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3 months ago

[not for publication] Kyle’s got impressive chops to speak knowledgably [sp] as long as he did and keep it on topic, no mean feat. Bravo! Everyone can do something and that starts with spreading awareness – preferably by the Socratic method of asking the innocent question about some topical event. Feargus O’Connor Greenwood’s 180 Degrees has an introductory section on this methodology. Book goes about as far as it can in UK / English law – meaning, basically no coverage of “Holocaust” or the possibility nukes don’t exist (or didn’t in 1945 anyway – Nakatani’s book Death Object). One heads-up on admin: the o/s file is an mp4 sized 1.56GB for just a static picture and audio. You can downsize that to 23.6 MB of mono… Read more »

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