Welcome to the home of controversial, but factual viewpoints the mainstream does not want you to hear.

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Mike gets on the air to let ‘er rip and field calls.

Greg from New Jersey gonna do a show about business sense and common sense. Lock up your wives and daughters, the Devil himself may be dropping in.

Any Jew Satanists with dildoes sewn into their foreheads are not invited. Neither are people under the impression that such wankers are actually even associated with the imaginary Satan.

John Preston’s debut show on the network. What are you willing to fight for?

Mike’s first broadcast on the new Renegade Broadcasting network. He discusses getting fired from Torahcle, Dov Cohen, Troll haters, and more.

Kyle, Lugh, Greg, David, and Rebel in the first section.

Mainly Lugh and John Preston in the second section.

Special Unchained – Rebel detoxing, Shol, Greg, Lugh should be around at some point. Ceiling cat vs. the jews, beyond the conspirashit spindustry.. and MORE!

Kyle continues to DI-scuss the DI-verse aspects of the cube and then considers the e-motions fear.

Lugh discusses where we should go from here – what we need and what we don’t need – religion and racial issues – and making something that will work. Open lines.

Kyle tries to explain what it means to “think outside the box”. Occult symbolism is desconstructed.

Roundtable discussion for hosts who are unchaining themselves from the slavery of Jewish domination, political correctness, and cultural marxism.

Lughs Den returns! After his short absence, Lugh is back on the air. Returning to the show is Kyle Hunt.

Knights of the Round Table discussion. Controversial show hosts let it rip.

Kyle Hunt gets on air for a brief broadcast on the new platform on Thanksgiving Day.

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