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5 years ago

I can’t wait until Charlie does his series on the Jewish presence in Ancient India. I hope he talks about how the Aryan Gods from the Vedas (the 4 original vedas) were degraded in later scriptures like the Upanishads. Then the darker Gods like Krishna and Rama were given more importance. Krishna wasn’t blue, he was described as having the complexion of a dark cloud.

Johnny Walker Read
5 years ago

Cryin’ won’t help ya, Prayin’ won’t do ya no good – Led Zeppelin “When The Levee Breaks”

5 years ago

Though I agree with Charles on other things, especially on Christ cult, I cannot agree with his stand on King Akhnaton of Egypt, the founder of the first monotheistic religion in the world. It seems like Charles didn’t hear of Savitri Devi, the philosopher and proponent of national socialism and Hitlerianity (if I may to use this term). Savitri Devi wrote The Lightning and The Sun where she consideres both Hitler and Akhnaton as Sun and a man out of time. Least of all Akhnaton was a general, rather he was a man not of this world. Though Akhnaton is depicted as having physical deformities, he had a lovely wife, Nefertiti was the name if I am not mistaken, who was the follower of his… Read more »

Foster XL
Reply to  Halen
5 years ago

You’re either a troll or stupid (probably both). But hey, be my guest, “believe” a race-mixing moll all you want…

Reply to  Foster XL
5 years ago

“race-mixing moll”? I didn’t know Savitri had children. With whom and when?

Reply to  renegade
5 years ago

Up to now I always thought of “mixing” as the factual act of combining two different genomes. I did not know the full spectrum of meanings of the term in English and would only have used this term if the act of mixing had produced children, same with the German term “Vermischung”. Does her marriage detract from her efforts?

Reply to  Brúon
5 years ago

Would I be taken seriously as NS if I was married to an Indian? No. People give me shit for having pictures w black co workers from years ago, yet Devi gets a pass.

Reply to  Sinny
5 years ago

Indians are identical to Africans in your worldview?
The German National Socialists were “race mixers” because they co-operated with Indians and SS Legion “Freies Indien”?
I can warmly recommend the article on “Arier” on German Metapedia. Of course only if NS Germany is still of any relevance to you.

Reply to  Brúon
5 years ago

Cooperating and marrying are two very different things. Are you Indian? Do you think I would be considered NS if I was married to an Indian? You keep dodging that question.

Reply to  Sinny
5 years ago

No, I am not Indian but you can be a National Socialist if you are an Indian yourself or married to an Indian, because NS is a Weltanschauung which can be adopted irrespective of your ethnicity. Language and behavior are quite an important part of this Weltanschauung. Of course German NS was created for Germans in the first place. I am rather surprised by your question and your apparent concern at what others say about you.

Reply to  Brúon
5 years ago

You are confusing Aryanism, a jewish ideology, with National Socialism. NS = racial purity for all races.

Reply to  Sinny
5 years ago

That’s funny because this is almost what I wanted to say to you, you are using the terms Aryan and NS as if they were synonyms. But now it’s clearer since you explained your personal stance on “Ariertum”, which I don’t share.

Reply to  Brúon
5 years ago

Indian people are Dravidians, a mixed race people essentially. The Australoid race has the lowest IQ (68) of any race. (((Aryanism))) wants us to believe modern day Indians are Aryans. Dravidians are generally classified as members of the Proto-Australoid or Australoid race. In one study, southern Indian Dravidians clustered genetically with Tamils, a socially endogamous, predominantly Dravidian-speaking Australoid group. Because of admixture between Europoid, Mongoloid, and Australoid racial groups, one cannot speak of a biologically separate “Dravidian race” distinct from non-Dravidians on the Indian subcontinent. Also, Australian Aboriginals (who are Australoids) still practice cannibalism and incest is rampant in their communities. Australoids are biologically closer to primates than the Negroid race is. I certainly would not want to include a people who eat others… Read more »

Reply to  Tabitha
5 years ago

I did not claim that all Indians are Aryans.
Americans of today are also a mixed race people, if you choose to use generalizations.
I am not sure whether the English term “Aryanism” means the same as “Ariertum”.
Please refer to my reading recommendations for further information.

Reply to  Brúon
5 years ago

Yes, many Americans are mixed but they are a mixture of Europoid subraces. For example Irish~Italian or French~German.
There are Indians living in North India who have light skin, eyes and hair, but by studying their faces most all of them are mixed.

Reply to  Tabitha
5 years ago

I don’t think that whitewashing (pun intended) contributes to the awakening of the White race.
Refer to original sources in German language only, if you are trying to explain orignal German subjects to a tee, otherwise you perhaps won’t be taken serious by those who already made this effort.

Reply to  Halen
5 years ago

Devi also considered brown skinned Indians “Aryan”. Why do you all act like she’s some prophet who can never be wrong?

Reply to  Sinny
5 years ago

What did Adolf Hitler say about them?

Reply to  Brúon
5 years ago

Hitler said that WE are the Aryans.

Reply to  Nate
5 years ago

Who is WE, Nathanael? What about Subhash Chandra Bose, Unternehmen „Tiger“ and Legion „Freies Indien“?
Did you know that Bose had a daughter born in 1942 with German Emilie Schenkl and that he still is looked upon as a national hero in India?

comment image

Reply to  Brúon
5 years ago

We is White people obviously. Look, if you want to hail race mixers as Aryan, that’s fine but it doesn’t mean we will stoop to your level.

Reply to  Sinny
5 years ago

The German Metapedia article on “Arier” is quite informative. What about Renegade Tribune’s articles on Savitri Devi?

Foster XL
Reply to  Brúon
5 years ago

Douchebag said – “…a national hero in India…” LOL! You might love your indian national heroes but we certainly couldn’t give 2 shits! 😀

Reply to  Nate
5 years ago

Why did the German National Socialists closely co-operate with Subhas Chandra Bose and “Legion Freies Indien” and what exactly was their stance on Indians? Was Emilie Schenkl treated badly because she married Bose and had his child in NS Germany? I can warmly recommend the respective articles on German metapedia. Ignore my recommendation if you think you are the much better NS and know bettern than those fallible Germans then. Which remains to be proved.

Foster XL
Reply to  Brúon
5 years ago

I’ll just ignore your recommendation without the silly conditions you put on me doing so thanks.

Reply to  Foster XL
5 years ago

I did not respond to you. I responded to Nate and Sinny.

Foster XL
Reply to  Brúon
5 years ago

Then try injecting a little clarity in your comments for once. Regardless of your directionless blabber I chose to give an appropriate response anyway.

Quintus Sertorius
Reply to  Brúon
5 years ago

Here’s what Goebbels had to say about the ridiculous concept of “world national socialism” or international socialism as he termed it – and it clearly is at odds with Whites throwing away their racial distinctiveness by miscegenating with Indians: “If you keep talking about an International Socialism, you only prove that you’ve failed to understand even the most basic natural foundations of nation and people. No great conception of a State – and Socialism is certainly one – has ever led to an International. The guiding principle of history is not blending, but diversity and difference… Nature loves diversity, not uniformity. It does not want a homogeneous porridge of mankind – it wants mankind composed of many different peoples and races, among which the strongest… Read more »

Reply to  Quintus Sertorius
5 years ago

“International Socialism” – this is what he was talking about. Not National Socialism of the fatherlands. This is why I said that German NS was created for Germans. Thanks for the quote and please feel free to make use of my reading recommendations on these subjects. Modern “anglo-american” DIY NS appears to be incompatible at least to some extent with the original idea, or rather represents an American interpretation of it, from what I am reading here.

Foster XL
Reply to  Brúon
5 years ago

You conveniently didn’t respond to the bit “Savitri Devi was wrong to marry an Indian man…. I guess that would’ve either exposed your hypocrisy or further reinforced your trollish stupidity. And “anglo-american DIY” & “American interpretation”? I for one have only ever briefly visited the continent so don’t fall into your assumption as I’m sure many here also don’t. Making assumptions like that is extremely foolish & also exposes your actual naivety & actual agenda for spamming your garbage here.

Reply to  Foster XL
5 years ago

The High caste in India are Aryans, they have majority of European Genome in them, Also the high caste indians are fair skinned, but due to tanning they are not as fair as Europeans, still if you check the Kashmir side, the are as fair as Europeans.
here is the study which proved that

Foster XL
Reply to  Actual
5 years ago

If you read back through the discussion you’ll realise that nobody was really discussing caste until you just mentioned it. The word they used was “indian”. We’re all fully aware of the caste system & the possible/probable origins of the fairest classes there but this was never part of the discussion. Bottom line is – does “Devi’s” husband look like an Aryan – and he does not. Does “Devi” appear to be a role model for our people or worthy to even entertain – and she does not. I went through what she had to say a long time ago, put it down & moved on. It’s called growing up. You could waste your time spending as long as you want going round in circles… Read more »

Reply to  Actual
5 years ago

Thanks but I’ll trust my common sense. Indians, even light skinned ones are not Aryans. By your same logic light skinned Africans, Asians Hispanics and Arabs are also Aryans.

Reply to  Foster XL
5 years ago

To my knowledge, Savitri Devi was saying “Aryan” in India referring to her husband only. Maybe in the same sense as Fuehrer used to say when He was talking about some non-whites (I think it was Japanese) as “honorary Aryan”. Her marriage was certainly by convenience and necessity. Because the English were going to deport as NS sympathizer. Her husband (his exact name dropped out of my memory at the moment) was a businessman and he also published her works. Did you know that Savitri Devi though married never had a sexual intercourse in her life and died virgin in her ripe age, in her 70-s or 80-s. She was not only a convinced national socialist and a Hitlerian, she was also a deep thinker.… Read more »

Foster XL
Reply to  Halen
5 years ago

Halen said – “…our NS movement.” LOL!!! Good one 😀

Halen said – “…Savitri Devi though married never had a sexual intercourse in her life and died virgin…” Firstly, yeah wow like that’s so natural & worthy of praise right? Not. Secondly, good. At least she didn’t bring more half-breeds into the world. And lastly how “deep” does one really need to think to figure this all out. Seems to me you guys spend so much time worshipping these obviously dysfunctional “deep thinkers” that you never get off your fat arses to actually DO anything. And therein lies the rub…

Reply to  Halen
5 years ago

Ahkenaten DNA not tested yet? Seems to me, Egypt was shit holed by the Hyksos and Ethiopian Mercenaries and Ahkenatens religion mimics Yaweh to a ‘T’ so there is a connection between Ahkenaten and the Sabbaean peoples of today’s Yemen who spoke Aramaic. So there’s that. Egypt never really recovered from the Hyksos Invasion even though the 18th dynasty drove them out for a time. There’s also a city named AVARIS in the Nile Delta where many Hyksos bodies were recovered. Hyksos or Sabbaeans spoke Aramaic. So in essence, Arabs and Blacks shit holed Egypt and made a religion out of it and Ahkenaten was a remnant of those people, not a real Egyptian, but a walking piece of blasphemy to all Egypt who KNEW… Read more »

5 years ago

Moses fled Egypt after killing an Egyptian overseer, according to the bible. Wouldn’t be surprising if the murder of an actual Egyptian royal or dignitary was the action that caused the population to finally rise up and kick the hyksos Ankhnaton out. The moses story might just be a clue as to what happened to Ankhnaton’s former co-regent?

Fascinating series, one of Charlie’s best this. Thank you Charlie and Renegade Broadcasting!

5 years ago
Backgammon Player
5 years ago

MEANWHILE ON MIMIR”S BRUNNR: Backgammon Player 2 days ago Contr. opp. channels collaborate with Red Lice. Rhys Day 1 day ago Like Kyle Hunt who was interviewed on Red Ice twice? Backgammon Player 1 day ago @Rhys Day When was this? Years ago. That’s the difference. It’s a common pattern that contr. opp. channels start as if they’re real and then do a 180 in slow motion. Btw Michael E. Jones is a fraud since eternities. Halindir 6 hours ago And some would say controlled opposition seed paranoia and distrust, and incite drama where there is none. Backgammon Player 1 second ago @Halindir You’re saying Red Ice is not controlled opposition? Every real channel gets deleted before it reaches 10K subs but Red Ice has… Read more »

Reply to  Backgammon Player
5 years ago

It looks like your comments may have magically disappeared. Which video was this on?

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