Circus Maximus: Greg McCarron – Gaslighting the #HappyGoy (4-14-17)

Nick Spero speaks with Greg McCarron of Antedote Radio about the new #HappyGoy campaign, the war in Syria, false flag narratives, the dropping of the MOAB and its Biblical implications, Armageddon programming, escalation with North Korea, the Mercer connection, Bannon as the AltRight hero and Kushner as the bad guy, Felix Sater, chabad news, and much more.

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7 years ago

It was great co hosting this evening and I appreciate any and all feedback!!! Greg

Nick Spero
7 years ago

Twitter Feed of the Infowars Epic Fail. They show an Egyptian protest video from 2014; portraying it to be ISIS staging deaths from the most recent sarin gas attack in Syria.

Reply to  Nick Spero
7 years ago

Infowars = epic disinformation

Reply to  Nick Spero
7 years ago

The same thing was done in the news when Gaddaffi was killed, it turned out to be a crowd I think in Egypt (again) celebrating the election of some official, or something. I can’t remember where I saw this but they let the video run and it panned accross to signs that would have given it all away.

7 years ago

Cernovich speculated that Bannon could, with the help of Cambridge Analytica’s data, move from the personal to the political by identifying his enemies’ most vulnerable allies in Congress and encouraging challengers to run for their seats. “There will be big primary campaigns against them,” Cernovich said. “It will be Eric Cantor-style warfare.” […] donald-trump-steve-bannon-breitbart-215026

7 years ago

on ‘shock and awe’ (using the following string of words on [why give your data to Google?] “shock and awe is a play on the Hebrew” yields this post by a ‘dogman’): […] On the Vernal Equinox, March 21st, Operation Rapid Dominance was enacted. It was known as Shock and Awe. Shock and Awe is a play on the Hebrew form of the divine feminine, Shekinah. The power of the Shekinah is said to have hovered over the Ark of the Covenant in between to the two cherubim. It was the very voice of God. The Shekinah is sometimes known as the “Divine Whirlwind”. The Vernal Equinox is a day within magic that begins a time of mingling the realms of the dead and… Read more »

7 years ago

You can find this absolute must- read article on the Chabad-Lubavitch movement using the Russian search engine with the following URL string (so as to bypass Renegade’s post approval process): the-happy-go-lucky-jewish-group-that-connects-trump-and-putin-215007

Reply to  Mischling
7 years ago

As for ‘Putin’s rabbi’, the Chabad rabbi Berel Lazar (full name Shalom Dovber Pinchas Lazar), there is some very, very interesting information given on him by a Russian Muslim in an interview conducted by Daryl Bradford Smith in a French Connection show aired on 6 Sept 2008, 40min, 9 seconds into ‘Vladimir Putin, Jewish “Hero” in a Staged Cold War’ (URL on UTube ending m7ty2rPqvwA)…

Reply to  Mischling
7 years ago

The French Connection – thanks for this reference and all the others you gave here, Mischling. Will listen.

7 years ago

So glad that the three participants, Greg, Nick, and Kyle have not gone dark, which on Monday at, Christopher Greene- AM/TV announced that since he expects a Pearl Harbor type event to occur in the immediate future, he plans to go dark. I have cause to think that Mr. horse237, the Video Rebel Blog, has already done so. And as far as the deceitful Mark Glenn, exposed as a goon awhile back by commenters at, as soon as I learned from Michael Collins Piper that he had moved in with him, I figured he was a goner, especially after I read that the cabin in which he was living on Glenn’s property ‘mysteriously’ burned down causing dear Michael to end up alone,in that… Read more »

Sami Ahmed
Reply to  Brigid
7 years ago

Dear Brigid,

By any chance, could you please link me to some of those commenters please? I’m not ethnically pure (half Arab and White) but the reason I really started to sympathize with the NS perspective was because of Michael Collins Piper. He died right after I started listening to him and I find it fishy because there’s no real archive of his shows or works. I figure that was done on purpose by Mark Glenn, and I’ve always associated Mark Glenn as some sort of agent/informant, just like how Bill Cooper was derailed and set up by “Doyle Shamley” who later disappeared

Reply to  Sami Ahmed
7 years ago

I bet if you contact Dr. K he will be helpful, because the main commenter that gave so many details, so much proof that Mark, supposedly a Lebanese American fundamental Catholic, was actually at least what you said, probably Mossad, is someone that posted over a long period of time, discussed a lot about herself, and was especially concerned with the persecution of some connected with Bollywood, by the tribe connected with Hollywood. Sadly, drkresearch no longer allows a contact link at, BUT I note that drkresearch still posts comments under his posts, at least as late as one as late as on Sat., 4/8. If you post an inquiry comment, asking for help locating that, I think he or some of the regular… Read more »

Reply to  Brigid
7 years ago

Brigid, you are so knowledgeable. As I do not know whether the ‘OWNED’ search engines ([…]jews_behind_internet.htm) index or not your valuable comments, I suggest you do like the HappyGoy, i.e. create a simple WordPress site (why not brigid-a-truthteller) where you would repaste some of your comments as well as include other material, e.g. a resource page. The Internet is all about SPACE WE MUST OCCUPY. Mischling’s slogan: ‘Occupy the Internet. Make this space ours. Make is a free speech zone!’ You could even include readings (e.g. excerpts so as not to infringe copyright laws or works no longer protected), which you would host, say, at or even at Brigid, make it happen!

Reply to  Mischling
7 years ago

I have got to do that, Mischling. Thank so much for your prodding. Happy Easter/Spring. And u know how much I appreciate the contents of your comments, dear.

Sami Ahmed
Reply to  Brigid.
7 years ago

Thank you so much Brigid. The MCP situation has a lot of parallels to the Bill Cooper situation and it’s haunted me but it feels good to know that I’m not alone in understanding what happened to him. His book Final Judgement should be read in schools if we can get out of ZOG. He was a patriot and a hero.

May God bless you as well and Happy Easter.

Reply to  Brigid.
7 years ago

Brigid, I really meant it. Here in Europe, we no do not have free speech. For instance, you can pour how much scorn as you want on two of the three Abrahamic monotheisms, but if you say anything that could be misconstrued in any possible way as anti- the first of the three Abrahamic monotheisms, well, then watch out. In some countries, you will be fined and, if you were brave enough to deny the H-religion, you can go to prison, in addition to being fined. Our media are as owned as yours are, but their owners/our politicians/people in the judiciary have inflicted far wider-ranging censorship upon ours. So in addition to having to bear the weight of economic slavery (as you Americans do too),… Read more »

Reply to  Sami Ahmed
7 years ago

Sami, I suppose you already know of this site (so this is for those readers who do not):[SLASH]Talk_Show_Archive[SLASH]TalkShowIndex.htm. In addition, a search with Michael Collins Piper on the Internet Archive (, in the bottom search box (that for non-web based pages), yields 60 results. Enough links to get really acquainted with this Voice (which was ‘muted’).

7 years ago

William E. Blackstone was the founder of Zionism in America.
There is a great book on that subject called “More Desired than Our Owne Salvation – The Roots of Christian Zionism by Robert O’ smith

Reply to  frank
7 years ago

Am reading MORE DESIRED THAN OUR OWNE SALVATION, on line. First learniing about it from you, frank. Thanks. OMG!

7 years ago

Great title!

7 years ago

What We Know About the CIA’s Midcentury Mind-Control Project
Project MKUltra began on this day in 1953 and continued for years
By Kat Eschner
April 13, 2017

Reply to  Mischling
7 years ago

MKUltra – not an anniversary I want to celebrate. shiver. Will read Eschner’s article. thanks, Mischling.

7 years ago

Regarding driverless cars, transhumanism and the internet of things, Brendan OConnel is hot on the trail of Israeli Operation Talpiot. It goes further than getting us out of our automobiles.

7 years ago

Uncle Sam is the Golem..

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