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Robert Ransdell
10 years ago

Two words to describe this man talking tonight, “cool fanaticism”. In my opinion you do very well on 2 hours sleep, that was a magnificent and spiritual bit of commentary you gave there, the entire 2 hours. You are correct, embrace diversity, celebrate diversity, just KEEP IT WHITE! Plenty of diversity in our own race as you mentioned. No way to face the enemy but head-on, I agree 100%, to do it as our ancestors did, to go straight on and bash the enemy on the head until you win or you get beaten. It is not in our nature to try to sneak around like a bunch of Jews and try to achieve victories. The enemy is so used to cowardice on the part… Read more »

Reply to  Robert Ransdell
10 years ago

Thank you, Robert.

I endeavor to do well for the network, and my race.

10 years ago

Sorry for repeating my comment here, but, I worked on it in Wordpad and pasted it which caused there to be no spaces where I wanted them, rendering it jumbled, annoying, and somewhat difficult to follow. Wow! I was going to just comment and say: “So, who is going to get at this guy first?”. Instead, I will. “The “Aryan women” as some people call them (just going by what they’ve said on renegade)…” ^^^ That is the name of their show. “…have done more harm than they’ve done good.” ^^^ You don’t even know the name of their show, so how could you know such a thing? “Basically promoting white women race mixing,…” ^^^ Got any proof? I have listened to many shows and… Read more »

Reply to  BlutundBoden
10 years ago

Bluntund bloody boden to the fucking rescue!, the white [allegedly] knight in shining internet armour! It appears anybody who voices thoughts that are contra-to-the-flow or contrary to pop consensus – as according to the renegade hierarchy of multifarious persona/profiles with german sounding names- get attacked and called shit and whiny bitches? and who asked you to pipe up? who rattled your cage? who gives ashit about the aryan women show? and you posted your diatribe TWICE? yeah, cheers for THAT!

Reply to  Deucalion
10 years ago

I wish we could get our people this angry at the Jews and their nominally white antifa lackeys fucking shit up for our people.

Anger and hatred is good,in my opinion,but we could do a whole lot better with our targeting.

Reply to  Deucalion
10 years ago

Deucalion, you too are obviously another butthurt bitch (Oops, I’m sorry, now you can claim victim status for yourself. Poor Douchealien). His main criticisms where that they promote race-mixing, have no White children, and are not fanatical enough. I don’t need to address these any further because you are obviously not commenting in order to defend him, only to stir up shit, just as every comment of yours is meant to do. Your recent comment on Andrew on Tuesday’s show is a perfect example. Obfuscation and whiny, illogical, annoying bullshit. Why does your butt hurt SOOO much, Douchealien?

Reply to  Deucalion
10 years ago

“and you posted your diatribe TWICE? yeah, cheers for THAT!”

^^^ Why does your butt hurt SOOO much, Douchealien? (I can post this comment a third time, if you like?

10 years ago

I have listened to EVERY podcast “Aryan Women” have uploaded to this site, therefore, I know details that YOU don’t! Maybe they do have husbands and children and just haven’t revealed that info to protect the privacy of their families! Maybe their afraid the enimy will learn that info and put their families in danger. I have those fears. Many of us have those fears. If we didn’t, we wouldn’t be in this movement! “Aryan Women” have done so much for this site and our movement! They’ve revealed dozens of scams related to the medical industry, which not only steals our money, but damages our bodies and our emotional well being. That information is vitally important to ALL of us! How can we expect to… Read more »

10 years ago

“Expel all who are compromised,” I think, does not say much. Is it not what everyone says they desire? The difference of opinion is always what constitutes being compromised. Are Christians compromised? Pagans? Materialists? Homosexuals? Are people whose rhetoric is too harsh compromised? What of people whose rhetoric is too soft? Are there political positions that constitute going over that line? Libertarianism? National Socialism? European Empire? And finally, if we take the ideal of White unity seriously enough to not call any of these reasons for expulsion or disassociation, do we consider those who hold them to be deal-breakers as compromised themselves, for being corrosive to White unity? No one opposes getting rid of the sufficiently bad, we just all have different ideas about what… Read more »

Reply to  blackacidlizzard
10 years ago

I elaborated on what “compromise” consists of, friend.

Those within our ranks who have divided loyalty.

10 years ago

Great show and a wonderful message Observer! Making babies is so important for our survival. Children give a real meaning to our lives.

Reply to  femaleobserver
10 years ago

Thank you for your kind words, “femaleobserver” (?).

Without babies, without traditional roles for men and women, we are finished.

We can still do an about-face and gather demographic and spiritual momentum.

Without children, sons and daughters, life has NO meaning at all, save for transient vanity.

I hope to inspire all Whites to have children if they have not already, or more if they already have. This is our highest calling, and we should not be derelict in our responsibility to our ancestors, or our progeny!

10 years ago

Terrific show. Most like the part about no need to worry if public or exposed ! So What. You will/would find a way to survive and be more likely to devote more effort to our urgent struggle. Time is running out.

Reply to  John Beattie
10 years ago

We stand up together, and the bite of “racism” becomes all the more impotent against us.

10 years ago

Fantastic. I understand why you only had 2 hours of sleep rehearsing all that.
Sometimes I find a bad night’s sleep sharpens my mind. It has certainly sharpened yours.
Well Done Observer!

Reply to  BritainSave
10 years ago

My deepest thanks, friend.

I try.

10 years ago

So far, that was pretty good. Let’s hear some more from you.

Reply to  newstarmist
10 years ago

Thank you, friend.

Every Thorsday at 7PM CST.

Kevin Sommers
10 years ago

Well those two hours flew by fast, and I mean that in the best way possible. You’re a natural and I have nothing negative to say about the show.

What I do have to say though is that when a comment is removed from the comments section it would help if all responses were wiped as well. Looking at the above I feared the site’s new host was attacking the women’s show. I came very close to skipping the show because of it.

Reply to  Kevin Sommers
10 years ago

I thank you, Kevin.

I hope to improve in future shows.

10 years ago

Brilliant presentation, and your Taylor impersonation was killer.

Reply to  blackacidlizzard
10 years ago

Thank you, friend.

I have a talent for mimicry.

White Guard
10 years ago

All hail the new guy! Thanks for a great show, Observer, and welcome to Renegade. I look forward to hearing more shows by you.

Reply to  White Guard
10 years ago

Thank you, friend. There is more to come.

10 years ago

This guy is intelligent, and well worth listening to. I can’t wait to hear more from him. A good inspiring and motovational talk. Best of luck with future broadcasts.

Reply to  Hereward
10 years ago

Thank you, friend. I will continue as long as I am asked to do so.

10 years ago

Now that thar is a dangerous white man!

Reply to  Northpal
10 years ago

Nah, I am as harmless as a puppy.

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