Wildcard: Kyle – Nuremberg 2.0 & The Solar Salute (2-2-17)

Kyle talks about a variety of subjects and takes a call from David. Subjects include: hailing the sun, John Nash, Bobby Fischer, Alex Jones, ensuring real justice, and much more.

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7 years ago

I profess my love for the sun in advance.

Anthony Roberts
7 years ago

I really enjoyed this “go with the flow” wildcard. Thanks Kyle, David and Chris – much appreciated.

We have to get the message out that just by putting “anti” in front of anything doesn’t alter the facts, when you have evidence and proof. Their (((special status))) needs to be challenged and dismantled at every opportunity.

PS Hail the sun! Great idea. Sure beats wasting money on St Valencrimes junk like i did in my teens & twenties. 5PM – just time in the UK before it goes “around” ( not sets/down ) and out of view.

7 years ago

Hey Kyle, I have wondered myself about Nash and possible induced schizophrenia considering his exposure to the communist hotbed at the Rand corps. However, his own son also developed the very same disorder. It is evidently genetic and physiological.

Reply to  carmen
7 years ago

I really don’t think one can ‘induce schizophrenia’ as it is genetic.

I suspect that some sort of psychosis might be inducible, however. The story of Nash is very interesting as I think he claimed he could control his disease without medication while pointing out that most sufferers couldn’t do that. I’m going to read his book…

Does anyone think the RAND corporation ever graduates people who are mostly dupes?

Jesse Malkin (famous reporter Michelle’s husband) got a PhD from RAND. His wife seems legitimate and sincere, though, even as I don’t agree with everything she says.

Reply to  Guinevere
7 years ago

You can induce dissasociative states by trauma. The mind supresses experiences that it finds too traumatic and shuts away parts of it, like one would lop off bits that are gangrenous. The

Reply to  carmen
7 years ago

Metal poisoning can be intergenerational. If we know that as a fact then other things could do the same such as viruses bacteria.

Reply to  hermit
7 years ago

Metal poisoning can cause schizophrenia and other psychological issues. Forgot to mention that.

7 years ago

It seems Sinead and Renegade have caused Red Ice and the Iranian Jorjani to go into damage control mode with their latest show. LOL!

Way to go Renegade, as your work is crucial to this movement, being the only honest antagonist to the massive, unchecked growth of the Right.

Remember, no matter how much shit you guys take, you are as valuable to this new paradigm as anyone else. An antagonistic relationship with members of the Right promotes healthy, strong growth across the board.

Thank you.

Reply to  PolesRunHo11ywood
7 years ago

No matter how wet the water, it doesn’t penetrate the hull.

Reply to  PolesRunHo11ywood
7 years ago

Which Red Ice show do you refer to?

7 years ago

Eustace Mullins mentioned in an interview that in Byzantium, jews were blocked from certain specific important positions in government, and from teaching positions and law but I have never seen or heard this mentioned
and if I looked online at the time, I did not see anything about it; but I don’t think Eustace would have made it up.

Reply to  Brendan
7 years ago

Check out the Theodosian Laws Brenden. It is true.

Reply to  Titus
7 years ago

Sorry Brendan

Reply to  Brendan
7 years ago

The jews have no place nor reason, nor even less, a purpose to be in ANY nation. What pisses me off is that people automatically assume that kikes have some kind of business or relevance in any nation. Not to mention the fucking shit faced audacity to start piping up about antisematism when their baby penis biting and ursury is vehemently opposed, as a natural reaction from humans against demonic misbehaviour and disbehaviour. The bottom line is that they have no business being in any part of a nation. They always end up with some bullshit persecution episode that allows them to sponge off the State in some way for harassment or compensation. I think mostly they set themselves up so they can claim some… Read more »

7 years ago

Ezra Pound had the answer to the Jew problem. Keep them out of Banking – Out of Education – Out of Government Byzantine Empire 330-1453 In all of recorded history, there was only one civilization which the Jews could not destroy. Because of this , they have given it the silent treatment. Few American college graduates with a Ph. D degree could tell you what the Byzantine Empire was. It was the empire of East Rome, set up by roman leaders after the Jews had destroyed Rome. This empire functioned in Constantinople for twelve hundred years, the longest duration of any empire in the history of the world. Throughout the history of Byzantium, as it was known, by imperial edict, no Jew was allowed to… Read more »

Reply to  frank
7 years ago

thanks for your reply. An excellent example of how a “healthy” Christianity (not Jewdayoh evangelical zionist-church people) can be a bulwark against the Jews AND Islam (the Islam thing is blown out of proportion and w/out the Jew would not be a problem, period-even Hitler saw the advantages of alliance w/Muslims, see the Croatian SS Mountain Division) It was a bulwark against incursions by the Jew for centuries (not including RCC) before Jews infiltrated the protestant churches. Many of the bashing against Abrahamic religions forget Martin Luther’s thesis on The Jews and their Lies (found easily an a google search) and the very negative portrait given of the Jews from Lutherans, to Methodist, Calvinists, Episcopalians, etc……..There is a resurgence of true Christianity and it is… Read more »

Nick Spero
Reply to  coonhound
7 years ago

John Calvin was a jew

Reply to  frank
7 years ago

But they don’t need to be living with us in the first place. Why would anyone want hostile conspiring mongrels inside their borders? The hatred in the hearts of these lowlifes has no place in a higher civilization. Get rid of them, all of them. Anywhere but here.

Reply to  CTS
7 years ago

No one other than WHites have any business or reason to be in White nations. We build and exert energy for ourselves not to cuck out to leeching darkies because they want a piece of it.

Reply to  CTS
7 years ago

We can’t afford to be soft with Jews. Letting them live ‘unmolested’ (as if they have a right to live in OUR nations) is folly. Anyone who advocates letting them live peacefully among us is suspect in my opinion. There is a humane way to deal with Jews that doesn’t involve bondage to them.

Reply to  Luca
7 years ago

I think the best thing to do is to expound the truth to everyone, that the jew is dangerous to EVERYONE of us. To every race. Get them all on our side. Libya knew it (well they know it now if ever) “Not like oh shit I think there are lions in that tree over there” dangerous, but more like some disgusting toxic flesh eating virus that will find it’s way into your life system dangerous. It is harmful but you must completely abolish it, because you can’t see it, you don’t know what it will do or where it will hide, and you don’t know if there is a gap in you isolation suit. We all cannot afford to go slack on any factor.

Reply to  frank
7 years ago

And speaking of Ezra Pound, Eustace Mullins was mentored by Ezra and wrote large volumes of information on the Jews and the Jewish problem. Towards the end of his life they tormented him. Here is the link for his website: http://www.eustacemullins.us/
Also, Texe Maars does a masterful job as a Christian Radio pastor who also tells the Biblical side of the evil Jew and also has written many books. Link here: http://www.texemarrs.com/

Reply to  frank
7 years ago

Better yet, just remove them from our nations.

7 years ago

Way to go David. I became aware of Battle of NO radio during the Thomas Deegan trial in WV*. I have to give them a lot of credit as there were only 1 or 2 other channels that even mentioned let alone covered this outside of the local ridiculous msm-Jew-narrative. This was, or should have been huge. Mr Deegan called out the WV govt as being a defacto govt under color of law, would not accept jurisdiction despite not being allowed to represent himself. He exposed the public defender and thereby the whole kangaroo court. The PD said Deegan asked to act as his assistant council (not as his representative and the BAR fukr admitted this went against his role in the court! (link to… Read more »

7 years ago

Hail Sunne – track #3

7 years ago

Scam, Kyle? Scott Roberts blew open the kosher food conspiracy. Check YT. They need to be able to avoid the trash fit for the goyim and what is properly regulated for themselves.

Reply to  CTS
7 years ago

I have always said if we goy started shopping at these Jew grocery stores they would be out of food for themselves. Of course most Goy can’t afford to pay their prices. And, just possibly if they refused to sell it to us wouldn’t that be a hoot?

7 years ago

Great show. We should all focus our intent at the same time or at least around the same time. I believe this will work. There is a lot of evidence to support that conscious intent affects reality in a field effect. Perhaps we should set up our own Heathen prayer time and collectively focus on a goal. We need to be in sync. The jews use movies and events to get people’s attention directed in certain ways and time for their spells against us. They use this technology but discredit it for the public, obviously as a deterrent and safeguard from accessing this power. It would be good to get into some organised form and start implementing our will. Remember, change happens from the inside… Read more »

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