amber
4 years ago

She was given the opportunity to respond here, but since she knows the truth is on our side, she ran to the rats where she belongs. It shows that at the very best she has no principles. To do one show on the awful woman hatred from “role playing retards” and then the next day to go and join one of the slimiest woman haters out there, tells me everything I need to know about her intentions.

Reply to  Sinny
4 years ago

The truth!

4 years ago

I’ve seen no evidence that Durianrider is a jew. Where did you see that?

His advice is actually not even that bad. Mostly high fruit, high rice and he advises higher sugar intake if you are active to fuel energy. Definitely better than high-fat charlatans such as jew Fuhrman

he’s literally one of the only people who calls out jew Greger for his bad advice and scam charity

Reply to  troy
4 years ago

He advocates Sprite as a healthy drink and eating spoon fulls of sugar = good. He’s also just a scum bag rapist. I can’t remember where I found this, but it was years ago in a forum. He told everyone he was jewish. His surname is Johnstone.

Reply to  Sinny
4 years ago

The “durianrider is a rapist” narrative is a hoax. I looked into it and the girl and her boyfriend who made all those videos about it are proven liars. When you really look into it, there is no evidence other than 1 girls heresay. Here’s a link to a video which totally destroys their credibility: That other video you posted is pretty old. Durianrider is no longer a raw vegan and I’ve never seen him mention being a jew. Durianrider is a shameless selfpromoter who also promotes vasectomies, but his diet advice is pretty sound. If you watch his more recent videos he’s pretty much in line with Mcdougall’s advice just with more fruit. He’s not advising people to eat spoonfuls of sugar and… Read more »

Storm's Coming
Reply to  troy
4 years ago

BS! Durianrider is not only a rapist but a pedophile as well. Ask his ex-girlfriend, Leanne Ratcliffe (Freelee the Banana Girl). She’ll tell you all about it.

Foster XL
Reply to  troy
4 years ago

“Again, adding in a few table spoons of sugar a day to maintain high levels of energy while doing sports is not detrimental to your health.” That’s one of the most retarded comments I’ve seen on here! Where do you get your nutrition advice? From the back of a refined sugar packet?! There are actually MUCH better forms of simple & complex carbs to use that won’t make your blood glucose/insulin levels fluctuate so wildly as refined sugar will. It is this mad fluctuation that actually does the damage to your body in more ways than one. There are many good studies out there to show this very clearly. I suggest you go read them before reaching for your next dose of white crystal death!… Read more »

Reply to  Foster XL
4 years ago

You actually think 300 calories or less of additional sugar in your diet while training for 1-2 hours a day will cause any negative effects to your body? You fucking retard. Believe what you want, idiot.

Also, Storm’s Coming, please show me a source where Freelee calls Durianrider a rapist and/or pedophile. I’ll wait you fucking liar.

Foster XL
Reply to  Troy
4 years ago

LOL! Great science-based comeback! I don’t do “belief” like you obviously do, just experience & the knowledge gained from it. Comes from actually working in the field for decades 😉

Reply to  Foster XL
4 years ago

Oh ok science man, then of course you know that sugar comprises of glucose and fructose which is essentially what all “healthy” carbohydrates are made of as well. energy is energy you fucking moron. Sugar is just carbohydates/energy minus the vitamin and minerals. If your diet is already well comprised of a variety of healthy plant food starches, vegetables, and fruits then adding in some energy in the form of sugar to fuel your sports activity will not be harmful in the least. In fact, it’s helpful. Your knowledge is shit, maybe you should learn more old man. You wouldn’t last a fucking day with me in the gym. But i’m glad you have your manipulated reddit-tier upvote/downvote system here to make yourself feel good… Read more »

Foster XL
Reply to  Troy
4 years ago

HAHAHAHA! Keep digging that hole you’re in there son & don’t worry, this “old man” doesn’t do public shaming either so you’re safe behind your keyboard there. One day though those ASSumptions & that tough talk might just get you in trouble if you actually venture into the real world with it 😉

Tough Talkin' Ocker With A Small Pecker
Reply to  Troy
4 years ago

Righto you’s fellas need some fax! My man Shaun troy is right! I’ve been chuggin’ down a cup of white sugar before every workout for years & I’m fukkin’ HUUUUUGE OK! And I don’t mean fat! It’s all muscle! Alright, I’ve had a triple bypass just recently after my 29th birthday & one of the ol’ kidneys is failing but that’s all hereditary & nothing to do with my sugar intake! Oh & my denture replacement last year was also because bad teeth run in my family so STFU! I challenge any of you’s sheilas to a lift-off & if you bad-mouth my man Shaun troy again then BAM! I’ll knock your fukkin’ block off! Got it ya pussies?! Now fukk off!

Reply to  Troy
4 years ago

We can just go ahead and ban you then to save you the torment of having to interact with us.

Reply to  Sinny
4 years ago

Funny how all these internet tough guys always seem to care so much about “manipulated reddit-tier upvote/downvote system(s)” LOL!

Storm's Coming
Reply to  Troy
4 years ago

Ask her dumbass. She’s the source. She even posted about it on her Tumblr after she dumped the pedo.

Reply to  troy
4 years ago

Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to follow a vegan diet without belonging to a “youtube guru.” You just eat a vegan diet…and that’s it.

Reply to  troy
4 years ago

dildorider constantly pushes for his majority white audience to get vasectomies, while never talking about the non-whites who are having the majority of kids. he blocks comments pointing this out.

4 years ago

Oh my god . I have the shawn and tabitha interview on right now . this is so cringy.

Reply to  Marshall
4 years ago

It’s the absolute epitome of cringe alright! It almost sounds like a parody at first but these fools are for real. Bet you didn’t last long lol! There’s definitely a limit to how long you can stare at a car wreck this bad!

I know we have to move on & we’ve probably been giving this more energy than it’s worth but this mega level display of cringe & embarrassing bitchiness from someone who attempts to act like the hardman of the “truth movement” doesn’t come along very often LOL! This guy has to be a jewish actor right?

Reply to  Marshall
4 years ago

There’s only one word for that much cringe, #pathetic.

Shaun – ”I gotta take a break every 15 minutes because I like to drink so much”, and ‘Rengrenade’? lol! What a doofus.

The comment’s section read’s like a teenage gossip column under the influence.
It’s hard to believe that any of those commenting would consider themselves adults, but I’m sure they do, and righteous one’s at that!

It’s a sad state of affairs over there.

Reply to  Amber
4 years ago

Just had to listen to the first part of his latest show seeing the content outline. You thought the 5 hour cringefest was bad? Then you probably shouldn’t listen to this one! So many mistakes & so much cringe in such a short space of time! I could say more but why waste my time…

Reply to  Mary
4 years ago

It’s true, bad press is better than no press.. I had never listened to any of his shows on TCTA before, but out of curiosity, I too listened to his latest, and my gods, what a whiner. An entire hour and then some of complaining and trying to ”bash” Kyle and Sinead, or as he refers to them as ‘Bile’ and ‘Grenade’, on ‘Ren-grenade’? (lol, *face to palm*, what a bafoon… – in that order) He really gives off the ‘angry little man’ vibe. I loathe to even call him a man with that kind of behavior. Obviously, he’s no Man, at best, a man child. He sounds so pathetic, it’s really quite sad actually. The gloating over taking on Renegades trashy but bead promoting… Read more »

Reply to  Amber
4 years ago

Actually it’s interesting you mentioned “suicide watch”. I had a similar feeling about this guy. I’ve actually worked with people who were suicidal for various reasons who were brought back from the brink. The male ones who I personally worked with all had very similar behavior traits to Surplus & the majority were actually diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Here’s some excerpts from symptoms listed on jewypedia – tell me if this doesn’t sound familiar (if you’ve listened to any of his shows) – “…periods of depression and abnormally elevated moods. The elevated mood is significant and is known as mania, or hypomania if less severe and symptoms of psychosis are absent. During mania, an individual behaves or feels abnormally energetic, happy, or irritable. Individuals often… Read more »

Ingrid B
4 years ago

I dont go to Shauns website, but see him holding forth on Whooli`s chat, where he is behaving as he did here on Renegade, being rude and aggressive to people who say something he dislikes, and ordering people to leave the chat, as though it is his, but most people there seem to like him..

4 years ago

Little children of Renegade? That’s whats been going on. I leave the channel for a month and this is what going on. If you had a physical job like most people, than you wouldn’t be able to “sustain “ with those energy levels. Vegans are already close to deathly ill. Plus, Americans have been farming livestock forever. Before, science came in and started with their Fake research pyramids. Also, a balanced diet is the best. Meat and vegetables and fruit. So before you jump my shit about peoples (personal choices) choice of energy assumption, you should remember that at the time run of the 20th century before any kind of this hippy super diet garbage, children had IQ’s higher than most adults today. You get… Read more »

Reply to  DRS
4 years ago

White European’s who built the country that we know as America today largely came over as slaves. Very few were actually free men, and when they reached the end of their indentured servitude, they took the first opportunity to head west, and get out from under the jewish usury that was ever encroaching on White communities. Knowing this, we can safely assume that most of those ‘free whites’ were either poor, or had just enough to get up and go. Eating the flesh of other living beings is something humans do to survive, not thrive, it’s really very simple and easy to see. Given the choice, no one would be eating meat, especially if they had to either raise or hunt their own animals, murder… Read more »

One-Eyed Faust
Reply to  Amber
4 years ago

Most White families moved to the United States in the years after the American War of Independence and were free (on paper) after said war.

One-Eyed Faust
Reply to  Amber
4 years ago

Most athletes (including Olympic athletes) eat a balance diet that includes meat. I’m not against vegans and vegetarians, just that most soldiers and professional athletes happen to consume meat.

They’ve always done so; vegan and vegetarian diets are a relatively new phenomenon and were highly uncommon for most of human history and prehistory, even in agrarian societies. One theory is that humans used to be able to consume raw meat and their teeth became duller upon transitioning to cooking their food after learning how to control fire.

Aryans/Whites/Europeans domesticated dogs at a higher rate compared to all of the other races, the purpose was to train as a hunting companion [presumably] upon recognizing their advantage in smell and hearing.

Foster XL
Reply to  renegade
4 years ago

Well said Kyle. I’ve been showing more & more people that I’ve personally trained over the years the FACTS about being a vegan athlete & the very good examples we have today of these athletes themselves. Shills can’t & don’t always argue these FACTS but then that’s their job. Their little “culture of critique” is wearing thinner & thinner like it always has every time before their kind got dealt with en masse.

One-Eyed Faust
Reply to  Foster XL
4 years ago

Take your bots to hell with you.

One-Eyed Faust
Reply to  renegade
4 years ago

Most people ate less meat (and less food in general) historically compared to the over consumption of today’s super capitalist society that consumes resources like there’s no tomorrow. Advertisers aim to feed our base desires to turn a profit, appealing to our lower selves and enticing people to cling to that low hanging fruit, thus creating what Nietzsche defined as “The Last Man” as opposed to the “Over Man” (or Ubermensch) ideal. At the same time, people didn’t always live in agricultural societies either, nor did they have an ethic to abstain from consuming meat just because it inevitably leads to killing animals as far as I’m aware (having been hunter-gatherer societies beforehand). The supernatural Wild Hunt in Wotanism is one such example. As for… Read more »

Reply to  One-Eyed Faust
4 years ago

The wild hunt is when Oden and the Valkyries clear the air of demons and sinister spirits. It has nothing whatsoever to do with acquiring dinner. Your ignorance is embarrassing.

One-Eyed Faust
Reply to  Mardökll
4 years ago

I never said anything to do with Odin hunting for dinner, it’s like one has to be very specific about what they’re talking about in order for you people to not misunderstand or take it the wrong way.

You have the concept of hunting for animals and the domestication of dogs, why domesticate them for no practical purpose whatsoever? Where do you think these concepts came from?

But it seems you would rather not have a civil debate, you typically want to attack people personally like a child rather than behave like a proper adult.

Reply to  One-Eyed Faust
4 years ago

I was going to respond to your unintelligible word salad but then I read your vulgar attacks on others commenters further down the thread. This, in combination with the fact that you attack me for being uncivil, makes it painfully clear that you completely lack self awareness and are therefore not worth my time.

Reply to  Mardöll
4 years ago

Ditto Mardoll.
I could tell just from his initial comments that we were dealing with a delusional ‘One Eyed Pain in the Ass’.

Either a deliberate lie, or just an ignoramus.
”Most White families moved to the United States in the years after the American War of Independence and were free (on paper) after said war.”

Sometimes I wonder where these idiots draw their conclusions from, but when it goes into these long winded, drawn out strings of bull shit.. I just don’t have the patience for it.
I have developed an allergy to BS.

One-Eyed Faust
Reply to  Mardökll
4 years ago

You all act like you never mentally matured past high school.

One-Eyed Faust
Reply to  renegade
4 years ago

Can you please bring up the citations, or at the very least point me in the direction of these countless historical sources? I get a feeling that you may have read too much into what I typed, in effect you may have subconsciously [and therefore unintentionally] interjected your own idea of what you think I was implying, contrast to what I actually meant to say. I can see how you may have gotten that impression since more people tend to criticize vegan diets than support them, or that I am criticizing vegan lifestyle when I’m not actually criticizing it. I’m not claiming meat in one’s diet churns out superior athletes, or even superior intellectual potenial; I’m only saying that the pagans throughout Europe, and almost… Read more »

Reply to  One-Eyed Faust
4 years ago

OEF, you should probably just give up now. You obviously haven’t fooled anyone here & you’re just starting to sound like an annoying mosquito buzzing around our ears.

One-Eyed Faust
Reply to  Mary
4 years ago

So I don’t know as much as you do about something, instead of politely pointing me in the right direction you’d rather be assholes under the paranoid assumption that I’m a bot or troll trying to deceive people?

One-Eyed Faust
Reply to  Mary
4 years ago

Assholes and cunts like you think it’s alright to be shitty to people because you’re on the internet, but you wouldn’t have the guts to say it to people in person because you’re a bunch of shameless cowards with low standards.

One-Eyed Faust
Reply to  Mary
4 years ago

Go fuck yourself Mary, be glad none of you are standing in front of me in person. Out of your own stupidity you think you’re untouchable, you arrogant pricks can only learn the hard way.

Reply to  One-Eyed Faust
4 years ago

Ok. Taking your medication in advance of commenting is probably a good idea looking forward. Did your last prescription run out or something?

Reply to  One-Eyed Faust
4 years ago

Your argument basically boils down to, “muh tradition”.

One-Eyed Faust
Reply to  Sinny
4 years ago

And yet you’ve claimed to support tradition.

One-Eyed Faust
Reply to  Sinny
4 years ago

Take a hike you nihilist cunt and take your cult with you. You ignorantly think you know more than you really do, while under the delusion that they’re 10x better than you really are.

One-Eyed Faust
Reply to  renegade
4 years ago

Again no sources, mostly conjecture. Insulting anyone who disagrees with you no matter how slightly.

One-Eyed Faust
Reply to  renegade
4 years ago

You’re all a bunch of useless larpers with no integrity and piss poor character, grow the fuck up!

Reply to  One-Eyed Faust
4 years ago

You sound triggered.

Reply to  One-Eyed Faust
4 years ago

“And yet you’ve claimed to support tradition.”

When has anyone here been overtly “pro-tradition”? I missed the memo on that one. When I think of that label, I think of Carolyn and all that garbage. It’s amusing watching all these fakes/trolls exploding to justify their meat consumption. Ya’ll get really worked up over that.

Also, you seem to really hate women. Whats the deal there, guy?

Reply to  newdawnrise
4 years ago

Probably a fag. Fags love their meat.

Foster XL
Reply to  DRS
4 years ago

DRS said – “Blah, blah. blah…”

Yeah we’ve heard it all before buddy. Unfortunately though the pseudo-science of the emotional layman doesn’t quite match up to the real hard science that proves otherwise. But hey by all means keep bleating on with the same crap all the armchair experts keep pooping out while they’re dropping like flies of all the different cancers. I mean, might as well go out fighting whinging right?

4 years ago

You guys had mentioned if anyone has the ‘Pokemon Goy’ video to send a copy your way. Here is an upload of it:

Some type of video downloading service that works for should be able to snag a .mp4 copy of the video. is one site but there are a number of others that work to download Bitchute videos.

Achtung Juden
4 years ago

I’ve donated money to you ingrates multiple times. Send my money back then since I’m a shill. I want my money back.

(((Insert Nazi Shill Name Here)))
Reply to  Achtung Juden
4 years ago

Aww boo hoo da widdle shill wid da (((nazi))) name wants its mun muns back, aaawwwww!

comment image

Reply to  Achtung Juden
4 years ago

”I want my money back” – so your a jew then?
Why don’t you ask any of the Dr’s you’ve surely visited in the course of you life, or any one of the ‘teachers’ that helped indoctrinate you, or any of the grocery store clerks who sold you GMO foods, or any of the gas station attendants who sold you petrol from Saudi Arabia?

WTF is with some people?

4 years ago

Interesting precedent Shaun Surplus is setting with bringing on Tabitha.
So now, anyone who not only celebrated, but prepared jewish meals for shabbat, hannukah, purim or any of the other holy days of goyim genocide just a few years ago, or anyone who was in a long term relationship literally sleeping with the enemy, not to mention openly advertising butt plugs (SO GROSS!), can now be a spokesperson not only for the White race, but for White Wellness.


Where Thought Is Free, to think as your told.

What an absolute pity that people can’t handle having standards and discourse.

William Wood
4 years ago

What do you think about Margarine? Is there a butter substitute you like?? I find myself eating out a lot and getting away from cheese and butter seems almost impossible.. Good show.

Reply to  William Wood
4 years ago

Margarine is awful. Coconut butter is good as a dairy butter replacement.

Foster XL
Reply to  Sinny
4 years ago

If you have to use a spread on bread then raw avocado is probably the best as it hasn’t gone through any processing whatsoever. If however you’re putting another topping on the bread then why use a spread at all? Things like mashed banana or other fruit, peanut butter (make it yourself), etc are all good by themselves on plain bread. There’s a ton of mainly unprocessed, raw alternatives all limited only by your imagination 😉

Reply to  Foster XL
4 years ago

You can make your own coconut butter by throwing some coconut flakes in your food processor. It’s only one ingredient.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x