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7 years ago

hey Charles, how can you zoom in a ship that allegedly disappeared behind the curvature?

Flat earth bashing without doing research is really lame.

How about you study flat earther’s arguments first and then compare that to globalists’ explanations and see which ones are more scientific than the others.

Btw, flight patterns (to China in your example) follow the flat earth map and not the ball earth projection.

Reply to  Letz
7 years ago

My sentiments exactly. Spouting tired heliocentric “explanations” (because that’s all they really are) whilst bashing flat earth is the height of closed mindedness. Charles has swapped one dogma (Christianity) for another (Scientism). Giuliani is the last person I thought I would ever hear religiously defend nonsense.

Reply to  NoDiscernableCurve
7 years ago

This 1800-1900’s Jewish mystic and con man pushed flat earth along with get rich quick cult version of Christanity in his church of Zion faith healing road show on step ahead of the law and was also a Scottish rights mason “John Alexander DowieAfter an arson scandal in which his church burnt down in suspicious circumstances (thereby enabling him to pay off large debts)[5] he moved to the United States in 1888. He first settled in San Francisco and built up a following by performing faith healings across the state.[6] His ministry, the International Divine Healing Association, was run largely as a commercial enterprise. All members were expected to tithe and, if they did, were eligible to request Dowie’s aid in healing their ills. Such… Read more »

Reply to  Cobra
7 years ago

Totally irrelevent

Reply to  Daniel
7 years ago

Well his cult bore the flat earth society. You might want to look into who you worship and why

Reply to  Cobra
7 years ago

I don’t worship anyone, nor do I follow the Flat Earth Society. You do realise that most, if not all, ancient civilisations were flat Earthers? If anything, the FES would be a necessary component for these Freemasonic globe pushers, as a controlled opposition.

Reply to  Daniel
7 years ago

I have neither belief nor disbelief for anything that I have not scientifically verified for myself. Do you understand where I’m coming from, Daniel?

Reply to  Cobra
7 years ago

cobra what convinced you its a ball or ballish? are you open to any alternative theories regarding current scientific dogma?

Reply to  jewbanker
7 years ago

My son is an astrophysicist and bio engineer on his way to a prestigious MIT program. He got there because I taught him the classics and instilled an ability to reason. As he likes to say if you can’t do the math don’t bother making a fool of yourself.

You have no foundation to build on but shifting sands. It’s like a giant talking with an ant or discussing how to build a skyscraper with a primitive. You have to start at square one and teach the basics before even talking about the stars. Otherwise it’s just voodoo to them

Reply to  Cobra
7 years ago

well you come across as (((over educated))) condescending, sanctimonious and narrow minded to be honest, but i guess “us” primitives dont know any better hey? greater souls have an inquiring mind, an ability to reason and are able to express themselves without resorting to ad hominen attacks. i wonder how many so called scientific facts will have been proven false in 500 years time? do you believe in man made climate change too? is fluoride a poison in our water supply? are vaccines safe? a lot of highly educated scientists believe so and yet there are some other highly educated scientists that dispute that. truth is we are not 100% sure of most things so why not question everything? how else do we learn?

Reply to  jewbanker
7 years ago

You do realize you are actually attacking white European discoveries, advancements and our great contributions to the world claiming the earth is flat. Copernicus, Kepler and Galileo put their asses on the line and laid the foundations of our scientific enlightenment which led to the technology we are using right now. Yes the Jews have hijacked a lot of science with their money and used it against us with the climate change agenda, vaccines, fluoride etc but we have used science method to expose them as frauds. No one has used real scientific method to disprove a round earth as it is impossible. Instead the say the earth is flat and attack NASA. None of it disproves the seasonal changes (as a tilted axis is… Read more »

Reply to  Letz
7 years ago

I didn’t have time to listen to this show, but what makes you think he hasn’t researched flat earth? All of the evidence I saw and have read suggests that the planet is neither flat nor round. It is an asymmetrical oblong sphere. Flat vs. globe earth is a hegelian dialectic psyop and people are falling for it. Stop letting yourself be distracted and divided when there are important problems like white genocide, vaccines and the medical industrial complex, transhumanism, etc.

Reply to  Rose
7 years ago

Oh yeah, Nasa’s new version is pear-shaped, now.

Maybe you can explain how you can zoom in ships that allegedly disappear behind the curvature on a pear, then.

Reply to  Letz
7 years ago

It’s more of a misshapen asymmetrical oblong sphere, not even precisely pear shaped. I know nasa (or nasty as I like to call them) are hiding shit from us (secret space programs for one). They want us to think this place is either a globe or flat. As much as I detest Neil Deshill Tyson, he is right when he says that.

Reply to  Rose
7 years ago

How does explosion based propulsion work in a vacuum?

Reply to  Rose
7 years ago

Think of a ballon with a crust that expands and contracts and you get the general idea of tides heat transfer plate tectonics and the like. With an embryonic sack type atmosphere that filters solor radiation etc etc. If the earth is flat you would sail off the edge of it and sail along “the bottom of the world “. In the opposite direction. The aincents got hung up on Plato and Aristotle being the end all to understanding and anyone that challenged them was a heretic. The church gets the blame for going along with the “consensus” as scientists hate to admit not being gods in human form infallible My son and me were just talking about flat earth I’ll paste his answer as… Read more »

Reply to  Cobra
7 years ago

The edge is the 2mile high ice wall at Antarctica, holding the water in.
On a spinning ball, you’d fall off wherever you are.

Reply to  Letz
7 years ago

Might as well say the earth is held up by a giant tortoise. You also show you know nothing about Gravity as well . Kind of sad to think of your world where all the ocean would be forced to one end. I guess the tortoise must slow down his spinning for the tides but why would lakes not have water “spun” to one side?

Reply to  Letz
7 years ago

or it could be an infinite plan

Reply to  jewbanker
7 years ago


Reply to  Rose
7 years ago

And how does Nasa transmit radiowaves etc to send pictures etc through space from their satalites to earth?

Nasa doesn’t explain it. Maybe you can.

Reply to  Letz
7 years ago

Oh and the reasons why things either look long or curved, is because certain parts of the planet are curved and others are flat – hence misshapen asymmetrical oblong sphere. Make sense?

Reply to  Rose
7 years ago

At 25.000 mile circumferance, the curvature should be 8inch per mile^2, give and take.

Can you give an example where this formula is applicable in nature?

Reply to  Letz
7 years ago

No, because I don’t have measurements. I don’t know which source for measurements I would trust, because of the psyop. I would have to go measure it myself.

Reply to  Rose
7 years ago

The point is not to read but to exxperiment and investigate for yourself. It won’t take long for basic globe assumptions to come apart.
The globe model was created by Jesuits and Freemasons (like Freemason Johannes Kepler), yet you trust that negro Freemason “tv scientist” Neil Degrasse Tyson?

Reply to  Daniel
7 years ago

Really, you had the money to go around the world to measure it? That must have been quite an experience. Please make a video documenting this. This is something I would love to do. Even though globe assumptions do come apart, that doesn’t necessarily mean the world is flat. Especially since we can clearly observe some curvature (the sun setting, for example). Yes, the globe model is false, just as is the flat earth one. Both are masonic kikery. When did I say I trusted Tyson? I don’t trust or believe in anyone at nasa or any mainstream scientist on everything. Kikes and their servants have to speak some truth, sometimes, otherwise they couldn’t keep their game up. If it was all 100% false, that… Read more »

Reply to  Rose
7 years ago

1/10 for sarcasm. Throughout human history, the records show high cultures, such as the Vedic, had flat Earth models. The globe theory came out of European secret societies, hence all of the famous astronomers of the past 500 years have portrait paintings of themselves doing their hand symbolsm ( You can’t observe curvature. You can’t know for certain regarding the sunset as it changes so much under different conditions, and our eyes can be fooled. Sometimes it fades to a point, and other times appears to set over a curve, but that is getting taken apart now as people are showing that the sea horizon hides a mirage above it which is the extended flat sea reflecting like a mirror. Get past gatekeeper shills like… Read more »

Reply to  Daniel
7 years ago

I’m confused, why are you all responding to me as if I’m a ball earther?

Reply to  Rose
7 years ago

And for those who haven’t flown around the world and taken all of these measurements for themselves, why are you such avid flat earthers? It’s almost like a cult. How can you possibly know all of the dimensions of the planet if you haven’t flown everywhere and measured it for yourself? Especially since you’re all aware that they lie to us about all kinds of other shit. Can’t you see that the whole debate has become a psyop to distract us from things that are more important? Why do people have so much cognitive dissonance about this topic, when they are able to contemplate anything else?

Reply to  Rose
7 years ago

And as a stated oblate spheroid earther, I just like to know where you got your measurements from. All tests that I did, show no curvature. And reading about aviation or tunnel- and railway building, I have not seen any sections, where professional engineers reckon for the alleged curvature either. In marine navigation, considering any longitude or altitude reckoning, other than that of the flat earth model, totally gets navigators out of reckoning. Various US agencies that deal with navigation, use the flat earth map in their logo. The UN logo is a flat earth with a 33 chamber grid on top. Why would Jewish-Masonic institutions claim this model, while telling us it’s all nonsense? But please explain how you became an oblate spheroid (pear)… Read more »

Reply to  Letz
7 years ago

Please learn to actually read a message before you respond with another similar message. I will type it a different way so maybe you will understand. This is the last time I will say it. I do not trust what anyone says about the measurements of this world. I will not trust anything that anyone says until (not likely I could ever afford it, but if), I travel and take measurements myself. Do you planetary cultists understand that? Am I getting through your cognitive dissonance or whatever the problem is?

Reply to  Rose
7 years ago

First you state DeGralle Tyson is right with his pear shaped hypothesis, now you say he’s wrong but it’s egg-shaped.

Which one is it and why and how?

Reply to  Letz
7 years ago

Oh you didn’t know? NDT’s new shape of the Earth is now a chicken drumstrick with extra fries. Eggs are so last year.

Reply to  Letz
7 years ago

Sorry, I worded that wrong. What I meant to say is he is going in the right direction by postulating a pear earth – in other words he is correct that the earth is neither flat nor round. I apologise for being so confusing, I haven’t been getting much sleep lately. So for the record, Tyson is presenting himself as a pear-earther. I am a misshapen, asymmetrical oblong spheroid theorist.

Reply to  Rose
7 years ago

You’re a Pear-Earther, no?

Reply to  Letz
7 years ago

Wow…You didn’t read it when I said it the first time? No, I’m not a pear earther. I believe the earth is most likely an misshapen asymmetrical oblong sphere. That’s the only way to account for the confusing accounts people have of it – why only some of the ball earth stuff makes sense, and only some of the flat earth stuff makes sense. Some of the people here need to let go of their cult of flat earth and cult of round earth shit, and consider other viewpoints rationally and with an open mind.

Reply to  Rose
7 years ago

Asymmetrical oblong sphere = egg shaped.

Where is there any curvature to found on earth matching this shape then?

And your “it’s a cult” screaming, doesn’t answer scientific questions, I have.

Reply to  Letz
7 years ago

No, not necessarily egg shaped. There have been crater impacts all over the earth throughout history, making it bumpy and misshapen. I’m not screaming. Are you? Try to take a deep breathe and not get so emotional when having debates with people :). You have postulated scientific theories, I’ll give you that. We can throw around probable kike theories all day but until we travel everywhere and take our own measurements, they are simply theories. That’s why I don’t usually spend a lot of time talking about this subject. There are other problems to discuss that can help us come up with positive solutions, and people waste too much time playing into this earth-shape psyop.

Reply to  Rose
7 years ago

Bumps, dents, mountains etc are there.

Thing with you Anti Flat Earthers is, you make a big stink out of it.

You wanna be an Egg-Earther. Good luck finding evidence. I could care less. Not my business. You radical Antis on the other hand, seem to have a problem with Flat Earthers presenting their case.

Reply to  Rose
7 years ago

I have yet to any experiment that verifies 8inch per mile^2.

Sunset can also be explained by a moving sun that vanishes beyond your perspective.

And the horizon is always flat and at eye level, no matter how high you go.

Only exception is when you use a fisheye lense. Then the horizon bends down at the frame edges. The center remains at eye level though.

Reply to  Letz
7 years ago

It is rather embarrassing to see the Jewish mystics pull the same 1800’s stunts that prepared the goy for two world wars.. Then I remember GK Chesterton’s battle to bring reason to the lost “anything goes new age”.

“It’s drowning all your old rationalism and scepticism, it’s coming in like a sea; and the name of it is superstition.” The first effect of not believing in God is to believe in anything: “And a dog is an omen and a cat is a mystery.” [p. 211]

“When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they then become capable of believing in anything.
G.K. Chesterton

7 years ago

Gilad Atzmon is NOT a good jew. Google: “The Myth of the Good Jew: Why Gilad Atzmon is Irrelevant”.

7 years ago

Excellent show. I don’t think it is easy to comprehend with how much organisation over space, and time, the whole WW2 debacle was arranged. I think the White man is still imbued with some form of deep seated trauma from this especially the Germans. One big trauma based mind control assault that resonates through time and memory. Talk about epigenetics, this would have affected them to unknown ends and to unknown degrees. It doesn’t go away, one only learns how to suppress and close it in a box. I think we are slowly healing, however there are many more subtle effects still to be addressed.

Steve L
7 years ago

If the truth is like the ocean then what we think we know is a mere drop of rain water – why don’t we just admit we are pissing in the wind lol.

7 years ago

I was laughing at that caller around 1:00:55 spewing his bs “The sun is 3000 ft, you must be out of your mind” an obvious troll
funny tho

Reply to  Paula
7 years ago

Using a sextant, the sun is roughly 30 miles in diameter and 3000 miles away.

The caller mixed up the measure unit.

7 years ago

“Hellstorm”, the documentary video is very good, and I would highly recommend it to anybody. “Hellstorm”, the book, is another creature entirely. I found it unbelievably brutal to read. Every page I literally felt like I was being kicked in the stomach. It was the most difficult book I’ve ever read….literally one nightmare after another. If we ever get out of this mess, I believe “Hellstorm” will be hailed as one of the most important books of the era… shows in a way no other book has managed to do the unbelievably horrific nature of the jew. Get a copy of “Hellstorm” and read it cover to cover, if you can.

7 years ago

This is how the movement of celestial bodies over a flat earth would look like.

7 years ago

Flat Earth ? ffs, there’s no such thing as “Satellites” transmitting back to Earth showing Images and other Raw Data sent ? “That’s just a Conspiracy” lol ! All the Planets and Moons, including the Sun are Sphere’s, it’s just the Earth is Flat. What a lark ! 😀 You don’t need to be the brightest bulb to figure it out, Nor do you have to be (((over educated))) either. Pathetic ! “Oh, but so an so was a Freemason” So what ? not all of them are/ were “Jews” (especially at the lower levels) which is why it is so popular to Broad Brush everything to (((Confuse))). By *Believing* this Flat Earth rubbish, you are effectively denigrating some of our greatest White Thinkers and… Read more »

Reply to  Roj Blake
7 years ago

Water Naturally forms into a Sphere in Free-Space, that includes in Outer-Space. It is freely observable to a Child to witness. The mechanics of Aggregation in Free-Space is a spherical Phenomenon.

Reply to  Roj Blake
7 years ago

Have you…or any “child witness”, been into ‘space’ to test this? Oh, back to believing The Gospel of NASA.

Reply to  Roj Blake
7 years ago

The subject of the Earths tilt was brought up and how the North Pole almost directly alignes with this star, almost. The 23.4 deg’ tilt does not change its more or less alignment to Polaris as the Earth orbits the Sun. This is how it works, take a look for yourself: (sometimes mere words are not enough to explain things, after all our minds tend to relate more to images)

Kyle, you may want to look at this graphical representation. 🙂

Reply to  Roj Blake
7 years ago

You don’t actually have any valid arguments (hence you have to resort to saying ‘pathetic!’ ‘rubbish!’ after making an irrelevent statement), even if the globe model has some. There is little evidence of satellites existing other than us being told they exist. We can’t see them and they never cross the moon, even though tens of thousands are in space. We do know that all systems have a ground based component, that is admitted, so it could easily be that is is fully ground based. That is not any proof of a globe Earth other than you believing 2nd hand information. Saying the Sun, Moon and planets are spheres so Earth must be a sphere is just an assumption. There is no reason it has… Read more »

Reply to  Daniel
7 years ago

“There is little evidence of satellites existing other than us being told they exist.”

Tell me again how your GPS/ Sat Nav device works ? oh and by the way, how does the Bureau of Meteorology get this sort of image data, hmmmm ? Please wake up ! lol.

Reply to  Roj Blake
7 years ago

Have any of you read “Einstein, the incorrigible Plagiarist” ? Guess who he got is info from, Our Scientists ! All he did is oversimplify it into various subheadings, most noteworthy “E=MC2”.

Reply to  Roj Blake
7 years ago

Relativity is to explain away the eather.

Relativity literally states that both geocentricity and heliocentricity are equally valid, relative.

Reply to  Roj Blake
7 years ago

You are that type, that takes part of a quote then uses it to argue against, out of context. Listen dumb dumb, all so called satellite systems have ground based components. Did you read that okay the second time? All staellite systems have a ground based component according to all systems, including the US GPS. Do you understand that stupid? All satellite systems have a ground based component. Has that sunk in stupid? That is according to their own data. The reality is it is entirely ground based. There are no satellites, lest 15,000. Or do they all manage to avoid crossing the moon from every location on Earth at night? You are referencing a .gov site. Really? “Please wake up lol”. That’s not a… Read more »

Reply to  Roj Blake
7 years ago

I would like you to answer some of my questions relating your theory: Why can everyone south of the equator see the exact same stars rotating in the same direction around the same fixed central point in the sky due south of them, if they’re supposedly all looking in different directions? Why are the distances between degrees of latitude uniform and don’t grow exponentially away from the equator? Why does everyone on Earth get the same result for the Eratosthenes experiment, when people nearer the equator should get a much smaller circumference for the Earth than those nearer the poles? Why do arc lengths of given angles of longitude decrease rather than increase south of the equator? Why does the sun not rise in the… Read more »

Axe of Perun
7 years ago

Flat Earth theory should be a clear warning to our White Race in the 21st century – that the Jewish brainwashing has reached a high level, if not a dangerous level of poison and death. Falling for it, is literally falling back to pre-Pagan civilizations which all knew that the Earth is Round and had all, each in their own way, calculated not only its size and radius – but also its days in a year to perfection. Add to this the fact that the Ancients knew exactly how far away the Moon from the Earth is and all its relationships to our Seasons – and you got yourself a bunch of damn intelligent people. Abrahamic faiths are those which brought the FE idea in… Read more »

Reply to  Axe of Perun
7 years ago

Thank you Axe, I can’t get through to these guys so i’m going to leave it. There is no hope for them none.

Reply to  Roj Blake
7 years ago

Roj, you have yet to give any reason to believe your theory. Go back and read you own comments. You had to resort to shaming and indignation, as you know your arguments are simply second hand, i.e not experience by you. You are just disappointed you can’t force your will on other people, like some child that hasn’t realised other people can have opinions – and better opinions. I understand you have been through the highest level of brainwashing in history, in our modern eucation system, and you are defending what they have spoon fed you, and you know it, and you know that we know that about you. If you had an ounce of testosterone in your body you’d want to know is fucking… Read more »

Reply to  Axe of Perun
7 years ago

Almost all ancient civilizations thought the earth was a plain, not only Abrahamic religions.

Being against Flat Earth research because if principle, is like being against marriage between a man and a woman out of principle because the church preaches that also.

So edgy to close ones’ mind in the name of principle.

7 years ago

Well now, have I got news for you !

Anointed “James Van Allen” lectured at University under the “Jewish National Fund” ! Rockefeller Bilderberger ! You have been Duped ! 😀

Reply to  Roj Blake
7 years ago

Van Allen didn’t believe in the flat Earth model, nor do you have any first hand proof that the Van Allen belts even exist…so who is being duped here?

Reply to  Roj Blake
7 years ago

In 1959 the Russians took pictures of the Far Side of the Moon and noted how the crater features and plains were different to the visible side from Earth. The Russians were the ones to discover the presence of radiation, Van Allen merely lectured about the discovery and called it his own.

Tell me what’s on the other side of the Flat Earth Pizza, an edible crust perhaps ? lol ! 😀

Reply to  Roj Blake
7 years ago

Again, you have to resort to ridicule to back up something 2nd hand. Do you have any first hand knowledge of the moon, or are you just quoting the Soviet Union data? – I know the Soviets were totally trustworhy and absolutely not an arm of the City of London financier oligarchs, so there data must be ‘kosher’. Do you have any personal, experimental data to show the Earth is a sphere, or can you only reference their science data? Can you vouch/ prove that the photos of the moon are authentic, and can you prove that it is the distance and size they say it is? Basically all you have to offer is: “Look at this .gov link, look at this .gov.ussr link, there… Read more »

Reply to  Roj Blake
7 years ago

Roj, have you seen the videos on YT that expose the Int Nat Space Station and the space walks, as clearly faked footage/ greenscreen? The space walks are comical, they spend 15 minutes pretending to do stuff. There are videos on the space station where they fuck up their lines on live feeds and give Freudian Slips saying they are on Earth. There are space walks with air bubbles – filmed in that pool. There are videos of astronauts falling across the spacestation (filmed on NASAs 747 at high altitude). There are videos from the Apollo mission which were clearly aked and impossible (due to the distance/ time). All of NASAs PR is aimed at school children to turn them into adults like you. There… Read more »

Reply to  Daniel
7 years ago

You can see with your own eyes, Satellites illuminated by the Sun 2hrs after Sun Set and 2hrs before Sun Rise. They look like slow moving stars and fade out as they enter the Earths Shadow. On rarer occasions, you will see a group of 3 in a Triangular formation. These i’d suspect to be Military Recon. I’ve seen the Space Station, it looks like a bright star moving and commonly passes nearly over head, for those of us living in the West of AU. Many mistake it for a possible UFO. I also have owned a Telescope since 1978 and know of people in industry, including a member of my family, who, btw, are not “Jews”… or Jesuits, Freemasons or Pink Elephants. Did you… Read more »

Reply to  Roj Blake
7 years ago

There are, allegedly, tens of thousands of satellites orbiting Earth. That a few objects pass the Sun or Moon is not proof; There would be a constant flow passing. The images on Google Images could be anything, they’re just dots; they could be high altitude drones. You’ve owned a telecope since 78 but can’t supply evidence? Says a lot.
Again, you have no evidence, just a belief and assumptions given to you.

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