The Solar Storm: Christopher Jon Bjerknes – Preventing Our Planned Extermination (4-23-17)

Kyle speaks with Christopher about the unfolding crises around the world, and how they are leading to a planned Bolshevik extermination of the White Europeans race, one way or another, and the remaining world ruled over by the jewish elite from Greater Israel. They get into controlled opposition such as Marine Le Pen, Trump’s 100 days, Putin and Dugin, the power players and their potential alliances, Israel’s influence, and so much more.

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7 years ago

I have always appreciated Bjerknes and his vast knowledge on various issues, but based on what he said tonight I have to ask, what political movement or leader is genuinely opposed to the jews?

From Putin to Assad to Lebanon’s government, everyone is controlled opposition. Where are our allies?

Reply to  Steve
7 years ago

We are our allies. The only option is to ignore the current system: disband it, ignore it, remove from it. Begin again. You can’t clean dishes with the same dirty water.

Reply to  Steve
7 years ago

Additional: I would call it less “controlled opposition” as just part of the Konstrukt designed to remove us from nature. Anything that gets in the way of me being able to exist in my shack, being able to freely decide what to do with my time, is part of the Borgmatrix jew shitmare known as controlled opposition. It is opposition to reality that we are fighting.

Anthony Roberts
7 years ago

The two french jew puppets have made it through to the shoahdown. We had french nationals living in London, queuing for 3hrs yesterday (albeit in rare sunshine,) to vote for these stoogies. How can these seemingly intelligent people be so disconnected and jewped?!

Talking about jewped, the pope made a terrible faux pas when he likened the refugee holding centres to “concentration” camps. An unfortunate (((slip-up))) like that was bound to upset and enter on a subconscious level; and on the day before holohoax memorial week too. What a shame.

PS Great discussion Kyle – you deserve a lie-in to 6am! Thanks to Christopher also.

Reply to  Anthony Roberts
7 years ago

Just like Clinton and Trump, Macron or Le Pen will not result in any major to David Dees’ s ‘Two wings of the same bird… Vote all you want, the flight plan does not change.’ Rumours have it that Macron’s guests (for the meal he had with his pals at a fancy restaurant in Paris) included names such as
Macron fait la fête à La Rotonde avec ses proches, Attali et Cohn-Bendit (MàJ : et avec DSK ?) Par Horatius le 24/04/201 […]
Depuis une heure, le couple Macron poursuit sa soirée en dînant au restaurant la Rotonde, à Montparnasse. Jacques Attali, Erik Orsenna, Pierre Arditi et Stéphane Bern font notamment partie des convives, selon les informations d’Europe 1.

Reply to  Mischling
7 years ago

Jacques Attali is an arch-Zionist who does not shy from writing about world government or advocating euthanising the ‘useless eaters’: « dès qu’il dépasse 60-65 ans, l’homme vit plus longtemps qu’il ne produit et il coûte cher à la société. La vieillesse est actuellement un marché, mais il n’est pas solvable. Je suis, pour ma part, en tant que socialiste, contre l’allongement de la vie. L’euthanasie sera un des instruments de nos sociétés futures ». (Jacques Attali « l’avenir de la vie »

Reply to  Mischling
7 years ago

Unsurprisingly he is an advocate of massive immigration into Europe, ‘an incredible opportunity for Europe’:
Attali: «Les réfugiés vont faire de l’Europe la première puissance du monde» , […] « Leur [les migrants] arrivée est une incroyable chance car cela transforme la démographie européenne. » […]

Reply to  Anthony Roberts
7 years ago

France’s National Front is controlled opposition, as recently pointed out by RenegadeTribune ( and Nick Spero (from 53min35sec into CircusMaximus-2017-03-03, where he discusses Louis Aliot, who is/or was Marine Le Pen’s companion, and Marion, who seems to be the illegitimate daugther of Roger Auque, a likely Mossad agent). This is so important that I felt that I had to recycle a previous post (of mine – on renegade-roundtable-kyle-hosts-4-22-17).

Reply to  Anthony Roberts
7 years ago

I know this is going to sound stupid Anthony, but I believe it is some kind of technology. I have had a recent insight about this within myself about how can people be so inert and gullible. Its like those zombie movies where most are susceptible to the “spell” and some “survivors” are not, like us. It just doesn’t work on everyone but as long as the majority fall into line it will go by numbers. And as a strange connect of coincidence, I have come across 3 videos that have suggested this or just noticed how despite all the in your face evidence people overlook it. It is spooky, and I do not feel this is just an “organic” take over, there is something… Read more »

Foster XL
Reply to  Skylgarir
7 years ago

I don’t think that’s a far-fetched observation at all Skylgarir. I’ve been thinking the same thing for a while now due to some real world experiences & evidences that would certainly support this conclusion. Talk to someone who’s been practicing meditation & visualization for many years and who lives within any large city or population center about their ability to consistently focus clearly these days for example! 😉

Hugo Ravn
7 years ago

If a man had the personal goal to remove any hope for the future of white people, he would call any possible allied of the white race a controlled opposition, and he would sound a lot like Christopher Jon Bjerknes. I would like to ask him which solution to the JWO he sees for himself and his children?

Hugo Ravn
Reply to  renegade
7 years ago

I think Adolf Hitler was an honest fighter for the white race, and I believe his movement and ideas proved to be dealing with the Jewish problem in the only possible way, i.e. not termination but removal. His struggle to save the German people and Western Europe from the communism is of major importance for our chances to day. But Adolf Hitler is also diminished to be “controlled opposition” by Bjerknes. I also think that Bashar al-Assad is fighting for his country and his people in an honest way. To deem him a shill too is unproductive in a dangerous way. To me it looks as if Bjerknes systematically removes all hope, and then all we have left is despair. The title is “Preventing Our… Read more »

Hugo Ravn
Reply to  renegade
7 years ago

It was those “alternative plans” I had hoped to hear about from the capacity of Mr. Bjerknes. Unfortunately to me his appearance looks more like controlled defaitism.

Reply to  renegade
7 years ago

Russia and US sit on the same table in the UN. That is the control factor right there. There is no us and them, everybody is on the same thread, behind the curtain iron or now the digital one.

Reply to  renegade
7 years ago

For as long as WE do not have our hands on the power lever, it will forever be dancing to controlled opposition. Any puppet or red herring they throw as with the likes of the Trumpet, is guaranteed subversion. Anything that is not of our people must be treated with utmost suspicion, and I would say a very justified and accurate one.

Reply to  Hugo Ravn
7 years ago

‘Finally, if we begin to fear conspirations from all sides, frustration will take over, and we will lose direction and purpose.’ This is stated in the Protocols, BTW. So nothing new. The people who did 9/11 and all the false flag operations before (incl WWI and WWII) and after (incl the very recent ones) are MASTERS IN DECEPTION. It goes without saying that they have fake truthtellers working hard to keep the Goyim confused.

7 years ago

At the risk of nitpicking, I think Bjerkes is better left to deliver an uninterrupted monologue, rather than a back-and-forth conversation.

But great to see him on the show again and enjoyed the content.

Reply to  renegade
7 years ago

Well, for me, this was the best interview I’ve heard, probably in my whole life. It connected dots like no other and gave me much to look into. What deep intelligence. I am in awe. It was a mind-stretch, for sure. And Kyle, I’m so glad you DID NOT mute yourself. Throughout the listening I was noting to myself how much your were adding to the conversation, and how so much is opened up with the questions you provide and with your ability to respectfully disagree. I was especially surprised when you mentioned something about ALL countries being controlled by the same controllers and Christopher kind of poo-pooed that. Maybe he was just pointing to divisions amongst the ranks. Not sure how he views the… Read more »

7 years ago

We certainly know that NATO was organized as as the military arm of the UN. Specifically as a military occupation to never allow Germany to rise up again and attain true freedom. We also know that the cold war was a hoax and that Washington and Moscow have been in bed since before WW1.

Reply to  Carmen
7 years ago

Yep, I said this before, NATO is just a euphemism for “boot on Germany for the jew”. No Holocuzzer “holoco$t” story, therefore no Nuremberg kangaroo biased trials conclusion, therefore no Vienna Convention, therefore no ILC, therefore no UN, therefore no NATO, therefore Germany have no Damocles sword swinging above their heads. Germany is an occupied nation that is why US and England have rotational military bases camped up there. It is an occupation of Germany so they do not have the military power they one had to threaten the kike. The kike is using the White man to carve out land mass for jew spawning grounds by thieving it from sovereign nations such as Syria (Golan Heights), Palestine and Iran. The whole jew plan has… Read more »

7 years ago

Hi Kyle, I really do not understand that Horst Mahler is a jewish shill. He has ben aprofessional agitator all his life, as RAF funder and now as “revisionist”, He himself prides himself of his jewish heritage, he has written apologetic letters to b’nau brith telling them that the jews are “the salt in the German soup”, he has admitted that “German revisionism” is infiltrated by jews. He almost certainly was not in jail given his high up buddies like Gerhard Schroeder, who also returned his lawyaers liscence to him after his imprisionment for the RAF-number (which was maybe real) what else do you want? It is FORBIDDEN to deny the Holocaust here in Germany (I do not mean to shout, but this does not… Read more »

Reply to  Helene
7 years ago

I really do feel your pain as far as limited speech in Germany. When the leaders of the Wehrmacht started dying off (Heinz Guderian, Sepp Dietrich, Kurt Meyer, Paul Hausser, Otto Kum and the contributing members of the post-war HIAG), the KIKES saw their opportunity to prey upon a weakened, shamed Grossdeutschland. They started making-up laughably UNSUPPORTED tales about great, honest men like Josef Mengele and Adolf Eichmann and started picking-off former Wehrmacht fighters one-by-one. The only “answer” for Grossdeutschland today is re-starting the SS Werwolf units, building from there and making the jew-ridden politicians and polizei (for starters) afraid to serve the filthy juden. You may disagree, but from my experience, the only reason why the jews and their goy slaves act against us… Read more »

Reply to  Helene
7 years ago

Hi Helene, I am willing to look further into these points. Can we have some links ( proof ) to your claims please. Thank you…..

Reply to  Max
7 years ago

links to german sites and material are fine….thanks !

7 years ago

Sorry for all the typos in my first comment. I was agitated. Just wanted to add that it was a great show. I do appreciate Christopher Bjerknes very much.
In addition to my former point about H.-denial being forbidden, I just wanted to add a paraphrased citation of the judge at the Zuendel trial: Es spielt keine Rolle, ob der H. stattgefunden hat, in Deutschland ist es verboten, ihn zu leugnen. (it doesn’t matter if the H. has happened or not, in Germany it is forbiden to deny it). Now you can probaly better see what we are up against, and why what these 3 people are doing is utterly useless if not destructive for us.

7 years ago

Wow. Hitler was such a “communist plant” that he halted the steady advance of communism (which blossomed under the kike-friendly Weimar Republic) within German by expelling jews from government positions and later deporting or imprisoning them and then walloped the living sh_t out of the communist hoards in Operation Barbarossa (during which Germany happily accepted 1+ Million Russian defectors into the Wehrmacht). Had Op. Barbarossa been launched when Hitler originally planned (delayed due to Mussolini invading Greece and needing reinforcements), Hitler would have crushed the Red-dead Army HALF way to Moscow.
Maybe Bjerknes needs to brush-up on his studies before endorsing Eustace Mullins’ theory which has its foundations in yiddish feces.

Foster XL
Reply to  Panzergruppe
7 years ago

Hear! Hear! This guy does seem to personify the classic conspirotard shill by laying a huge steaming turd everytime in that otherwise appealing punchbowl! Even if it was a little peanut turd in a swimming pool of punch you still wouldn’t want to drink it!

Reply to  Foster XL
7 years ago

:)) “peanut turd” Indeed, we must be vigilant even for the most minute turd-bombs!

Reply to  Foster XL
7 years ago

Your metaphor is a little too scatological to my liking*, but I think that you got the point and it is reassuring for me as at least 2 Renegade Broadcasting listeners were savvy enough to decrypt what is really going on with this guy, Christopher Jon Bjerknes.
* Remember that our enemy loves such matters, including female body ‘fluids’ — e.g. Marina Abramovic, Judy Chicago (Red flag, 1971), Carolee Schneemann (Interior Scroll, 1975)

Foster XL
Reply to  Mischling
7 years ago

Yeah sorry for that guys, I was just trying to use the best & I guess most common metaphor. Forgive me for that slip of emphasizing the point with more than one reference in the same comment! :$ And don’t get me wrong, Bjerknes does really sound so good on everything else that it’s almost easy to forgive him on the Hitler thing BUT we have to draw the line somewhere & maintain standards right?!

Reply to  Panzergruppe
7 years ago

Panzergruppe, Hitler did kill a lot of Whites in Russia and Eastern Europe. He also softened up Eastern Europe for the advancement of bolshevism, including the formation of East Germany. He scared jews into moving to Palestine and gave the world an excuse to steal it from the Palestinians. He accomplished for the Bolsheviks and Zionists what WW I failed to accomplish. I am planning to publish a couple of books on both world wars and will set forth my arguments in full in those works. That is not to say that all of National Socialism was bad or that there were not a majority of sincere members of the NSDAP. It is a fact that it produced a grossly expanded Soviet Union and the… Read more »

Reply to  CJB
7 years ago

CJB, thank you for the semi-Spielbergized version of events. ANY whites fighting for judeo-communism (including the USSR, UK, US, etc) deserved to meet the steel of the Wehrmacht. I have zero sympathy for anyone supporting jewish aims, no matter how ignorant they may be. I’m guessing you didn’t realize Ukraine and the Russians welcomed the Wehrmacht as liberators with well over 1 MILLION Russian/Ukrainians defecting to fight the jewish menace alongside their German brothers. This is why they also followed (with Heer assistance when possible) the German army back west when the offensive crumbled. Exactly how did Hitler “soften” eastern Europe for judeo-communism’s advance? I swear, you people that insist on endorsing this asinine view of Hitler and the NSDAP as some sort of arm… Read more »

Reply to  Panzergruppe
7 years ago

Panzergruppe, I have long been aware that the Ukrainians, among many others, viewed the Germans as liberators and guardians, facts I have myself addressed on previous occasions. I am also aware that they were often met with treachery, as in the case of Stepan Bandera. Not only Bolshevik soldiers perished at the hands of Hitler and Stalin, as you are well aware. You are also aware that Stalin would place soldiers in front of their comrades and force them to face death at the hands of the Wehrmacht or be machine gunned by their own troops behind them and that tens of millions of civilians died during the conflict. I quite agree that the jews of Germany and most everywhere else opposed Zionism. It was… Read more »

Reply to  CJB
7 years ago

Actually, the migrations to Palestine started with the Bolshevik purges and with the Arabs prior to WW1. A lot of people overlook these facts. “Hitler had no right to destroy Poland or to enter into agreements with bolsheviks to destroy its sovereignty.” That wasn’t the “agreement”. The NS entered Poland to save it’s people from persecution after land was stolen. “He also had no right to bring Germany into another world war and destroy its future.” War was forced on Germany, Allied leaders such as Churchill admit such a thing. “He had no right to turn German youth into a Roman culture of perpetual war and international aggression.” The Youth movements were about pride and removing Marxist Ideologies, had nothing to do with fermenting any… Read more »

Reply to  Roj Blake
7 years ago

Roj Blake / Paul Davey, the zionist movement was fizzling out shortly after WW I. Israel Zangwill who imposed the melting pot on Americans while calling on jews to segregate, was lamenting that zionism was dead by the time Hitler wrote Mein Kampf. The jews were then aware, and had been for some time, that antisemitism was a necessary component to force zionism on the reluctant jews. The jews have a long history of forcing compliance on their own people to the messianic prophecies of their jealous, segregationist god, including but not limited to mass slaughter and forced migration. I assume you are aware of that history. I disagree with you about the significance and history of the pact between the National Socialists and the… Read more »

Reply to  CJB
7 years ago

CJB, I’d like to say thanks to Kyle and yourself for the show I did enjoy. You made this statement, however, i’m not so sure whether you meant it given the proceedings in conversation here and have not provided any evidence or facts associated with this subject to indicate you actually mean it: ” …That is not to say that all of National Socialism was bad or that there were not a majority of sincere members of the NSDAP.” It is estimated that 20% of the people in Israel speak Russian. There were not as many “Jews” in Germany as some try to claim, and for what reason I ask, do these people deliberately over-estimate their numbers ? There were many Orphaned Children who were… Read more »

Reply to  Paul Davey
7 years ago

Incidentally, “Czechoslovakia” is another holodomor and a stolen territory created from a big lie not often mentioned. It is on my Twitter Roj Blake.

Reply to  CJB
7 years ago

Actually, the migrations to Palestine started with the Bolshevik purges and with the Arabs prior to WW1. A lot of people overlook these facts. “Hitler had no right to destroy Poland or to enter into agreements with bolsheviks to destroy its sovereignty.” That wasn’t the “agreement”. The NS entered Poland to save it’s people from persecution after land was stolen. “He also had no right to bring Germany into another world war and destroy its future.” War was forced on Germany, Allied leaders such as Churchill admit such a thing. “He had no right to turn German youth into a Roman culture of perpetual war and international aggression.” The Youth movements were about pride and removing Marxist Ideologies, had nothing to do with fermenting any… Read more »

Hugo Ravn
Reply to  CJB
7 years ago

CJB, You ought to present more evidence about Putin’s position in Russia, before you present your personal conclusions as categorial facts.
How is ISIS supported by Putin? Let’s have the hidden connections. I heard ISIS be called ‘McCain’s army’. Is McCain in bed with Putin too? Tell about the conditions that lead to your conclusive ‘realities’.
And again, please present your suggestions to ‘Preventing Our Planned Extermination’, the apparent subject of your discussion with Kyle.
I heard nothing but ‘enemies all around’.

Reply to  Hugo Ravn
7 years ago

Hugo Ravn, I have presented evidence and made many predictions regarding Putin’s ISIS and Trump’s contrived response to it, which have since come true: This demonstrates that my model for the facts makes correct predictions of future events and is therefore likely to be correct. In order to prevent our planned extermination we have to reverse the weakening of our military and the subversion of our nuclear defenses and military alliances. Putin, Hagel and Obama have worked diligently at the behest of the jews to destroy our nuclear defenses and now Putin and Trump are weakening our military alliances which were formed for the express purpose of defending us from Russia and its nuclear aggression. Putin has repeatedly threatened us and our allies with… Read more »

Hugo Ravn
Reply to  CJB
7 years ago

A nice answer, very nice. Let me say this, I don’t regard you a member of ‘our race’. Your Jewish descent will always raise suspicion regarding your agenda. Our common history shows why. I am sure you know of the “98 percent lie”? 98 percent of the time you talk seductively about the ‘Jewish bolshevik aggression’ and you gain symphaty with your pleasing talk and seemingly well supported arguments. And of course you know what you are talking about, only your conclusions are based on hyphothetical reasoning. The 98 percent pleasing comes with a price. When you reach the last 2 percent, you brutally wreck white symbols and cut off our moral pipe lines. ‘Adolf Hitler was nothing more than a communist’; ‘Hitler himself killed… Read more »

Hugo Ravn
Reply to  renegade
7 years ago

He not only dissuade people (whites) from looking to Putin as a possible allied. He removes all our symbols including all our heroes who have fought Jewry.
Maybe you lost my point – 98:2?
We all choose our allies and Bjerknes is very silent about his.

PS: Is it Bjerknes in the middle?

Hugo Ravn
Reply to  renegade
7 years ago

For a second …

Reply to  Hugo Ravn
7 years ago

Hugo Ravn, I am in greater danger than you and others because I do more harm to the jews and their plans than you and others, and I have the personal honor to do so openly, not anonymously. I do have the courage of my convictions. I do not knock down White heroes or White symbols. Did you miss the part where I celebrate our White founding fathers and the nation they created, the nation KGB Putin has always denigrated and wants to annihilate, the nation which has been subverted by the communist jews Putin celebrates, the nation which defined non-Whites as not human and barred them from citizenship? Why have you not joined me in celebrating our superior White heroes and our heritage, rather… Read more »

Hugo Ravn
Reply to  CJB
7 years ago

This is tiresome. You are repeating yourself.
If my name is a cover, it could be that it is necessary, i.e. your name is not C. J. Bjerknes?

You are a disinformator. You are writing discouraging litterature to whites carefully pissing on Adolf Hilter and his national socialisme, while at the same time you claim to be fighting the Jewish agenda. You are insulting white peoples intelligence.

Let me use this opportunity to warn my fellow whites against the historical distortion from you and your books.

Reply to  Hugo Ravn
7 years ago

Hugo Ravn, you are constantly appealing to emotion, ad hominem attacks and other irrational methods to avoid the facts and logic I present. You are putting out disinformation and propaganda to support the bolshevik agenda of KGB Putin. How can one rationally argue at the same time that Hitler was sincerely fighting bolshevism, had a right to level Russia and that was good, and concurrently argue that we should support bolshevik Putin’s agenda to destroy us and make Germany and all of Europe vassal States of the Soviet Union? My writings do nothing to discourage Whites, but instead inform Whites of the jewish plan to destroy them. You are discouraging Whites from learning the facts about jews and Putin’s bolshevism, which is why you are… Read more »

Hugo Ravn
Reply to  CJB
7 years ago

What facts?

I have only listened to postulates from you, and you go far and wide. ‘Even Rafic Hariri was controlled opposition’. Strange that he was vaporized by Mossad then, don’t you think?

I wonder how you explain to your ‘white’ children that they must suffer the future you have planned for us gentiles. Slaves under a Eurasic dictatorship? Or is it no problem because of your connections?

Everybody has to ask the following questions about your activities:
1. Cui bono?
2. Who is served by the defaitism you spread?

The logical answers lead in one and only one direction.

Sorry. I actually believed you for the most of 6 months.

Reply to  Hugo Ravn
7 years ago

Hugo Ravn, thank you for allowing me the opportunity to use you as my foil to disseminate more facts, which you will ignore as you whine and appeal to emotion. “What facts?” you disingenuously ask? You want me to waste time repeating what I have already said so you can ignore it again and again complain that I am repeating myself? Nah, I’ll pass and move on to Rafik Hariri, who was a corrupt agent of Israel who profited from destruction by rebuilding that which the jews cyclically destroy in Lebanon. I wrote about this more than ten years ago: He, like jew puppet Putin, made tens of billions of dollars through his corrupt use of government for personal profit. He was assassinated by… Read more »

Reply to  CJB
7 years ago

Hugo Ravn, prove that you are not a completely absurd hypocrite, nor a ridiculous fool, and explain why you rail against me for daring do doubt that Hitler is a White hero, but concurrently promote Putin as our new savior and White hero, when Putin hosted this parade demonizing Hitler and National Socialism:

Unless you are bolshevik propagandist trying to dupe people into accepting mutually exclusive propositions as part of a demoralization campaign, you really cannot have it both ways, or can you?

Let us address this vital issue relevant to the interview. Please do not worm your way into some repetitive emotional rant and simply respond to the irrationality of your, and the alt right’s, Putin worship.

Hugo Ravn
Reply to  CJB
7 years ago

Honestly, I think you see bolsheviks where bolsheviks do not exist. Disturbing for your general ability to interpret information in an objective way.

When did your ancestors flee from Norway?Maybe around the German occupation 1940.

No, Hezbollah did not posses the mini nuclear device that was used to assassinate Hariri. Mossad did.

I think you are becoming irrational, calling me a bolshevik. All right. Then I am the first national socialist bolshevik. Happy now?

Regarding your further insinuations – I think you need to rest. Please relocae your ability to produce traitorous constellations of words to a distant office. Put it in a book. I’ll gladly buy the shit – and burn it.

Reply to  Hugo Ravn
7 years ago

Hugo Ravn, you could not but evade what I have repeatedly asked you to address, but instead ranted like a crybaby. No, you are not the first National Socialist bolshevik, that would be Hitler, your hero who spread bolshevism across Eastern Europe and into Germany, by design. You have again refused to acknowledge our founding fathers as great White heroes who secured my freedom to speak out against the jews, a freedom denied those in Russia by your other bolshevik hero, Vladimir Putin. You have again refused to address the obvious contradiction in your condemnation of me for rejecting Hitler, with your concurrent celebration of Putin who hosts parades to lead the world in condemning Hitler and National Socialism. So why am spending time with… Read more »

Reply to  CJB
7 years ago

As far as my ancestors fleeing Norway, the only instance I am aware of is when they burned a Swedish vessel to protest the Swedish occupation hundreds of years ago, and went to Denmark. They traced their roots back to Odin, or so they and others claimed. My Norwegian father was born in America long before WW II and served America in the war. Norway opposed the National Socialists and the loss of its White national sovereignty to the imperialist socialist jewish ruse, and has now been infected with the socialism and bolsheviks Hitler invited into Western Europe. Now tell us about yourself, your family and your ancestors, and why you support the Bolshevik jew lover Vladimir Putin, but refuse to explain why, or justify… Read more »

Hugo Ravn
Reply to  CJB
7 years ago

When you can lie about who assassinated Hariri (obviously in favour of Israel) what else are you lying about (?!)

In your fixated view I am KGB and Putin lover. Am I? I just don’t want to make more enemies on the account of your distorted world view or due to other writers of false history. There are too many of your kind already obcessed with the indoctrination of white people in favour of the Israely/Jewry agenda.

I will not serve as an excuse for your further authorship here. I leave you to discuss with yourself.

Reply to  Hugo Ravn
7 years ago

Hugo Ravn, you are wise to again run and hide when cornered by your own absurdity. You do not want there to be an open and rational discussion of the facts, because the facts and reason favor my arguments. I note that you are unable to explain your beliefs, which indicates that you are a script. You troll for Putin. It is a fact that Putin has organized a troll army. Putin is our enemy. You will not tell us anything about yourself or your family, but troll for information about mine which can be used by the KGB/FSB and Mossad to attack me. You have made ad hominem attacks against used in past by intelligence agencies against me and others. At every turn, you… Read more »

Hugo Ravn
Reply to  CJB
7 years ago

By now everybody who reads this thread can observe how Mr. Bjerknes is ready too call anybody who disagree with him or try to correct him – any name in the world! And his most prefered hate-name is ‘Bolchevik!’. I don’t care what is older or current scripts in your fantasy, Bjerknes. I know for a fact, that a mini-nuclear device was used to kill Hariri, interrupt his reconstruction of Lebanon and compel the Arabic security force (Syrians) out of Lebanon, allowing the Israelis to play their game. Of course the ‘independent’ UN investigation of the murder was conducted by other Jews. Anybody who study this criminal act closely (and cares about facts and reality) will recognize, that Mr. Bjerknes is either ignorant in his… Read more »

Hugo Ravn
Reply to  Hugo Ravn
7 years ago

One of my friends spotted this on the internet: (quote) Christopher Jon Bjerknes refuses a Live Debate Hans; a contributor to Semitic Controversies, recently emailed jewish (if one believes his interview with fellow jew Henry Makow) anti-Einstein kook Christopher Jon Bjerknes and challenged him to defend the views he so frequently posts about on a live, recorded debate via Skype. Bjerknes and Hans of course have some history as Hans is one of Bjerknes’ major detractors and has replied to all Bjerknes’ arguments while Bjerknes has consistently spluttered about the need to ‘read his book’ (we have) and not backed up his claims. Indeed Bjerknes has been caught outright lying several times by Hans: principally concerning his supposed two academic supporters whose work contradicts… Read more »

Reply to  Hugo Ravn
7 years ago

Hugo Ravn, you again take the jews’ side against me by repeating their lies. I never refused a debate and was not asked to participate in one. The quotes you present are lies. The lies were published by someone who was defending Einstein and trying to smear me for exposing Einstein as a plagiarist. The group in question were denying the priority of the White scientists Poincare and Lorentz for the work Einstein plagiarized. I was defending their priority. It is not surprising that you join them in attacking me with lies that support the false jewish narrative that Einstein created the theory of relativity. Whose side are you on? Now, respond to the questions I have repeatedly posed to you and stop trying to… Read more »

Reply to  CJB
7 years ago

Hugo Ravn, allow me to pose another conundrum for you to evade. You quote kosher nazis against me, kosher nazis who attacked me for proving the Einstein was career plagiarist. Unable to refute what I had published about Einstein, these kosher nazis attacked me with lies falsely claiming that I had refused a debate, lies which you repeat. You should know that there were three very prominent National Socialist physicists who proved that Einstein was a career plagiarist, Bruno Thüring, Johannes Stark and Philipp Lenard. So whose side are you on, the kosher nazis who defend Einstein with lies, or the real National Socialists who proved that Einstein was a plagiarist? By the way, the kosher nazis refused to provide their real names when asked.… Read more »

Reply to  Hugo Ravn
7 years ago

Hugo Ravn, enlighten us as to how you know for a fact that Hariri was killed by a mininuke. You, of course, realize that such a claim immediately discredits anyone who asserts it without compelling proof, as you have. So prove it. It is patently absurd on its face, like you, so justify yourself and show the proof which has convinced you. Who benefits from the claim? Hariri had a clear conflict of interest as a leader of Lebanon, in that he profited from its destruction by reaping rewards in rebuilding it. That created an incentive for him to assist in destroying Lebanon, so he could profit from the destruction. Hariri made some 16 billion dollars in this way and that is a whole lot… Read more »

Hugo Ravn
Reply to  CJB
7 years ago

‘Why do you NOT celebrate the authentic White heroes of America, the founding fathers?’ you repeatedly ask. Those fathers are not yours or mine. You are not White, and I am not American. I celebrate the authentic White hero Adolf Hitler of Europe and his national socialism, his examples, a.o. a society without Jewish banksters, thieves and liars, all the impressive results of a White Germanic nation and spirit. Without Adolf Hitler’s struggle against the bolshevism created by your people (yours, the Jewish) Europe to day would have been Bolchevikish since the 1920’s. But in your Jew-optics its all reversed. Black turns white and white turns black with your tsunami of traitorous words. Why should you be a true celebrator of White heroes? Why? You… Read more »

Hugo Ravn
Reply to  Hugo Ravn
7 years ago

Another sample from Christopher Jon Bjerknes’ disinformation program. Note the categorical ‘I know better’ attitude:

Reply to  Hugo Ravn
7 years ago

Hugo Havn, wow! That was a quite a psychotic rant you put out there! I am a son of the American Revolution and the Confederacy. I do enjoy my American heritage and have the right and the duty to preserve them, just as I enjoy the benefits of my White blood and my White brain which make it easy for me to counter your lies with the truth. Part of my American heritage is the fact that the Americans created their own currency, American scrip. It was a fantastic idea, as was the Greenback. The National Socialists, at first led by Gottfried Feder, then by Hjalmar Schacht, also had some useful insights into banking and monetary policy and they should be studied. Hitler needed them… Read more »

Hugo Ravn
Reply to  CJB
7 years ago

I accept your right to be forgotten.

PS: Though Adolf Hitler did not gain official power until 1933, the communist scum (your cousins) were active long before. The communist ‘Sparticist Uprising’ began in Berlin in 1919. A slip in your memory, or just a habit of distorting history?

Reply to  Hugo Ravn
7 years ago

Hugo Ravn, again you lie. I expressly referred to the Freikorps who quashed the bolshevik Spartacist Uprising and the fact that Hitler played no part in the Freikorps. He was instead a bolshevik errand boy and attended the funeral of one of the bolsheviks’ fallen heroes. So how is it that Hitler saved all of Europe from bolshevism by serving as a bolshevik errand boy and honoring bolshevik heroes at a time when the Freikorps were fighting the communists in the streets? You made the ridiculous claim that Hitler prevented all of Europe from the complete overthrow by bolsheviks in the 1920’s. Now back it up or admit that your assertion was false, instead of waging another ad hominem attack on me. What Hitler did… Read more »

Hugo Ravn
Reply to  CJB
7 years ago

Are you a total moron? (sorry to ask). You could at least try to extract the logic from my texts. Again: The communist revolution started 1919 in Germany, i.e. long before Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933, but had Hitler not saved Germany from the communism (and this task was not accomplished by the Freikorps), Germany would have been a Bolshevik state FROM ‘the 1920’s’ until this day. Did you get it this second time? Unfortunately Germany became a Bolshevik state again in 1945 and has been a Bolsjevik state since. To make it easy for you: Germany was a national socialist state and a perfect society between 1933 and 1943, while your ancestors were sidelined. All your ‘facts’ come from a Mossad script.… Read more »

Reply to  Hugo Ravn
7 years ago

Hugo Ravn, you said, and I quote, “Without Adolf Hitler’s struggle against the bolshevism created by your people (yours, the Jewish) Europe to day would have been Bolchevikish since the 1920’s.” You said, “Europe”, not Germany. Caught in your own weasel trap, you now try to change what you said, but cannot honestly do so. Germany was not a bolshevik State in the 1920’s, nor was Europe a bolshevik Continent. If it had been, then Hitler would not have been able to have spoken out against the jews in the 1920’s just as no one can speak out against the jews in Putin’s bolshevik Russia today. You honor Putin and apologize for him, why? He would have thrown Hitler in jail. You were spewing nonsense… Read more »

Reply to  CJB
7 years ago

The following correspondence between the German president, Paul von Hindenburg, and chancellor Adolf Hitler, focused on the rights of Jewish war veterans: Berlin, April 4th 1933 The President of the Reich “Dear Mr. Chancellor! Recently, a whole series of cases has been reported to me in which judges, lawyers, and officials of the Judiciary who are disabled war veterans and whose record in office is flawless, have been forcibly sent on leave, and are later to be dismissed for the sole reason that they are of Jewish descent. It is quite intolerable for me personally…that Jewish officials who were disabled in the war should suffer such treatment, [especially] as, with the express approval of the government, I addressed a Proclamation to the German people on… Read more »

Reply to  Paul Davey
7 years ago

Zionist Hitler accomplished the zionist objective of segregating the jews and providing the forcible incentive them to move to Palestine and fulfil jewish messianic prophecy. Hitler’s own racial characteristics were not Nordic. President of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and racial-hygienist Prof. von Gruber analyzed Hitler’s racial characteristics: “‘For the first time I saw Hitler at close range. Face and head of poor race, mongrel, low slanting forehead, ugly nose, broad cheek bones, small eyes, dark hair. A short brushlike mustache, no broader than the nose, gives the face a defiant touch. The facial expression is not that of a man who has complete control of himself but of one who is aroused to frenzy. Repeated twitching of the facial muscles. When through, expression of… Read more »

Hugo Ravn
Reply to  CJB
7 years ago

Cristopher Jew Bjerknes, Yes you are a weasel, and I would like to trap you. But you are not a usual weasel. You senselessly bite left, right and centre in your thirst for blood. You are a study in pathological lust to destroy Whites and distort our true history. Nobody can oppose you and hope to change your insane views. You are a warehouse of unveryfied postulates. ‘I know it all,’ and ‘I know better,’ you constantly repeat, and repeatedly you are wrong. People like you used to become meteorologists or were directly disposed off to the fingerprint academy. Now you insist to mingle among normal people. Could you please get lost – or at least spare your crap for a new book. In the… Read more »

Reply to  Hugo Ravn
7 years ago

Hugo Ravn, that was funny, thanks! It wasn’t as funny as your claim that Hariri was personally nuked, and you know this for a fact but cannot explain why; but it was funny none the less. It is easy to refute “Hugo Ravn” type disinformation with facts and logic, as I have repeatedly done. You can see that “Hugo Ravn” has no response beyond lying and personal attack and thereby renders his or her (perhaps the organization’s) disinformation ineffective. Often, all you have to do is ask the kosher Nazi to explain the contradictions in his or her assertions and/or provide proof to support their claims. This also breaks the hypnotic and demoralizing effects their disinformation has on their audience. The same applies to neurolingustic… Read more »

Hugo Ravn
Reply to  CJB
7 years ago

All right. You had to sum up your postulates of course. You need your lies to be repeated as they are in your books and writing. Fortunately White people on the internet and around the world are awakening to people like you and your role as moles, and are beginning to understand your special 98:2 modus operandi, f.ex. in a long monoloque selling (your fellow Jew) Einstein out to be a fake (very correctly) – and ending up with calling Adolf Hitler a Bolshevik (an obvious lie). You will not get more about Hariri from me. Your Mossad friends would love to know how far White intelligence reach – of course. So denying you further information will secure that your report to your controlling officer… Read more »

Reply to  Hugo Ravn
7 years ago

CJB, Hitler was not Nordic enough for you ? Emancipationist Jew you are: You invoke a morbid but yet – somewhat valid – study in desperation to make your point. Nothing you have said is anything new to me, including the idea of a commemorative statue of Hitler being placed in Palestine/ Israel. Why not start a “go fund me” to do it, lets see how far you get… If you want to talk about “sloped foreheads” Should we evict all those among us from Europe who have sloped foreheads ? there are better examples, such as: Henry Ford, author of “Synagogue of Satan”, check out the side profile, why he could be the lead locomotive of the Intercity 125 high speed train (UK)… Read more »

Reply to  CJB
7 years ago

CJB, Hitler was not Nordic enough for you ? Emancipationist Jew you are (not): You invoke a morbid but yet – somewhat valid – study in desperation to make your point. Nothing you have said is anything new to me, including the idea of a commemorative statue of Hitler being placed in Palestine/ Israel. Why not start a “go fund me” to do it, lets see how far you get… If you want to talk about “sloped foreheads” Should we evict all those among us from Europe who have sloped foreheads ? there are better examples, such as: Henry Ford, author of “Synagogue of Satan”, check out the side profile, why he could be the lead locomotive of the Intercity 125 high speed train… Read more »

Reply to  CJB
7 years ago

I never said “the jews of Germany and elsewhere opposed zionism,” but nice try putting words in my mouth. I will fully credit the tens of thousands of jews who came to their senses in serving Germany in the Wehrmacht in WWII. Don’t doubt for a second that literally millions left Europe when they saw Hitler meant business. Those judeo-communists who stayed and tried to call the NSDAP’s bluff went into konzentrationslagers and rightfully so. Unfortunately, these same “jews” today who are anti-zionist (lol) yet living in Israel are awfully quiet in living their lives as bankers, shopkeepers, military men/women, etc. In fact, we never hear a goddamned word from them in England/US/Canada where free speech is still somewhat en vogue. Hitler wanting to enact… Read more »

Reply to  Panzergruppe
7 years ago

Panzergruppe, let us look at the accomplishments of your great jew fighter, Adolf Hitler, who began his career as a bolshevik errand boy who attended the funeral of a bolshevik jew and surrounded himself with jews and jew money. Today, a communist Angela Merkel has opened the gates to Germany to the Muslims at the behest of KGB/FSB, the bolsheviks. Gerhard Schroeder urges the Germans to love Russia. Germany has joined a bolshevik European Union and has never enjoyed the rights of national sovereignty since the end of the war. It has instead been occupied, divided and split between jewish capitalism and jewish communism. The jews have stolen Palestine from the Palestinians and dragged America and Europe into perpetual war. The jews have American and… Read more »

Reply to  CJB
7 years ago

Forgot to mention it was the National Socialists who delivered the Rebbe to us and guaranteed the jews their messiah.

Reply to  CJB
7 years ago

It is ok to overgeneralize and exclude certain facts to paint an overview to make what *appears* to be correct ? though I cannot disagree with everything you have said. For you, CJB, here is the “Tragedy of Lucifer” (the snake eats it’s own tail): One shows them that the — “Jews” have, in their official religious books, the most hair-raising statements about the plundering and murder of all Gentiles, it makes no difference at all to them. They either dispute it or, when that seems hopeless, say that most Jews haven’t been that religious for a long time and don’t concern themselves with that stuff anymore. It never occurs to them that the Jewish character is the source of their vile literature.” “But this,”… Read more »

Reply to  CJB
7 years ago

I am sorry CJB….but your logic is totally flawed. Its no different to a rapist arguing in court ….’ she wore a mini skirt, she made me do it ‘. Sorry I dont buy it.

Michael Luna
Reply to  Max
7 years ago

It is nothing more than cuckold logic. CJB would stand around while a pack of crooks robbed his home and raped his wife and children ( because that’s essentially the equivalent of what was happening to Germany for centuries and no doubt would have continued with enhanced vigor due to the spread of Marxism ). All just to have a small chance at living a bit longer! A cowardly, cuckold existence. How disgusting.

Reply to  Panzergruppe
7 years ago

Yeah, this Chris guy has so much good to say and yet he’s patently wrong on this matter. It’s actually why I haven’t bothered buying any of his books.

7 years ago

I fear that Christopher Jon Bjerknes, just like, say, Alex Jones, Brandon Martinez, both Spencers et caetera, might be clever disinformation. The danger is that 80% to 90% of what he says is true. However, and I am adamant about this, Trump and Marine Le Pen are NOT Putin’s assets. They are the assets of I S R A E L — and of the forces behind it (Punkt, Schluss, as the Germans would say). By arguing that Putin is the ultimate string-puller, Christopher Jon Bjerknes is simply deflecting attention from the main culprit, which, as always, is the Talmudic offshoot called Zionism and sustained by the ‘International Banking Fraternity’. The Bush administration, the Obama administration and now the Trump administration were not subverted by… Read more »

Reply to  Mischling
7 years ago

Mischling, I believe you are misrepresenting what I have said not only in this interview, but what I have been broadcasting on the internet since 2005. If you would like, I can point you to hundreds of my blog posts and interviews where I have spelled out the neocon agenda, the biblical and Zionistic ambitions for Greater Israel and the fact that the jews control the US and Russia and use them to further the interests of jewry and Israel. To claim that I somehow do not expose these facts on a regular basis is untrue. Where is it that you claim I have taken an opposite view? I have been loudly warning that the jews intend to destroy Syria so as to take over… Read more »

Reply to  CJB
7 years ago

Many thanks for your clarification/amplification. There must have been some misunderstanding on my part then because, based on your reply (as published above), I would agree with you that Putin, to sum up your response in a few words, is helping fulfilment of the Jewish eschatology, just like most leaders in the so-called West (Cameron/May, Sarkozy/Hollande, Merkel, Bush/Obama/Trump) are. I have no love for Putin; my only fear is that the very forces you mention in your response, which I see as the Zionist Jews and their helpers (there are Zionist Christians and even Zionist Muslims), are doing all they can to pit mainly white Americans and white Europeans against white (Christian) Russians and Arabs so as to destroy everybody and fulfil the biblical prophecies… Read more »

7 years ago

WWIII, please do not wave the fear porn flag too high in the air lest we be tempted to draw the wrong conclusions. Have anybody heard of Rae West, the Rerevisionist? He has an interesting theory about nukes:

7 years ago

29min17sec ‘Let’s take a look at what is taking place here in the United States. The ADL, SPLC and other Jewish organisations — even if they are not outright Jewish —, they are controlled by Jews, they are going after people such as myself, making sure that such people aren’t employable. Now when you take away somebody’s means of making a living, you are essentially executing them and making sure that their line cannot continue as people without a whole lot of money can’t really have a thriving family.’ Kyle, in no way would I want to belittle your efforts or the dangers to which you are exposing yourself, your wife and your son. I simply want to point out that they are trying to… Read more »

7 years ago

Come on, what do you think ‘the Trump project’ is all about? [45min15sec onwards First Lady, nude picture, soft core lesbian porn] Remember that the guy comes after Obama (black/white, young/white contrasts) and that he was pitted against a woman in the last stages of the presidential campaign. So the answer, I fear, is that Trump will end in a bang (not a ), so that WHITES, as usual, will be BLAMED for everything that went wrong, although they were the victims of white-looking demonic agents that took over, did all the wrong-doing in a huge false flag operation so as to get the Whites blamed and subsequently exterminated even more than they currently are being weeded out by various means. If Trump gets shot… Read more »

Reply to  Mischling
7 years ago

Please read So the answer, I fear, is that Trump will end with a bang (not a whimper), to paraphrase TS Eliot,

Robert Heimdal
7 years ago

Important podcast. It would require a second part. However I don’t agree with his thoughts on Hitler for obvious reasons. I think we’re rather living a ‘Cold War 2.0’ scenario but this time bringing the world closer to the edge, in opposition to that Mr.Bjerknes was stating on Hitler ‘being as controlled as the opposite side’ and so on. That doesn’t fly. Somebody like a new Hitler is the last thing these JWO bastards want in the world.

David Marshal
7 years ago

If Putin really wanted Le Pen to win at all costs , including using terror, they would not just use one man with one machine gun….they would blow up the Cathedral of Notre Dame instead and thus guarantee a Le Pen win ( Yeah, my example is extreme, but you get the point) The guest sounds paranoid on some issues.

7 years ago

CJB is as right about Hitler as anyone. I understand and get the need for Hitler to be the guiding light. And I get the venom attached to any dislike of him. But how many of your here were, not so long ago, a rah rah certifiable left or right tard? Youve been had before… Grandpa Bush was referred to as Hitlers Angel, by hitler and those who knew. 20 years and 100,000s of pages proved the only thing that matters in finding any real facts of the matter is “Follow The Money”. Hitler like any and all the others before him was bought and paid for, and then made the useful dupe he was, because its almost as if he thought he could use… Read more »

Michael Luna
Reply to  jsmith
7 years ago

“Grandpa Bush was referred to as Hitlers Angel, by hitler and those who knew. 20 years and 100,000s of pages proved the only thing that matters in finding any real facts of the matter is “Follow The Money”. Hitler like any and all the others before him was bought and paid for,” Doing business and investing into Germany is not the same as “financing Hitler into power.” “The jews won, hitler lost and about the time he ‘decided’ to go into to russia at the worst time possible,” No the Aryan Crusade in the East was absolutely the right thing to do… Germany was stuck between a rock and a hard place due to the Operation being delayed, but things would have been much… Read more »

Anders Dahl
7 years ago

Why did you interview this Jew three times when you know he is lying about Adolf Hitler and national socialism?

Reply to  Anders Dahl
7 years ago

I would say his points about Hitler/the ahskeNAZIS are legit, but I am quite troubled he seems to fearporn quite a bit and also seems to believe NK is some kind of real enemy with “nukes” ….also he defends Nato very troubling yup

7 years ago

Here are some factual accounts of bolshevik Hitler parading in the funeral for bolshevik jew Kurt Eisner:

Hitler was also an errand boy for bolshevik communications. The jews try to excuse these facts as if political confusion on Hitler’s part. I place the blame for WW I and WW II on the jews, zionists and communists where it belongs. Hitler was knowingly working for them his whole political career.

The title given to the YouTube video is inaccurate.

Jeanne D\'Arc
7 years ago

I would highly recommend listeners, viewers, readers go to and read his essays on Hitler (Jew lines) but on Eustace Mullins as well. Not all is as it seems. Hitler was an actor hired and supported by Jews (the death of many Jews was just collateral damage to bring forth not only Israel but continued sympathy for Jews. Note no one can criticize Israel/Zionism without being labeled anti-Semitic) and Miles has a paper on Eustace Mullins who he says was an “anti” to pollute the waters (tell some truth but throw in some poison like support of Hitler, and give reason dismissed as a kook, conspiracy theorist. The truth gets forgotten but the mud lives on). Read these papers and ponder them carefully. Hitler… Read more »

7 years ago

Yes,correct the Nazis clearly were another contr. opposition (comes from “Ashkenazi” , read also this thread were you can find info about Hitler faking his death as well some Info about jewish “Nazis”:

Reply to  Frank
7 years ago

So you believe everything you read in a discussion forum from some anonymous person called “St Jimmy” (The Jesus Of Suburbia) who is located in Amsterdam, Netherlands? Idiot.

Reply to  Francine
7 years ago

I am in this forum and have written there quite a lot and also “know” Jimmy, also ofc I have reviewed other material… eg. Miles Mathis writings, which all fit to Hitler being a puppet. Why I am an idiot btw? If you insult your case is VERY weak, bring some facts instead…and why would Hitler be any different than every other “leader” ? You guys with your hero worship are quite strange just like Alex J, Trump etc. fans. they still will defend their “heroes” even if meanwhile proven they are shills

Reply to  Francine
7 years ago

And you “Francine” believe what historians or scientists tells you ? Do you also believe Nasa was on the moon and 9/11 was done by some cavemen ? You also believe vaccines are good for your child ? Just trying to find out what kind of persons are mostly on this site here? More sheep or critical thinkers I wonder?

Reply to  Francine
7 years ago

More for you hero worshippers: (but research and review the topic before pressing thumbs down or call me “idiot”, cause then you are the idiot)
“The Transfer Agreement”: Hitler was a zionist agent working to create Israel.

Reply to  Frank
7 years ago

So how do you Hitler fans explain all the totally absurd millitary decissions he made, eg: Dunkirk, Stalingrad, North Africa , Kursk, Ardennes total desasters.. no one with strategic/tactical thinking would commit such grave errors and get the own troops killed/captured by the hundred he was totally incompetent or some kind of an agent? Or how DO YOU explain this ? I am all ears….sorry for the many posts, but cannot edit.

3 years ago

If Kyle has covered this already I apologize. There is a Henry Makow podcast where CJB admits he’s jewish. They spent quite a bit of time gloating about how proud they are of their shared jewish heritage. Never ceases to amaze me the lengths these people will go to infiltrate. Just in case anyone listens to this show in the future, this info should be accessible.

I came across this info when CJB was advocating a military quarantine of the USA at the beginning of the Covid hysteria, pushing communist style lockdowns and speaking favorably of vaccination programs.

Chris makes a lot of convincing arguments but throws in erroneous claims about Hitler, much like Makow.

Last edited 3 years ago by Astronautalis
Reply to  Astronautalis
3 years ago

Thanks for the info. I’ve heard accusations of him being jewish before, but never could get any sources for those claims.

In any case, the podcast you’re referring to is The Satanic Cult that Rules the World – Christopher Jon Bjerknes & Henry Makow, at the 03:38 mark.

Henry Makow introduces him as so: “Bjerkes is proud of his Norwegian-jewish heritage. His maternal grand-father was a famous musician, and he was jewish…”

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