Solar Storm: Fake Bloodbaths & Adrenochrome Junkies (3-17-19)

Kyle talks about the recent NZ shooting and all the absurd details that should get anyone questioning the validity of the footage. He then gets into adrenochrome and whether or not the “elites” are terrorizing children for harvesting purposes.

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5 years ago

I have watched the video of the disappearing shell casings several times and it just looks bogus. There should be visible casings on the ground. It’s not from the frame rate and it’s not from compression. The casings are clearly visible when first ejected and disappear while falling. I call BS on the whole thing…

Reply to  Rodulf
5 years ago

Don’t know much about firearms, but there’s this hideous looking gun supposedly used by the NZ shooter. And the childish markings- no way!

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“Odd modifications, no flash suppressor, strange stock, none of which is required by New Zealand law….we have never seen a weapon like this…piece of junk”.

Reply to  reynolds
5 years ago

Not even the same rifle. In the video it shows an Eotech sight.

Reply to  Rodulf
5 years ago

Didn’t he have scopes on a shot gun as well?

5 years ago
5 years ago

So Kyle touches on the “manifesto” which mentions the shooters inspiration – Candace Owens. The weapon shown here has an NSM symbol on the stock, the music the shooter plays is from Renegade Tribune, and Candace Owens is a reminder for Blacks NOT to vote for Trump. Talk about being thorough.

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Reply to  reynolds
5 years ago

Why should Blacks vote for Trump? Do you believe we actually vote the ZOG president in?

Anthony Roberts
5 years ago

There is a definite link between these hoax shootings, plane incidents, and of course the distraction of jew-suprem humanity crimes in Palestine. Why was there so much emphasis put on the new Boeing 737 max 8 (max hate?) engines? More spelling? When you realize the Ethiopian Airlines captain was named “Getachew,” (now, days later, changed to Getecho on Sky news), the faggot mockery is obvious. I believe this was another hoax flight 93, complete with diggers already there, creating the gouge and dustbin lorries ready with the “wreckage.” At the very least it damages White engineering from within, like they have with VW and dieselgate. PS Thanks Kyle – very important info that needs to reach our people. Asa-Heim?? LOL. The name alone should of… Read more »

5 years ago

These muzzies are the worst crisis actors ever seen.

5 years ago

Supposedly there are 50 injured people. They must be in a local hospital. Is it possible to check if they are really there?

5 years ago

Time and again these hoaxes are used to put a crosshairs on Whites worldwide. These things will only escalate, I’m afraid. When will the madness end?

Reply to  Gilly
5 years ago

It will only end if/when we stop them. It’s worked like a charm so no reason to quit right?

Lotti Von Hesse
Reply to  Gilly
5 years ago

We must expose their evil on a massive scale so that the world will know that we are right, and hopefully, most people will go after these monsters, and they will finally be punished.

Foster XL
5 years ago

Puke’s latest show “Dr. Duke and Augustus Invictus Condemn the New Zealand Shooting & All Acts of Political Violence and Ethnic Cleansing!”. Yep, just another agent saying it’s real…

5 years ago

Your experience with the moon is very interesting. I, myself, love the moon. Yes, it is beautiful and classically romantic, and when full can certainly keep one awake. Of course moonness is affected by one’s personal chart and how the heavens move, but generally I have found that the full gives energy, opens possibilities, cleanses, uplifts, and will often reveal what we’re passionate about. Moon-dark attends to the inner, the quiet, the healing, the intuitive, also cleansing, but on a deeper level. Sometimes we’re made to face our demons. Yes, the moon can be invasive. It might just be showin’ us what ain’t workin’. I just had to put in a word for the moon. I seem to always be chasing it down to get… Read more »

Lotti Von Hesse
Reply to  Elizabeth
5 years ago

I absolutely love the orange colored harvest moon!

5 years ago

I wasn’t sure if Asa was genuine or not but I noticed that his posts were getting weirder and weirder, going against what he has said in the past. Recently someone had left a link to the Hyperborean Frugivores article under one of his meat posts and guess what.. it was gone when I checked yesterday. He had some really interesting info but of course it was just bait.. sick of these sell-outs

Go Goyim Go !!
5 years ago

Veterans Today has a couple of interesting articles on the shooter. They claim that he is a Jew who is a trained assassin and that he is 42 not 28. They have sources in intelligence in Syria and Russia, and claim to have been handed documents on this guy back in 2016.

Go Goyim Go!!
Reply to  renegade
5 years ago

Just giving you another take on the story. I take everything with a grain of salt. I assume the Renegade listeners do as well.

Foster XL
Reply to  renegade
5 years ago

I’d have an instant delete policy for any commenters with “goyim” in their name if it were my site.

Reply to  Foster XL
5 years ago

That’s ridiculous and a little paranoid. So much pointless infighting.

Reply to  Nate
5 years ago

No, all these cliches are ridiculous and “infighting” is inevitable, given the enemy. why is this hard for people to understand?

Reply to  newdawnrise
5 years ago

Squabbling over someone having “Goyim” in their name? Really?

Reply to  Nate
5 years ago

I guess the “GDL” are /ourguys too? They do good work?

Foster XL
Reply to  Nate
5 years ago

Nate said “Squabbling over someone having “Goyim” in their name? Really?”

Yep, too right! Why the fuck do “we” need to use “their” derogatory term for “us”? Anyone using goyim in their pseudonym is either dumb as fuck or a jew or a paid agent/traitor. It’s not funny or “just sarcasm bro”. If you think it’s ok to use goyim in your name then you fall into one of those categories & are immediately suspect & get rejected. Don’t like that? Tough shit! Either grow up & start living to higher standards or stay degenerate whining about “infighting” and reap the consequences.

Reply to  Foster XL
5 years ago

“GoGoyimGo” and his wife “Dagmar’ sure do promote some sketchy people.

Go Goyim Go!!
Reply to  John V
5 years ago

Who do I promote? Most of what I do online is news spam, sharing articles from various sources. I assume that most people can figure out what is what. Apparently Renegade readers need it spoonfed directly by Kyle and Sinead, like they are the leaders of some weirdo cult. Like the Church before anyone had Bibles, when everyone had to get their religious info through the preists. I think they do a good job, don’t get me wrong, but I’m an adult and I will think what I want. They are the people I come closest to “endorsing”, but I don’t know what their real agenda is, and they have occasionally led me astray. Sinead had me convinced Azzmador was a pedo, and I called… Read more »

Reply to  Go Goyim Go!!
5 years ago

If you think this is a cult then why are you contributing? Maybe the Roper Report is more appropriate for you? Also when did I ever claim Azzmador was a convicted edo? I claimed he distributed pornographic material and is a White sharia psych. He also promotes the kidnaping, rape and murder of White female children so he’s not even hiding that he’s a proponent of child rape. Azzmador does have an arrest record though. How can someone be a “literal national socialist” while claiming they are the “real israelis”? And what is this “Balk Right” about? Balkanizing the US? Roper is in bed with the alt kike, and was a Covington lover. Covington was an Aleister Crowley devotee. Yes, the man that encouraged the… Read more »

Reply to  Sinny
5 years ago

I wish I could edit all my typos! Trying to type a comment while my son is literally climbing on me is quite hard! lol

Go Goyim Go!!
Reply to  Foster XL
5 years ago

Wah wah wah. When I chose the name, I assumed goyim just meant non-Jew. I’m not changing it now for some whiny crybaby. Perhaps it’s intended by them to be an insult, but who cares what they think? They hate us. Doesn’t hurt my feelings. How they feel about us is irrelevant. What IS relevant is the power they have over us.

Foster XL
Reply to  Go Goyim Go!!
5 years ago

“When I chose the name, I assumed goyim just meant non-Jew. I’m not changing it now for some whiny crybaby.”
Like we haven’t seen that old excuse 6 million times before! If you asked the average person in the street what a word for non-jew was I guarantee the vast majority of those who actually answered would say “gentile”. Many people I’ve spoken to over the years have never even heard of the word “goyim”. But you, like all the other great commenters out there who always end up whining or snapping when cornered choose the word “goyim” for some reason. You rats always give yourselves away one way or another…

Foster XL
Reply to  Foster XL
5 years ago


Reply to  Foster XL
5 years ago

It’s called irony and your just a cunt that wants to spew venom on people for the minorist of offenses. Who wants to be around people like you? I can count the number of names in these comment sections on both hands. This isn’t how you reach people, but you don’t actually care about that when it comes down to it. It’s all about YOU. I’ve had enough dealing with you people and I won’t be back. No wonder the Jews are winning. They have love for one another and all you have is hate.

Foster XL
Reply to  Nate
5 years ago

Nate said – “I can count the number of names in these comment sections on both hands.” What a genius! What about the number of people who regularly tune into Renegade Broadcasting & visit Renegade Tribune but NEVER comment? Have you seen the Alexa ratings compared to the controlled opposition sites? You’re a fool if you think the amount of people commenting represents the number of people “being reached”. “No wonder the Jews are winning. They have love for one another and all you have is hate.” Good one. Now you just sound like every other anti-white out there. Thanks for revealing your true feelings. Oh & bye btw. Glad to hear you won’t be back although we’ve all heard that numerous times before from… Read more »

Reply to  Nate
5 years ago

Bye bye!!!

Reply to  Foster XL
5 years ago

Why have so many thumbed up this comment? Was Goyem Goddess one of them?

Foster XL
Reply to  TONY
5 years ago

If you can’t work out the difference & therefore have to ask that question then just take the blue pill buddy… (not that the red pill’s any good either!). From previous comments it’s obvious you’ve got an issue with downvotes & upvotes here. I couldn’t care less personally but I think there’s a very good reason YOU get so many downvotes!

Reply to  Foster XL
5 years ago

No I can’t work out the difference. And if you can’t explain it you’re full of shit! I enjoyed watching many of the parody videos Sinead did on You Tube under the pseudonym Goyim Goddess. Never once did I suspect that she was dumb as fuck or a Jew or a traitor/agent.

Reply to  TONY
5 years ago

I think it’s time you went away, TONY. You contribute nothing of value. By the way, unlike you I use my real name, Sinead McCarthy because I am not a coward. I use Goyim Goddess when doing parodies.

Reply to  Sinny
5 years ago

I was asking that he be consistent in his reasoning as I would hope others to expect the same of me. Renegade Broadcasting was instrumental in my de-conversion from Christianity. And even though I’m convinced that I would have come out of it with or without Renegade; I’m still very grateful that you were there for me in the most traumatic time of my life. I have fond memories of those I had the good fortune to interact with here and I’m going to take that with me. I wish the best for you and Kyle!

Foster XL
Reply to  TONY
5 years ago

I’m actually consistent AF in my abhorrence of so-called “white nationalists” using jewish derogatory terms to describe themselves/us. Always have been, always will be as it’s just unnecessary & a mockery. I’ll say it again – if you think that’s too harsh, tough shit! Standards are standards. You on the other hand are just an obvious confusion artist as evidenced yet again in this comments section.

5 years ago

we need many voices together. otherwise pontification is inevitable, maybe on a short term business plan it succeeds, but it ain’t the truth buddy.

Foster XL
Reply to  Hammer
5 years ago

That’s a big word for you “buddy”! Who’s this “we” you’re whining about in your usual antagonistic way?

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Reply to  Hammer
5 years ago

Go away.

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