Jeffrey Daugherty: The Christian Revolution and Its Consequences

Kyle interviews Jeffrey Daugherty about his background as a Christian minister, why he turned against the religion, and what role Christianity is playing in the destruction of White people today. Rumble link Bitchute link Jeffrey’s site: Jeffrey on X: Tips for Kyle:$thekylehunt Shop: Share this show!

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Mandating Modesty: Uncovering the Abrahamic Agenda to Oppress Women (6-24-24)

Kyle talks about how pushing for Abrahamic “modesty laws” is not the proper solution to the degeneracy of the West. There is a very clear agenda to blame “immodest” White women for the fall of the West, all while Abrahamic men solidify their control. Rumble Link Bitchute Link Tips:$thekylehunt Shop: Share this show!

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The War on White Women (6-10-24)

Kyle speaks to Grace O’Malley about the agenda to blame White women for all of our problems and the scary solutions being offered by major controlled opposition figures. Bitchute Rumble The Scourge of the Earth: The Measure of a Man: Odysee channel: Renegade Tribune articles: Tips for Kyle:$thekylehunt Shop: Share this show!

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