Kyle talks about the new CBD products at Heathen Herbs, 5g radiation and other health concerns, the original NatSoc animal rights activists, recent drama and debates amongst Youtubers, and much more in this quick hour.
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In case anyone was interested in something they could wear to try to reduce emf exposure, particularly if they can’t opted out of wifi (work or apartment):
For products: http://www.lessemf.com/personal.html
For fabrics: http://www.lessemf.com/fabric.html
Note: Quite a lot of those products are stupid and not worth getting since they protect so little. However, the only way to properly protect yourself would be to fully cover. It’s also quite costly, and is not something we should be forced to do. I didn’t buy the briefs from there, instead from here https://www.rfsafe.com/product/360-rfemf-shielded-mens-boxers/ (it’s more expensive now). Finally, the shielding effectiveness drops as the frequency (GHz) increases, so with the 24-86GHz (at least) of 5g, the shielding might not be useful at all (at that point).
One hour shows are a great idea. I find it hard to get the time to listen but shorter shows certainly help, good stuff!
I hope I don’t step on any toes, but veganism is being pushed by the evil, social engineers to weaken young, White people. We currently live in a realm wherein organisms eat other organisms, plants absorb from nature too. No meat? Fine, but eat dairy then. Vegans look sickly.
Why did the vegan cross the road?
To tell you she was a vegan.
Wow, some deep, original thinking with fact-based arguments.
Moderation is key to a healthy diet. There is a reason our ancestors had strong healthy bones & did not extinct themselves.There is a lot of info regarding ill effects from the Vegan diet. Vegan breastfeeding caused an 11 month old baby to die and the parents are charged with neglect after an autopsy indicated the baby suffered from severe deficiencies in Vitamin B12 and Vitamin A. https://www.thehealthyhomeeconomist.com/baby-breastfed-by-vegan-mother-dies/ Too much nightshade plants = kidney & or liver disease. https://www.organicauthority.com/health/can-eating-too-much-kale-lead-to-kidney-stones-and-thyroid-problems http://pkdiet.com/pages/herbs/food/nightshade.htm Phytates in Beans Phytates (or phytic acids) are anti-nutrients that bind to minerals in your food—preventing your body from absorbing them. So when you eat lots of legumes, you might end up with mineral deficiencies. Phytates also interfere with the enzymes your body uses to… Read more »
Please stop. We can give you WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more evidence to show how unhealthy a meat-based diet is but really, what’s the point of just filling up the comments section with copy & pastes other than to troll? In other words fuck off you stupid psycho! You know damn well what you’re doing & so do we. If you’re actually just a stupid person with an average to low IQ then even more reason to stop. Do I really need to explain why?
Well I have no filter more often than not so I’m just going to say it straight – what a dumb bitch!
Hey Allison. Why don’t you and I do a fitness challenge and we’ll see who’s healthier?
There is no need to engage in ad hominem. The NWO DIEt – The First Ever Anti-Vegan Documentary (2017) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_CXwa-_5Uk
I just call a spade a spade. Have you not seen Pradahn’s comment on an earlier show where he/she clearly states that generation after generation of Hindus (and not just your lower caste “street shitters” I might add) have been having large healthy families for a very long time on a purely plant-based diet (no dairy)? He/she was replying to an idiot like yourself who swallows down great wads of info from dubious sources & was trying to say that a plant-based diet leads to infertility! LOL! What fucking douchebags! Jews are absolutely raucously laughing at you useless idiot dupes who troll on their behalf whilst having next to no practical knowledge or experience of the topics you address! That’s why it’s filter off with… Read more »
Allison, you are sharing a documentary made by a literal human blood drinking vampire who promotes incest. This doesn’t exactly help prove your case.
Why don’t you come on my show and debate me? You take the side that eating dead animals is healthy and I’ll argue against that.
”We currently live in a realm wherein organisms eat other organisms” – So your the ‘when in Rome’ type?
When’s your backdoor Ambrosia appointment?
My mother used to ask me when I was younger, if your friends are going to jump off a bridge, will you?
The first step in the scientific method is observation. All organisms eat other organisms in the physical realm. Plants absorb nutrients from soil, light from sun. Are you in disagreement with that reality? Veganism is a New World Order diet.
We can also observe how animal foods are making people fat and sick. You’re correct, plants absorb nutrients from the soil and light from the sun. This does not somehow prove that we are biologically designed to hunt and eat animal flesh. If veganism is the new world order diet, why haven’t they begun banning steak houses and burger joints? Why don’t I see billboards for vegetables and fruit while I’m driving down the highway? Why does the government recommend to eat meat, dairy, and eggs if they are somehow pushing a vegan diet on us?
You obviously don’t keep good company. ALL the vegans I know are very, fit healthy people both physically & mentally. Why haven’t you replied to Sinead’s physical challenge? This seems to be the one question people like you avoid like the plague! I wonder why?
“Veganism is a New World Order diet.” – Allison “I Troll For Jews” MacPherson
These same people will call flat earthers complete loonies LOL! 😀
hahaha, talking about shooting yourself in the flat earth head.
Joke’s on you fool – positing the hypocrisy of someone believing veganism is “a New World Order diet” whilst calling a flat earther a loony & believing in flat earth theory are 2 different, unrelated things. I personally don’t hold either of those beliefs. Thanks for emailing me your portrait though – looking good there bigboy!
“Veganism is a NWO diet, folks! I’ve got the documents!”
HAHAHA! Exactly who I thought of when I typed out the quote above! 😉
> in the physical realm
Why would you write that?
The last time I checked, both humans and plants counted as organisms. I’m not sure what a “NWO diet” implies, but the closest diet meriting such a label is Entomophagy; using insects as a food source.
I honestly don’t understand the need for such heated debate over this subject. I’m an omnivore. I drink alcohol and smoke on occasions not habitually. However, I don’t feel the need to convert those who wish to abstain from these. Obviously there are no ill effects from abstaining from alcohol, tobacco, and any other substances. My understanding is that you can get protein from beans and nuts. And you can take iron supplements. Why can’t each side respect the rights of the individual to decide for him or herself? Hitler did. Even though he abstained from these he didn’t push it on his fellow Germans. Mental health is just as important as physical. A healthy mind is one that’s free to choose.
In case you didn’t really notice TONY, there’s no debate going on here just the usual juvenile insertion of anti-veganism comments to stir shit up by the likes of Allison. If she’d have just kept her half-witted jibes to herself instead of placing them in an arena where it’s very obviously unwelcome, unnecessary & counter to productive communication then all these comments wouldn’t be here. She’s obviously way out of her depth, as are most meat industry defenders who attempt to take on this issue ill-prepared – the image I posted was a pretty realistic representation of where they end up, or maybe even where they started from. FYI I have never personally stated what my dietary preferences are (and never will) & therefore never… Read more »
I still don’t understand why people are so easily triggered. Her claim that a breast fed child of a vegan died can’t stand up to the overwhelming evidence of Indian (dot not feather) women who have breast fed literally billions of children. When I was in my twenties there was an older man in my church who hated smoking so much that he would tell the young men a story about a man who had to be castrated because he got cancer in his testicles. He insisted it was smoking related. He scared some with this bull shit. I just laughed out loud. Why not just call BS and not allow yourself to be emotionally manipulated?
We’re being emotionally manipulated? LOL! This is all entertainment to me dude because it’s just words on the internet! I KNOW from decades of experience what the truth is & that’s very different to what you see here from idiots like Allison & her mental midget ilk 😉
Uh, excuse me, but there are other voices that matter here. I’d just like to say, I mean, SCREAM…
Liz, you’re a very sweet caring person. The world needs more people like you. I like you don’t like to see unnecessary suffering either. I hate bull and dog fighting. I don’t find killing entertaining. But I do see it as a necessary evil to preserve life or civilization which is the quality of life. If all the humans went vegan or died you still wouldn’t stop all suffering from eating flesh. The food chain would continue without us. As l write this women, children, and men are beings raped,murdered, and tortured. Our Race is being systematically replaced in all of our homelands. This takes priority for me. I love my people more than the animals. Again this doesn’t mean I hate animals. Also I… Read more »
Thank you, Tony, and I realize we all see through our own lens. I do see each personal effort as alleviating suffering, maybe not all, but some. “Necessary evil” seems an oxymoron to me, and in stating it you admit to the evil being done. How can any “evil” ever be necessary? I really think we’re talking about habits, and taste-buds, and programming. I do understand that in starvation, each chooses what he or she must to survive, but life today offers a banquet where none has to suffer and die in order for it to be served. Once someone said to me, “But Elizabeth, if we don’t go deer hunting, we will be overrun with deer and there will be greater suffering because of… Read more »
I wasn’t going to return to this subject but you’ve got me thinking. If you could save all the Seals of the world by killing all of the Sharks; would you do it? My immediate heart felt respone would be yes. Seals are like dogs that live in the sea. They show emotion, have expressive faces, and bond with humans. I don’t give a shit about Sharks. But they serve a purpose just like Vultures. The struggle of life is what breeds smarter, stronger, faster species and eliminates the stupid, weaker, and slower. Who am I to question Mother Nature? Her track record is better than mine. PS A necessary evil is the best of all possible choices. Sometimes the right course of action isn’t… Read more »
TONY, you do realize that humans are not part of the natural food chain, right? The animals humans eat are not running around in the natural environment. They are GMO creatures, born into slavery, fed drugs and made abnormally fat, tortured and kept from sunlight, and then slaughtered in terror. If you stopped this entirely, the natural world would be more than fine. You make it seem like humans are doing mother nature a favor by being fatass consumers on scooters who buy a bunch of tortured flesh from the grocery store. LOL, plus sharks are obviously designed to eat meat. We are not.
I can’t refute what you say about farm animals. Most people are ignorant of these facts. That short video you showed of a pig being killed with a sledge hammer had an effect on me. Now I pretty much eat chicken and fish.
Chicken and fish are also sentient, but I’m proud of you for making a switch. It’s not easy.
FYI, Tony:
Imagine you are a fish. You are having a lovely swim and something alluring draws you to it when suddenly a sharp hook penetrates the roof of your mouth. You struggle to be released from it but instead it drags you up and out of everything you need to survive. You are gasping for air, likely confused and afraid. You are carelessly tossed on ice, sometimes instantly beheaded, or slashed up the belly while still alive. You are dying. And if by chance, it was not the hook that caught you but the net, you are scooped up with others of your species, dumped on a hard surface, left to flip-flop for survival, but help never comes. And on you go to slow or sudden… Read more »
I grew up fishing with my father, and then with my first boyfriend who I was with for five years. Just like everything else – when you grow up doing it, and everyone around you does it, and you get praise for doing it, you don’t see anything wrong. I now live far from the ocean, and spend alot more time in nature than I ever did before in my life. I also don’t associate with very many people. I have thought a lot about my past, and I am filled with regret and sadness over what I once considered ”cool” and self sufficient. It really is stupefying how people will justify the torture and murder of animals for their own short term satisfaction. Peoples… Read more »
Amber, I’m sure many of us have had similar experiences. I used to have to watch chickens being beheaded and then they’d run around headless, in shock. The adults around me acted as if that was totally normal and okay. Anyone who has spent any time with chickens knows how emotional they are, and how tuned-in to their surroundings. Poor things can’t easily trust after what’s been done to them for thousands of years. Anyhow, Amber, at least we see it for what it is now, and no longer have to sanction or partake of such cruelty.
Or they can be swallowed up by other fish. Or they can be chewed up by other sea animals. Or you could fall into a river with Piranha and wish you could trade places with the fish being killed on the deck of a boat. Sorry. I have a habit of thinking things through. I still love you guys.
Your argument could be the same as a rapist. “If I didn’t rape her, she could very well have been raped later by some other guy, and he might not have even been as gentle as me. He might have even killed her too!” I have a habit of thinking things through.
When you throw them back, you’re just freeing them to eat other fish. A better comparison would be to find a rapist and then rape him or her. I’m faithful to my fellow mammals. If it gives birth I will extend the Non Agression Principal. If it lays eggs it’s fair game. What can I say? I’m not an egalitarian.
Perfect metaphor.
Kyle, I dont know why you have such a vendetta against meat eaters, but it has completely turned me from listening to your podcasts and also when I recommend the tribune to people I give them a strong disclaimer about your veganism views. I love animals just as much as the next vegan, but what do vegans ACTUALLY DO for animals? Veganism sounds a lot like Buddhism where we just sit idly by and hope that everybody in the world follows suit, but you know that the whole world is not going to go vegan. Also you do not study biochemistry or molecular biology. Another point I have to make is that animals DO NOT have large teeth to chew through meat, its to latch… Read more »
zakk, you just sound like a whiny little douchebag! If I ran this site I’d just delete your crap immediately. Get a grip faggot! Oh and learn some proper grammar & spelling fucktard. “Our community…” LMFAO!!! 😀
[spoken like a weak little faggot] “And if you censor my comment this time like you always love to do, I will go public on youtube immideately and I will show our community the truth.”
“what do vegans ACTUALLY DO for animals?”
I don’t know.. umm.. not pay for and consume their tortured flesh?
Holy shit, you’re a genius. You just proved why we are supposed to eat meat.
Does this guy really think we care if he leaves? Bye! Don’t let the door hit you on the way out, psycho.
But now he will “go public on youtube immideately (sic)” to expose us to “our community”. Oh no!!!
Dont worry Kyle, not only will I doo, expose how much of an arrogant loser you are, but when I cure my cancer (and I actually know what causes cancer unlike you, and is why I have been trying to tell you all this info, bit you would rather censor me than be open minded for 2 minutes.) I will personally come down to Florida to fight you 1 on 1. No weapons, no funny business, just 2 men fighting to see whos diet is truly stronger. This is fair is it not? Im sure you have some rage to get out too. I am not kidding either, I’ve weighed 120 pounds my whole aduly life, and when I am finally ready, we can fight… Read more »
If you’re not a troll, I honestly feel bad for you. I hope you survive your cancer, and if you get better, I’ll do some MMA with you if it makes you feel better.
We can be like that “Make A Wish” program. Clearly this guy’s wish is to have his ass kicked by Kyle. We can make that happen, Zakk. You have to pay for your own blood work though. We’ll secure the venue.
Where’s your video, Zakk? Maybe if you went vegan you’d have more energy to actually get stuff done.
Speaking of cancer, it’s worth noting that the Third Reich’s anti-cancer campaign was centered around the promotion of fruits, vegetables and whole wheat grain over animal fats. Not the promotion of raw milk, raw butter, raw meat, etc. according to some dubious alt-right claims I’ve come across recently.
If Herr Obersturmführer was as easily triggered by something as insignificant as a little bit of whipped cream topping, imagine what he’d say to your carnivore diet today.
zakk said – “…when I cure my cancer (and I actually know what causes cancer…”
Ok. So rather than just simply state what “actually” causes cancer & how you’re going to “cure” it & maybe even doing something proactive like spreading this “truth” in your own podcast you instead just attack people with opposing views. Sounds like what any intelligent, reasonable person would do. We both know why you’re really here “zakk”. And please, for future reference wherever you’re posting anything else, take a few minutes to read over what you typed & get someone who’s actually literate to edit all your grammatical errors before pressing “Post Comment”. Just reading your comments “actually” gave ME cancer!
Thanks, Tony. In my mind this is important and necessary discourse, even though it takes time and leaves one open to criticism for so many reasons. This particular debate comes up on Renegade every few months. It gets hashed out, with many brilliant points made, then we all move on to the next order of business and things simmer down. I can only hope some seeds have been planted and that they will somehow make a difference for the animals. That said… Re: “A necessary evil is the best of all possible choices. Sometimes the right course of action isn’t a good one.” Well, if it’s “right” it is no longer “evil.” Just my take. Re: “The struggle of life is what breeds smarter, stronger,… Read more »
It’s fascinating to see the depths one will go to to justify the killing and eating of innocent animals. By your logic, since animals aren’t as smart as us, we should be able to kill and eat them. I guess the same goes for children and the mentally handicapped? Or do you just make a special exception for the lives of animals who can’t defend themselves?
Is it curious that Luke Perry was saying he (mostly) gave up red meat before he died of a stroke at 52? Other oddities – 90210 reboot announced same day and he stars in upcoming Tarintino movie about Charles Manson, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. His son is a pro wrestler who calls himself Jungle Boy.