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Irish Sean
10 years ago

Is that the same Andre Anglin who uses his real name? The guy who is being attacked by the enemy constantly? The same guy who set up the successful website Daily Stormer? Why are you attacking him? Actually you attacked three others during your show as well. All four stuck their necks out and you attack them. Hmmmm.

American Tom
Reply to  Irish Sean
10 years ago

Big difference between “attacking” and simply stating facts. This bowel movement is chock full of scumbags. How to know who’s who? Easy. Apply a litmus test like the Sandy Hook Movie. So, who is consistently supporting the Official Narrative of that operation? Gee….

Look “Irish Sean”. We know already.


Buh Bye.

Reply to  Irish Sean
10 years ago

I agree with Brian on this one, as I don’t allow personal attacks on my show. Although I’m going to make a short announcement at the beginning of my show tomorrow about gossip/drama etc., and that I want to keep it to a minimum. I feel that even with damning evidence, sitting around talking about “movement” people is an endless circle jerk and a waste of time.

Kevin Sommers
Reply to  Nick
10 years ago

It sounded like a simple joke to me, though it was in bad humor. You should probably shoot off an apology to Andre, someone told him Renegade was accusing him of murder.

Kevin Sommers
Reply to  Kevin Sommers
10 years ago

And click my name to see what my relationship with the DS is. This drama(I’m looking at American Tom and Ben G. here, not you two for joking around)just caused Andre to scrap the article he was going to do on the White Man March.

Reply to  Kevin Sommers
10 years ago

I actually agree the joke was in bad taste, and I talked to Brian about it. If he wants to apologize that’s up to him, as I’m not the one who said it. On almost every show I do I’ve got to say “I don’t wanna talk about [insert name here] all friggin’ day”, and it’s the reason why on my show tonight(2/10/14), I will be making an announcement about the drama/gossip BS, because its been driving me nuts. On my Wars of the Roses show, someone called in and started yelling at Brian over personal BS with him. One of my best shows, in my opinion, was my Saturday(2/8/14) show with our Slavic brother Alex in Serbia. We got down to brass tacks about… Read more »

10 years ago

I wasn’t attacking the guy… sure, the Daily Stormer is a pretty decent site – although anyone can find the same stories in two minutes on Google news and other WN sites. Last time I checked Renegade Broadcasting is NOT Christian. Andre identifies himself as “CI” (Christian Identity). Many of us have a past we are not proud of. I, myself, used to be a wigger. But I find it pretty odd how a so-called “white nationalist” like Andre said on a black radio show that “the white race should be bred out” and how he only finds black women attractive. And he’s a young man like myself. He said these things around the same time he created “Total Fascism”. I am just stating the… Read more »

Reply to  BRIANfromORION
10 years ago

“Andre said on a black radio show that “the white race should be bred out” and how he only finds black women attractive. And he’s a young man like myself. He said these things around the same time he created “Total Fascism”.” ——————– very strange indeed.

Reply to  BRIANfromORION
10 years ago

He said that well over a year before he started “Total Fascism” and he is not CI.

So much for your “facts.”

American Tom
Reply to  Ben G.
10 years ago

Ok. “Ben”…

Your alter ego supports the “Official Narrative” of Sandy Hook. This is a fact.

Tell me, “Ben”…why is that?

Why does your alter ego co-sign hostile jewish media memes? Why?

Is he just stupid? Is he just mistaken? Is he just confused?

What about the other fakes who also support the Official Narratives that we already KNOW are lies? Are they just mistaken? Are they just confused too?

Well, “Ben” – the facts are lining up here. And why “Ben”, is the half-breed trolling this site commenting in support of his site?

Reply to  American Tom
10 years ago

My alter ego? Jesus, you hoaxsters see crisis actors under every rug!

Kevin Sommers
Reply to  American Tom
10 years ago

American Tom, you are aware of a psychological idea called projection I pressume. ‘half-breed trolling this site’ indeed.

If this is the same Ben G. I suspect it is, he is an author for the Stormer that goes by that name. Stop talking about Sandy Hook as that is not what was being discussed here.

White Guard
Reply to  American Tom
10 years ago

Tom, fuck Sandy Hook! Regardless of what really happened or didn’t, the whole thing is a red herring for the gun grabbers — enough said. Besides, since when is Sandy Hook a major issue in our cause. Visit a ‘Sandy Hook Hoax’ site if you’re so obsessed with Sandy Hook.

10 years ago

About Jims Philosophy:
Say you meet a merchant and he offers you a “free gun inspection”. Then you hand him your gun and he shoots you.
Its your own fault because you were gullible. The Merchant helped you grow.
But actually its murder.
The same way what jews do to us is genocide. Its not suicide.

Reply to  Martin
10 years ago

I think another good analogy is to think of the Jews as the equivalent of a drug dealer. First the Jews tempt the aristocracy of a nation into accepting Jewish ‘wealth’ (gold, diamonds, international contacts, etc.) in the same way a drug dealer will at first sell to a new customer for cheap in the hope and expectation of turning them into an addict. As the addict becomes more desperate the dealer can then raise the price. Similarly, the aristocracy becomes more corrupt and addicted to the vices provided by the Jews to the point that they will do anything to maintain their addiction, including selling out their own people. As with a drug addict there are only two ways out – death, or hitting… Read more »

10 years ago

That universal perspective that jim has isnt even “wrong”, its just dysfunctional.

Its true that a hostile organism can make another organism grow if it survives it.
But that organism will only survive if it views the world from its own subjective perspective. Not if it embraces some universalist objective view on the world in which enemies arent really enemies but are just some counterpart that is somehow necessary and good. With such a perspective you cant survive and therefore cant grow.

10 years ago

The hosts of this show think it’s funny to (falsely) accuse someone of murder…?

Irish Sean
10 years ago

Andre like many of us was submerged in anti white sewage all his life but has managed to swim to the surface.The fact that he fully bought into it seems to drive him on like many of the more effective participants in this thing of ours .Some people really hate being conned and will harness that for payback while others will never admit to being duped as pride gets in the way. I admire the people who at a young age can see what is happening but many of us did not come to our senses till later in life.Craig Cobb fucked up but he tried his best and we can learn from his mistakes. His side kick the same. As for food stamps ,… Read more »

American Tom
Reply to  Irish Sean
10 years ago

Irish Sean,

Just a suggestion: How about stopping the half-breed from going around supporting false Official Narratives?

We can prove – and have proven that certain Official Narratives are simply false. Specifically, Sandy Hook.

The hostile media is a primary jewish weapon. Why is the half-breed punk supporting Official Narratives?

Also, why should a White person listen to anything that a half-breed punk says? Should I donate some money to him? LOL

Irish Sean
Reply to  American Tom
10 years ago

Half breed? I come from a family of nine and strangely enough he looks a bit like one of my brothers(The nose especially)and Kyle hunt is the image of one of my other brothers,my oldest brother could pass for Sledge on a bad day,lol,I on the other hand look like Heydrich the blond beast and my sisters look like none of us, thankfully for them, my other brothers all look distinct to the point where I wonder sometimes but when I see my nieces and nephews I know for sure we are all related(joking)True diversity.What have you proven,fuckall,this guy is a jew,shill, plant spy bollox is wearing thin.If the weather man says the sun is shining cunts like yourself say the opposite just to gas… Read more »

10 years ago

Looks like Andre has a few male groupies here. I suggest you “men” pack your shit up and go back to the Jewish Deli Stormer… there’s a difference between joking and being serious when it comes to “murder”. I obviously said as a joke that Andre killed those 2 Golden Dawn men. You would have to be pretty damn stupid to think I actually would accuse anyone of murder on an internet radio show LOL. Renegade Broadcasting is not a home for drama. Please take your rubbish elsewhere.

White Guard
10 years ago

I listened to the episode. The offhanded remark about Andre being in Greece when those two Golden Dawn guys got killed was so obviously a joke that to claim anything otherwise is either patently disingenuous or just plain stupid. To make the claim that Brian was sincerely accusing Andre of anything criminal is preposterous … so preposterous I don’t even believe you really believe it. Stop trying to start shit and grow thicker skin. If you and the gang at DS can’t take an off-color joke or two, how are you going to handle the stress when SHTF?

10 years ago

“I wouldn’t be fucking surprised with that guy man”



Nobody really gives a shit but that is insulting, at the least. Just saying.

I really don’t want to argue though. I should of never commented in the first place. There is more productive things I can be doing.

White Guard
Reply to  Ben G.
10 years ago

Ben, it was an insulting wisecrack, in poor taste, yes, but Andre has credibility issues that many folk feel he still has not addressed. As a result, more than a few people have lost some degree of respect for him, despite the fact that he does some great work with DS. It’s because of his outstanding integrity issues that some people feel inclined to make tasteless wisecracks. Is it right to do so, is it fair to Andre? That’s not for me to say, but let’s not forget why Andre’s credibility has taken a hit: it’s because of things Andre himself said and did.

Reply to  White Guard
10 years ago

What has he not addressed?

White Guard
Reply to  Ben G.
10 years ago

Brian? Nick? Anybody want to take it from here?

Reply to  White Guard
10 years ago

Please, what great work ? I heard him debate Scott Roberts about China, he spit out a lot of “I think” “I feel” “I believe” without any foundation, in other words relying on force of personality. I heard people say he writes “great” articles, I have read them, nothing new , no insights, no reasoning, no real ideas, ect. Just a lot of cut and paste and rewording of opinion, emotional triggers, and salted arguments. There are hundreds of sites with a nigger raped a white girl out there, he markets his pretty good by playing a white nationalists role. I haven’t seen such an effort to cover ones past tracks since David Duke with his Louisiana Klan antics. You see people change (not core… Read more »

10 years ago

It’s a worthless argument. I have nothing to apologize for. If “Andre” was going to write some article before and now he’s not – that’s his problem. I do not represent Renegade Broadcasting. Nor does Nick. This network has many voices. It’s pretty hilarious how I’ve never seen any of Andre’s minions here until now. He seems like some sort of cult leader to you fellas. There’s really nothing else to say. If you can’t take a joke then fuck off.

Reply to  BRIANfromORION
10 years ago

Here Here!

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