Arcane Semantics: Bita Wolfram – Synthetic Multiculturalism & Tranny Foods (4-16-18)

This airing we have Bita Wolfram once again joining us. Bita has been part of the Renegade Broadcasting community as both a listener and previous contributing guest to the station. Topics we discuss include: Foods and food ingredients to avoid; Foods, herbs & supplements to beat depression; Fake foods & toxic foods to create a genderless, raceless slave populace; Foods & herbs to boost sexual energy; Tools being implemented by the agenda to pollute our blood; Dental differences between the races; Mental & physical health affects of miscegenation; White genocide; Media engineering & escapism; Connecting agendas; States of denial among the masses; War zone updates and more.

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6 years ago

Good show! Always remember with nutrition, that less is more, as it is with everything.

Sensible Sam
Reply to  Bill33
6 years ago

Oh that’s right, you’re the guy who tries to keep pushing that breatharian BS that has actually killed people! I guess by “less” here you mean nothing but air! Please F.O.A.D. once-and-for-all you new-age idiot!!!

Sensible Sam
Reply to  Bill33
6 years ago

Sorry others, I meant to add that I really enjoyed this show. Thanks Richard & Bita! 😉

Reply to  Sensible Sam
6 years ago

Thanks Sam I’m glad you enjoyed the show. I hope to be on again soon with more health related topics.

6 years ago

Tranny foods, dang, I buy that stuff, the crumbles and patties – thanks Bita though for the info. Lots of helpful tips!

Reply to  Callwen
6 years ago

Thanks Callwen I’m glad you enjoyed the show. I’m open to discussing other topics on future shows and would appreciate ideas for such.

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