How the West Was Lost (8-12-24)
Grace O’Malley gives an impassioned presentation about the state of our people and how we got to this sorry state. Rumble Buy Grace’s books & more: Share this show!
Grace O’Malley gives an impassioned presentation about the state of our people and how we got to this sorry state. Rumble Buy Grace’s books & more: Share this show! Kyle invites people from X to join him in discussing the day’s pressing issues and game-planning for the future. Rumble link Share this show!
Kyle talks about the need for effective activism and provides plenty of ways we can all do more. Rumble link Bitchute link Share this show!
Kyle interviews Jeffrey Daugherty about his background as a Christian minister, why he turned against the religion, and what role Christianity is playing in the destruction of White people today. Rumble link Bitchute link Jeffrey’s site: Jeffrey on X: Tips for Kyle:$thekylehunt Shop: Share this show!
Kyle goes over the long history of semitic subversion by the Church and how it has lead to where we are today. Bitchute Share this show!
Kyle talks about how pushing for Abrahamic “modesty laws” is not the proper solution to the degeneracy of the West. There is a very clear agenda to blame “immodest” White women for the fall of the West, all while Abrahamic men solidify their control. Rumble Link Bitchute Link Tips:$thekylehunt Shop: Share this show!
Kyle reviews the recent AFPAC fiasco and other “nationalist” movements that do not properly represent White interests. Rumble Bitchute Shop: Tips:$thekylehunt Share this show!
Kyle speaks to Grace O’Malley about the agenda to blame White women for all of our problems and the scary solutions being offered by major controlled opposition figures. Bitchute Rumble The Scourge of the Earth: The Measure of a Man: Odysee channel: Renegade Tribune articles: Tips for Kyle:$thekylehunt Shop: Share this show!
Kyle talks about the power of sound to both harm and heal, covering religious angles, military applications, the music industry, and much more. Bitchute Rumble Shop: Tips:$thekylehunt Share this show!
Axis Sylfaen joins Kyle to discuss some of the belief systems of our ancestors and why they are important to us today. Rumble Bitchute Share this show!
Kyle attempts to livestream on multiple platforms. Topics include: the Fuentes gay pron “hack,” chosenite over-representation before the Reich, White people getting fed up, effective activism, and more. Bitchute Rumble Store: Tips:$thekylehunt Share this show!
Kyle talks about healthy living, how we’re being attacked from conception to grave, the re-emergence of Nick Fuentes on X, how White conservatives are being fooled into supporting Israel, and more. Others join him. Bitchute link Share this show!
Kyle talks about some current events with the ongoing wars, the invasion of our countries, and how the Abrahamic conspiracy ties in. Aurelian joins. Bitchute upload Share this show!
Kyle talks about the ongoing conflict in the Middle East, the plan for Greater Israel, the Muslim invasion, and more. Share this show!
Kyle talks to Patrick about some of his recent and upcoming articles and books, going over a great number of topics relating to the suppressed history of the Aryan race around the world in ancient times. [Download] Patrick’s Site: Tips:$thekylehunt Share this show!
Kyle is joined by some people to discuss matters related to stopping White genocide and routing out bad elements holding us back. The space ended abruptly for some reason. [Download] Share this show!
Axis Sylfaen returns to continue with his presentation of behaviors to increase racial consciousness. A number of others participate in the discussion. [Download] Share this show!
Kyle hosts, Aurelian co-hosts, and Axis Sylfaen joins to go over his ideas for increasing racial consciousness. Others join to give their thoughts as well. [Download] Share this show!
Kyle and Aurelian discuss controlled opposition working for our enemies and how to present ourselves. Others join the space to cover issues related to organizing, the situation at the border, raising racial consciousness, developing Aryan spirituality, and more. [Download] Share this show!
Kyle and Aurelian start off by talking about ancient Aryans and how Christians subverted the Third Reich, then talk to some other speakers about a number of issues related to the Abrahamic conspiracy, iconoclasm, messianism, and bringing about the end times. [Download] Share this show!
Kyle and Aurelian talk to a number of people on this space about a number of issues: reaching out to the MMA community, the importance of framing our message, controlled opposition groups and degenerates, building community, resilient and redundant networks, and more. Share this show!
Kyle and Aurelian host a space to discuss the recent Fuentes documentary, how to create short content for X, staying in shape, learning self-defense tactics and skills, revitalizing our movement, the role of religion, and more. Share this show!
Kyle goes through much of the evidence against Nick Fuentes, which comes right from the horse’s mouth. This should be enough to seal the deal for anyone with any amount of common sense. If you appreciate the effort that goes into making videos, your support is welcome:$thekylehunt Link Share this show!
Kyle talks announces his retirement from broadcasting and discusses some issues. Link Share this show!
Kyle talks about current events, the transpocalypse, and the alien agenda. Link Share this show!