Wildcard: Petter Gustafsson – Nutrition from a Nordic Perspective (5-17-17)

Petter is a Swedish man who has been looking into nutrition for quite some time, though he is not a professional health expert or doctor. He talks about why the paleo diet is not a good idea, the importance of calcium, the need for magnesium, the role of carbon dioxide, and a number of other things. Kyle chimes in during the second hour to bring up a few points and ask questions.

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Anthony Roberts
7 years ago

Thank you Petter & Kyle. Very interesting and thought provoking talk. Not sure if this was your first show, but you did very well.

Fascinating to hear how jew medicine has misled us over serotonin and CO2. Our obedient, easy-going minds and brittle bones need to harden fast! We all need to become our own leader.

Petter Gustafsson
Reply to  Anthony Roberts
7 years ago

Serotonin was lied about around the time of the Manson Murders.

SSRIs, the common anti-depressant boosts some good hormones. Its not the serotonin tat does it. And it is also a pro-depressant. Look at the label and studies, it can promote suicides and infertility.

It can also induce learned helplessness. An inability to identify the real problems, as dealing wit those woud be scary. And instead inventing problems way to huge to ever deal with. It also promotes irrational aggression and a feeling of inferiority.

Some poisonous plants can inject you with a mix of pain-inducing chemicals mixed with serotonin.

You can use tryptophan-restriction, quinine, glycine, tiny doses of LSD, caffeine with sweets and p-chlorophenylalanine to combat serotonin if you get into a serotonin-spiral.

7 years ago

Finally, a voice from Sweden.

Reply to  Yrton
7 years ago

Wild Edibles In Sweden – Part 1.

7 years ago

I have not heard the show yet, but the picture gave me a chill from when I was in sweden years ago (very short visit), it looks so swedish to me from what I remember (not sure yet when I can catch up on shows…)

Reply to  Halldor
7 years ago

chills* not a chill… 🙂

Reply to  Halldor
7 years ago

A jalapeno?

Petter Gustafsson
Reply to  Halldor
7 years ago

I think its a photo of “Saluhallen” in Östermalm. A rich part of Stockholm.

Reply to  Petter Gustafsson
7 years ago

looks pretty cool to me. It is not where I went, but I saw something similar when I was there.

7 years ago

Thank you Petter. That show was packed with Information. Years ago and still a student I visited Sweden together with some friends. We were warned and took lots of food with us to save some money but still were extremely happy, that our landlord was a cook and brought us poor Germans meals every evening. I read that the percentage of vegetarians / vegans in Sweden and Germany is at roughly 10 % . We Germans have the benefit to grow fruit and vegetables in our own country and even in the own Garden but still need import to have Oranges and those things. Hard to imagine how Swedish vegans are able to have a proper diet with these extremely high food prices. As my… Read more »

Petter Gustafsson
Reply to  Elfgard
7 years ago

We can grow yellow peas. Peasoup with a glass of warm punsch(national drink) is the old traditional Thursday-lunch among university-students and in the military. We also got a rare bean, bruna bönor/brown beans. Eaten on a Julbord/Yule-table. The traditional bread is made from rye. Vikings ate “knäckebröd” a type of hard-bread. Usually with herring and cheese. And ofcourse, theres the old traditional Rotmos, a mushed ruthabaga/swede-turnip with butter and game-meats like moose. And our apples are the best i have tasted, sour, sweet and tart at once. Te climate make them taste a bit like ruhbarb. And as i mentioned, nettle-soup, usually with egg-halves. Pears, cabbage, mustardgreens, strawberries, currants, raspberries, blackberries, billberries, mushrooms, blackthornberries, lingonberries, Rubus chamaemorus, juniper-berries, sorbus aucuparia berries, strawberries, yewberries, Rhodiola rosea,… Read more »

7 years ago

You can grow plant foods all year round, in any climate with an earth ship!! The coolest part about earth ships is that they are made of recycled material such as tires and glass bottles.

Happy Shicksa
Reply to  Sinead
7 years ago

The earthship community started in Taos not far from where I live. The do yours. Ill post the link when I get home from work.

Happy Shicksa
Reply to  Happy Shicksa
7 years ago


Reply to  Happy Shicksa
7 years ago

Yes! They have a whole village of earthships out there. They even built multi leveled ones. Very cool.

7 years ago

Waiting for Joyster to ride in on her high horse in 3…..2…..1

Foster XL
Reply to  Sinead
7 years ago

Yeah I thought that little ray of sunshine would definitely be in here spreading her love & light!comment image

Foster XL
Reply to  Foster XL
7 years ago

comment image

Reply to  Foster XL
7 years ago

She has now taken to bitching about me on Facebook in threads that she sees me comment on lol I remember her saying that she kept finding herself in relationships with sociopaths but I think she was the sociopath all along. You attract what is similar to you.
I guess because I deleted her comments calling me a dumb vegan flat earther, that were totally off topic on HW and RV, I’m a shill. lol

Reply to  Sinead
7 years ago

Yep, great big “Psycho Girlfriend Alert” warning flashing over that one’s head f’sure!

Reply to  Sinead
7 years ago

I will ride in on ass like the great Jeebus- Derpy derp- Nuff said.

Reply to  Goyster
7 years ago

Dammit! Break out the widemouths! Horse manure everywhere!

7 years ago

Calcium without vitamin K2 is a good way to fuck your body up big time. K2 is relatively hard to come by these days. It’s plentiful in raw grassfed butter and milk. Good luck getting ahold of some of that. For vegans, the best source of K2 is natto. Good luck getting some of that that isn’t made with GMO soybeans. It has recently come to my attention that daikon has vitamin K2. Daikon is a member of the radish family and most people don’t care for the taste. However, if you want to avoid hardening of the arteries, arthritis, dementia, and dental plaque & tartar, man up and chow down on sizable portions of daikon. It does a body good.

Reply to  Renny
7 years ago

Sauerkraut (LOL) gives K2. You can grow or buy the green cabbage and make it yourself! Sauerkraut also gives vitamis C and B12.

Reply to  Elfgard
7 years ago

And it lasts forever! I love that stuff! I’ve been getting into pickle and jalapeno kraut. SO good.

Happy Shicksa
Reply to  Renny
7 years ago

Also boron to deliver calcium out of blood to the bones

Reply to  Renny
7 years ago

Actually most soy products are non GMO. The majority of the GMO soy is fed the livestock.

Petter Gustafsson
Reply to  Renny
7 years ago

I did not get into K2, i wasnt focusing one one single subject.

Vitamin K can be found in Natto for vegans, and grassfed gaged cheeses for others.

Vitamin K2 is important.

happy shicksa
Reply to  Petter Gustafsson
7 years ago

I am grateful for your show. You covered a lot of good info. I was wondering what you said about far infrared. I use it daily. Was there one that is better than another? Mine is Far Infrared heater.

7 years ago

Thank you for the broadcast. I enjoyed your material.

7 years ago

Great one!

7 years ago

What’s your take on hydrogen peroxide consumption?

Petter Gustafsson
Reply to  Yrton
7 years ago

I know little about it. From what i understand its to boost the free radicals used by the immune-system to kill invaders.

Used when antibiotics wont work.

But you might need to find a naturopat for that.

Reply to  Petter Gustafsson
7 years ago

Colloidal silver is excellent for the immune system. The most effective is 10 ppm. If taken at 10 ppm, colloidal silver can be used long term without harm.

John SmithRGB
Reply to  Yrton
7 years ago

been doing the peroxide for a couple years; I would recommend it but be careful!

Reply to  John SmithRGB
7 years ago

Would you elaborate on those precautions necessary, or maybe point to source info on the subject? Thank you.

Foster XL
7 years ago

Only just started listening to the show today & had to cut it short but sounding really good Petter, thanks. Will listen to the rest tomorrow.

7 years ago

Great show. As for the title pic, are we really going to let the kike destroy that, on the basis of their tenuous mind tricks of politics and legalism?

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