Solar Storm: Yahweh is Moloch, the Semitic God of Sacrifice (1-12-20)

Ever wonder why the “elite” are so into sacrificing children? Well, their cult has been doing so for thousands of years and have gained immense power, and now Abrahamic religions control the world and have their followers unknowingly worshiping the god of human sacrifice, Moloch.

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4 years ago

Curious, is this what all the fires, particularly in Australia, were about? 500 million animals died in this holocaust!

Craig Michael Vandertie
Reply to  Monika
3 years ago

Actually if it had anything to do with Hebrew/Judaic law it was a muslim who in some instances adopted Hebrew/Judaic traditions who put it into practice, not all those fires were started by the same person, I researched the topic as it transpired due to me having a Sydney Sider friend.

Yes the muslim did indeed deliberately start the fire responsible for the largest fire causing the most death and destruction.

Anthony Roberts
4 years ago

Sorry Kyle, this is bull! Only the jewish supremacists and isra-el have the brains necessary to carry out this intricate molech-cular study. “Nothing is black and White….unless it’s a European nation” (said in puffy jew york accent). Yahweh off base, mate! Look, if it’s as horrific and disgusting as you make out, why does my home city, Burning man, er Birmingham, have a lovely bronze bull statue at its largest shopping centre entrance? Mall-lock, as he is affectionately known, is only there to welcome families and keep them in the permanent consumer/debt slave cycle. Pfff, child sacrifice, indeed…. PS Valuable information Kyle, good job. I jest, of course. Humour is the only way, i personally, can deal with certain images and descriptions; such as the… Read more »

Gerald Goldberg
Reply to  Anthony Roberts
4 years ago

“THE JEWISH TALMUD IS ONE OF THE WONDERS OF THE WORLD. During the twenty centuries of its existence…IT SURVIVED IN ITS ENTIRETY, and not only has the power of its foes FAILED TO DESTROY EVEN A SINGLE LINE, but it has not even been able materially to weaken its influence for any length of time. IT STILL DOMINATES THE MINDS OF A WHOLE PEOPLE, WHO VENERATE ITS CONTENTS AS DIVINE TRUTH…” JEWISH BABYLONIAN TALMUD: SANHEDRIN, 55b-55a: “What is meant by this? – Rab said: Pederasty with a child below nine years of age is not deemed as pederasty with a child above that. Samuel said: Pederasty with a child below three years is not treated as with a child above that (2) What is the… Read more »

4 years ago

Strong’s concordance gives the translation of “hovah” as “ruin, disaster”. The name of yahovah says it all, and of course he is also moloch the god of the holocaust, holocaust is a sacred rite to Jews! Thank you for this most enlightening show!

Wasn’t there a statue of a girl standing before the Wall street bull at some time? That could only have been an inside jew-joke about children being offered before their bull god.

I wonder, since it follows that they cannibalised the victims, that that is where they got their taste for adrenochrome? That the adrenochrome drinking was and is the true motive for the ” blood libel” murders of gentile children.

Craig Michael Vandertie
Reply to  Selma
3 years ago

The Holocaust is a total myth.

There is no possible way the Nazi regime could have dedicated so much effort to the extermination of those of the judaic faith only a fool would believe they would squander all that manpower, go ahead and present the ashes of humans better yet attempt to prove they are human remains.

The jews of Europe never really cared abour the needs of the Christian population while the Christians were starving and freezing during the Great Depression the jewish citizens were living quite comfortably.

4 years ago

What Kyle said about moloch being the god of this world, in many disguises, really made me think. The mlk/mlch root in the Italian malocchio ( evil eye)… An evil eye, a single eye – like Odin, the deceiver/ king/ receiver of sacrifice. It is still my firm belief that asatru is a Jewish religion from Azerbaijan ( Thor Heyerdahl had good research about that) that was forced on our nature-loving vanir-respecting ancestors. Blood sacrifice is not inherent to Europe, its roots always point to Jewish infiltration.

Reply to  renegade
4 years ago

On the baal statue’s chest is the evil eye in a star of David surrounded by flames. “Canaanite” god with Jewish symbol!

Craig Michael Vandertie
Reply to  Selma
3 years ago

I thought Loki was the deceiver.

I am 1/8 Norwegian on my mother’s father’s side of the family my Great Grandma Mary was an Olsen.

Last edited 3 years ago by Craig Michael Vandertie
4 years ago

Kyle, have you ever done or are you planning on doing an episode in which you expose the madness that is Christian Identity?
If so, when did you do one so I may be able to find it?
These people, I debate them all the time and it makes my head spin with the copes they use. They say things like “the word ‘Jew’ isn’t mentioned in the Old Testament therefore the Israelites cannot be Jews and that makes us Israelites”. This madness has seriously infected the minds of our people like the virus that it is.

4 years ago

There is a reason why jews like to use fire as means of destruction. Killing someone by throwing them into the fire, sacrifice or not is not considered murder by jewish law. Jewish law states that in order for anything to be deemed a murder then the person who commited the murder has to have killed their victim instantaneous but burning someone does not cause an instantaneous death thus making the fire the cause of death and not the person who throw their victim into their fire. If a jew starts a forest fire which causes the death of many animals and even humans, this jew would not be tried for murder and would be set free in the eys of jewish law. Same twisted… Read more »

The Bull
4 years ago

First off I would like to state I do not approve of any worshipping of and sacrifice of any animals that we share this world with. These crazy Jews soil everything they come into contact with. Just let us bovine be and quit attaching all your demented ideas to innocent creatures!
Great show Kyle. It would be really interesting to hear you and Charles tag teaming this subject.

4 years ago

Lot’s of interesting points brought up here, Kyle. Can’t help but think that they are just making “space” for more cattle with all of these wildfires…Amazon, Australia, California, etc. In keeping with the “Problem, Reaction, Solution” mindset, they are actually trying to push increased cattle and livestock grazing as a means to “prevent” further wildfires. According to this “” article: “Livestock grazing can be used as a tool to lower wildfire risk, as well as reduce the ultimate impact of the fire…In the wake of the California wildfires that burned nearly 7,000 acres of land, researchers are looking at ways to use grazing as a tool to reduce future fire risk.” Interestingly enough, livestock farmers are actually taking taxpayer money to rent out their… Read more »

Craig Michael Vandertie
Reply to  LampLighter
3 years ago

According to my Sydney Sider friend the people of Australia banned together to sign a petition to stop the Chicom government from buying up 10s of 1,000s of acres of land to raise livestock.

4 years ago

Gnostics view the Old Testament god of creation “the Demiurge” or “the false God”

4 years ago

See the Thunderbolts Project on YT. It explains just about all religions very nicely. There’s also genuine astrophysics that makes the black hole stuff look ridiculous. It seems possible to me that powerful electrical discharges effect DNA and psychology; these crazies are a product of the fire-breathing–plasma–dragon that loomed large in the skies of the past.

4 years ago

Another image of Moloch is seen in the Tarot in card 15 as “The Devil”. I found this description that I thought was relevant to this discussion: ” The Devil’s open fingers can symbolize the narrow illusion of thinking that what you see is all that exists…The specific gesture made by the Devil, with a gap between the two double fingers, is the gesture made by the High Priest in Jerusalem to bring down the spirit force. It survives today in the Jewish New Year’s celebrations as part of the ‘priestly blessing’.” …Pretty creepy… The card 6 is “The Lovers”, basically Yahweh. The two cards are clearly mirror images of each other, again supporting the idea that Moloch and Yahweh are the sides of the… Read more »

4 years ago

good show

Reply to  blauweoceaan
4 years ago

Go back to TCTA where you belong.

4 years ago

The early Christian’s loved self sacrifice.which they marketed as martyrdom. Jumping off of cliffs was very popular. After all Yahweh commands them not to love the world more than himself or you will go to hell

Craig Michael Vandertie
3 years ago

Anu Yahweh is also known as Moloch and as Baal, a wicked being who asked his most loyal servant to sacrifice the only son he had with his actual wife, only a seriously delusional fool would believe that it would be appeased by the slaughter of a lamb.

No compassion or love for man just it’s own selfish desires matter to Anu Yahweh, so you mindless jews just keep your insane opinions to yourself if you had not forced your beliefs on others the world would be a far happier place.

Craig Michael Vandertie
3 years ago

It is pathetically sad comparable to being tragic in how jews do not research any history unless it is written in the Torah or Talmud which every detail outlined within they believe wholeheartedly.

All Hebrew mythology was adopted from Sumerian mythology which predated the former by 2 millennia.

3 years ago

In my early 20’s and just awakening to the Christian psyop. It’s clear as day.
Thanks for this video! Great work.
If you have any time to email me some more links or books I’d appreciate it. Cheers.

3 years ago

Satan (Sat=Truth in Sanskrit, SatNam Your Name is Truth, Satan as adversary only in Hebrew for He is the adversary of their “god”, and predates him by millennia). Also Enki who is seen as Satan is Lord of the Sea, which destroys fire,
and Jewish people uset to fear large bodies of water. They referred to the sea as an abyss and saw it as a symbol of chaos and hell. 

Reply to  antonella
2 years ago

In Arabic Shaitan is not an Indo-Germen language family it is Semitic. So the meaning of this term is “Devil or evil spirit’.

Reply to  El-Khidr
2 years ago

Arabian language is 1500 years old and heavily influenced by the Quran which is influenced as you say by semitic language and religions, Sanskrit is one of the oldest and original laguages, at least 3000 years old. the deception about Satan as “an evil spirit” started 2000+ years ago

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