This airing we have Paul Edward Stevenson joining us. Paul is the host of “Revelation” on Revolution Radio. Paul joins us to discuss Jewish power, white genocide and controlled opposition within the independent media and nationalist organizations. We consider the Judaic origins of Communism, the N.W.O. and Global Corporatism. We also discuss lobby pressure groups, immigration, multiculturalism, operatives and opportunists, among related topics.
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I really do not enjoy hearing from Bible believers about their insanity. Their BS has been deconstructed on this network for 5 years. I’m really not sure how an otherwise reasonable person would think that the Torah (OT) should be our religious book, and that worshiping a circumcised rabbi is why the West is great, despite the fact that Christianity is what sent pagan Europe back into an artistic, technological, architectural, and spiritual (etc) dark age. Christianity is the reason for our destruction, but guys like this think our downfall is that we have not been following the jew book closely enough. What happens when you turn people into sheep being led by a “good shepherd”? They inevitably are led to the slaughter. This is… Read more »
Sad that this guest buys into the Bible’s true purpose of jew domination of the world, the bible is the jew’s graetest tool. Reason I have little hope for the future.
I humbly thank you all for all your thumbs up, Now for for my controversial comment, being a blue eyed Italian (no big deal as I have met many blue-eyed jews) I am dis-heartened by the elevation/accelades you give to the Germanic people, during the Weimar period & centuries prior many have fell prey (as we all have) to Jew tactics such as prostitution, materialism, war, etc, I for one have been approached by a white Aryian Biker who called me out for denouncincing the Jews & supporting Palestine , I told him I am proud to support pallestine as they are standing up to the Jews,Perhaps even more bravely than the Third Reich did with less weaponry, I wish more modern day Germans &… Read more »
Comfort and convenience are the other jew “heroins” injected into our culture. Funny how they have the same effect as the drug but on other social levels. It all comes down to short circuiting our Will.
People were a lot more Jew-wise in the past than now. That never stopped them from embracing Christianity. Quite the contrary.
Hey LisaP (aka Terese), you got banned before for being an absolutely obnoxious Christard. Isn’t it apparent that you are not welcome here?
lisa.. oh not you again! troll much..
You know what did it for me ? It was when he said something along the lines of: “they hate Christianity more than they do White People”. He’s mistaken, they hate all Whites, whether you consider yourself Christian, Pagan (< a Churchy Term/ Slander I care not for), a Fag, or what-ever, does not matter, they are wiping out our History, Monuments some of which are very Ancient, and Genetic Memory, pure and Simple. I hope he sees this comment and snaps out of it because Putin's Russia are "Using it", the "Orthodox" Revival as if to appear "Saintly" Justice Merchants .. If I was high on Somer and Adrenalin, I too could see the "Burning Bush" and write the "Ten Commandments", stupid effin' "Moses… Read more »
If you embrace Christ insanity you embrace the OT as well. The OT being a a subset of the torah, the “holy” book of the Jews. The god of the OT and NT is identical to the god of the torah. Therefore Christians worship the exact same god as Jews. That doesn’t seem very Jew wise to me.
right on. is there anything you would like me to bring on when im on richards show on the 25th? im pagan so it will most likely be about our yule so forth holidays from what i gather so far.. same paul davey anything you guys would like to hear from me around our yule tidings? 0/
The Greek term for “master, sir, lord” is “kristos” which is just a term referring to a social status. You have to give up your ego and admit that you were duped. Yes, it is hard to admit that some piss stained sewer turd jew spun a thread you took to heart. But… so what?
“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.” – Mark Twain
And how insulting is it for “concepts” such as marriage and family to be attributed to Christianity? If anything they twisted it into what it’s become today, in many cases a soft form of subjegation. And anyway, ” family” is not exactly celebrated in the Bible. Just another way our pagan roots enriched Christianity, which they now take credit for. Good guest other than that, but jeez.
send me an e-mail scarlett?
No problem John, just need to know how to get your e-mailed address.
Email address
Any of you put your money where your mouth is and come on my show and debate me. I suspect none of you Christian hating fools who do the Jews work for them by hating Christianity will come on my show and you’ll all make an endless pathetic list of excuses why you wont debate me when im offering you the opportunity. Little arm chair warriors. Not ONE of You will take up the challenge. Little children.
I will debate you
you are the ones doing the Jews work. You base your life and identity on a book that has been changed and manipulated to play you right into their hands. This is problem with basing your identity on something so ridiculous as a 2000 year old book written by the Romans that is conclusively proven to be wrong and fabricated. Humans are millions of years old Atlantis can be proven conclusively and you think a zombie space Jew who was his own father is your God. If you people had any sense you would not believe in such moronic nonsense to begin with. Do some homework and grow the fuck up
May I be so bold as to enquire which level of education you achieved to speak with such authority. I ask because having a PhD in RE and 20 years of intense study means I can speak with complete authority on the subject where as you guys, I suspect, are without anything higher than America’s equivalent of the GCSE. Please excuse my ignorance if I’m wrong on this. I like engaging in friendly debate with peers worthy of my brain space and time, anything else and I tire quickly.
This is what is known as an appeal to authority fallacy. You know Universities and degrees are a fairly recent invention in comparison to the millions of years humans have been alive, Newton and Tesla, Socrates and Plato, Descartes and Voltaire, none of these men had a degree and I am 100% positive you could not hold a conversation with any of them because you have knowledge or wisdom, you simply have information and indoctrination, both of which were given to you with an agenda. But since you asked I actually graduated from Mercer University a private Baptist University, one of the top universities in the country in fact. I graduated with a degree in computer science and a double minor in business and anthropology.… Read more »
Thank you for your honesty but degrees in computer science and business studies hold no weight with me are not respected over here particularly within the Cambridge and Oxford set. Not only has everyone from the third and second world got one but they’re not really ‘proper’ subjects worthy of much respect. Try 20 years of intense study on a worthy subject then get back to me, in the mean time I’d love to have you on my show.
I will explain a little to you and if you understand then you can graduate to the next level. The Bible is coded, you have no idea how to read it. You read it literally which is why it is designed the way it is. Everything in this world in 2 dimensions of reality your karma decides which you live in, whether you are in the matrix or you an architect of the matrix. Let me give you a few examples. Jesus is supposedly the son of God, well in reality you worship Saturn. Saturn is the father of the Gods, Jupiter is his son also known as the messiah, Jesus is the sun of God. Here is another little clue for you, in the… Read more »
I will come on your show but as I said, you would not understand anything I tell you, anymore than if I came on to discuss quantum physics with you this takes years and years of study to learn and understand. I am not trying to insult you, you seem bright enough to understand this if you actually look into it. I would be happy to help you. But you have to search it out, unlock your mind from the prison you have it in. Christianity was not designed to bring you to God it is designed to lead you away from him and make you a slave. I can show you how to find God 1.618 144, I can show you things you can’t… Read more »
Since you haven’t responded I am guessing you may be looking into all of this, I won’t hold my breath however. But I decided to give you another few hints for the lolz, the holy trinity is 3,6,9. Christianity was created to hide knowledge and scare you away from searching for it, get you to demonize it in fact and kill the people you call “pagans” because they have it which makes them dangerous to the Church. The need a monopoly on information and knowledge to keep you as a slave. They can’t control you if you know what they know, what the “pagans” know, which is the real secrets to the Universe and how to find God. I lol’d at you attempting to insult… Read more »
It is actually pointless to debate you all anyway because of your ignorance, it would take so much information for you to learn to be able to even understand anything about this reality you simply aren’t equipped to know it, it is only for those that seek it out, it is your karma. It would be as productive as debating a child about Nuclear Physics.
“karma” is a paginist school of thought. With that said, do keep talking to me about IQ (looks to heaven)
lolz the fool calling someone a fool meme never gets old. Actually karma is Hindu and Buddhist not Pagan first off/ Second it can be proven scientifically by the first law of thermodynamics. You clearly demonstrate how you are incapable of viewing the world through anything other than a Christian lense which is exactly what it was designed for to trap your mind which is what caused the dark ages until the Renaissance but not though they did not try and stop it. Keeping people in ignorance is the Church’s mission, their bread and butter, how they maintain control over the cattle, up until a few 100 years ago you burned people as ‘wizards” and ‘witches’ for being what we now call scientists today. You… Read more »
You don’t even apply the term Pagan correctly or know what it means. Labels in this world are created by people with a purpose, with an agenda to evoke reactions from people when they hear them. What exactly do you think Pagan means? What is your operational definition of this term? Are you simply calling anything not invented by the Jews Pagan? Because you already referred to Hindu and Buddhism as Pagan. Do you think Pagan is a category any religion that isn’t considered a “global” religion falls into? How many people exactly have to practice it for it to no longer be considered “Pagan” and be considered mainstream and legitimate to you? Do you even know, have you ever even thought of these things?… Read more »
Pagan is a term invented by the Church to label anything that fell outside of their control as evil to get the indoctrinated zombies to attack them before they could show you the truth. Every religion was Pagan to the Church at one time, who gets to decide when a religion is “legit”? You? The Pope? The Pope is flooding Europe with Muslims he perfectly fine with it. The Pope said Jews don’t have accept Christ to be saved. People were murdered by the millions for these things only a few 100 years ago, but never mind it is ok now, they aren’t pagan anymore they are fine. You people just aren’t real bright I’m afraid, you don’t ask questions, you don’t see truth, and… Read more »
Pagan is a term that all non-abrahamics should drop. As you say it’s used by all the church to delegitimize competing religions. Especially religions in Europe that preceded the christinsanity cult.
3,6,9 is the holy Trinity. This is the source of all religions, myths and legends, this is how you find God.
This is how you become a God
Paul, I honestly don’t have the time to debate you on this subject because I have already wasted 40 years of my life believing in the false prophet (liar) Jesus Christ. Quite frankly I’m ashamed to admit that it took me so to see this. Jesus PROMISED to RETURN within the lifetime of his contemporaries and imidiatly after the tribulation that would occur after the destruction of the Temple which took place in 70 AD. It’s been 2000 years. Nothing immediate about that.
Tony there were 12 tribes of Israel 12 squared is 144 the digital root of 144 is 9, the holy trinity is 3,6,9. Nine is God, the Christ consciousnesses, the God head, the source. All religions describe this knowledge the Church tried to destroy and the Jews are trying to hide also. It is coded into the bible, it is coded all ancient myths and legends. Find the Black Sun and you will find what you are looking for
This is some what off subject, but seeing the numbers that you were talking about reminded me of Tolkiens Lord of the rings. Bilbo was 99 when he adopted Frodo,12 years later they celebrated both of their birthdays which fell on the same day, September 22nd. Bilbo turning 111 and Frodo 33, which in the book was considered his coming of age.
I haven’t looked in into Tolkien motivations and background.
Not trying to derail the discustion, just something that came to mind.
P.S. all the Christards need to say seated at the kidd’y table untill they’ve grown up.
Lord Of The Rings is true history my friend even Tolkien himself admitted it. You are not derailing the convo at all, this is the point I am making all ancient cultures and myths have these numbers coded into them for reason. This is the code of the matrix Tesla cracked it. If you want to stop by my channel you will find what you are looking for
LOL@Paul! 😀 Christards nearly always resort to name-calling when their precious little belief system is called into question (hence I have no problem using “christard” in response). We’re certainly not children here & many have done the hard yards & required homework. However, we do retain the common sense that we were born with & were not as easily programmed as children to become “believing” adults. Debate a christian? I’ve got way more valuable & productive things to do with my time than run around in circles “debating” your mental illness! Time for debate is over – you either have the Aryan spirit in you to overcome the semitic mind virus or you don’t.
come and debate me scarlett you pagan feminist jew brainwashed idiot. NONE OF YOU ignorant fools would debate me but the offers there.
Go worship your circumcised rabbi Yeshua, your good shepherd, and keep wondering why the Christian sheeple get slaughtered. Dumbass.
Long series but no one ever said finding the truth was quick or easy
Ammunition against the half wits, not like you will ever change their mind with facts, evidence and proof, I mean they would not believe a zombie space Jew who was his own father that never even existed was their God to begin with. But knowledge is power and I imagine you want to know this information.
By the way I made a video of your Black Sun show and added some nations and corrections
That “What is the Black Sun ?” with the work of Velikovski the yewe, Ancient Mythology and Electric Universe was merely a Childish Semitic Rendition. What a load of Horse Crap ! I would be embarrassed to share this.
Deuteronomy 9 “Hear, israel; you are now about to cross the Jordan to go in and disposess nations greater and stronger than you.”
I don’t know about you, but that really sounds like stock European culture and propagation.
Debate you on what degree of jew worship you cunt? There is no debate.
Debate what? My choice to disentangle myself from your semitic slave religion? Or my ardent desire that my folk do the same? I’m here on this forum to learn and possibly discuss the way ahead; a future for my people, not debate things already combed over a million times.
typical semite, attacks the women first’ whats the matter triggered by scarlet daring to be a little feisty? century’s later you haven’t changed… in the medi evil times you burned us at the stake for using herbs to heal for you believed herbal medicine was of the devil with women’s natural talent for its use making ‘women devil worshipers.. you burned many pagans & nearly wiped out us druids… you failed! You know where you can stick that jew on a stick…
Not only did they burn people at the stake for that, but simply for having Red Hair ! (Red Hair was seen as a sign of being a Witch).
“same paul davey anything you guys would like to hear from me around our yule tidings? 0/”
I’m sure you’ll do just fine without any suggestive input from me 🙂
yes having warts or skin tags which most old people get, was another reason of the many… nice bit of karma was the black death that followed after they killed many cats for the same nonsense… no cats to eat the rats 🙂 oh and salem burning s for the start of jew medicine & thank you paul hopefully we can make your yule more pleasant with the christos 🙂
*without the christos, lol
they havnt heard of hand fasting obviously in which we needed no certificate of ownership or semite shyteloard to approve..
Yes Scarlett, in fact the only thing that seems to be lauded to the point of childish hysteria is pissrael, a place that does not exist except that a lot of Palestinians are being slaughtered.
Jewsus…..what a dickhead. It’s hard to see how anyone can still believe in that whiny little jew half-prick in the 21st century.
Oh no, I am converted. I am off to church now to walk with our lord and saviour. I will let the priest fondle my virtues through a secret hatch in the “confessions booth”, then go and adopt a few niglets.
Actually it is JeZeus
this is a playlist I would watch it all
May I be so bold as to enquire which level of education you achieved to speak with such authority. I ask because having a PhD in RE and 20 years of intense study means I can speak with complete authority on the subject where as you guys, I suspect, are without anything higher than America’s equivalent of the GCSE. Please excuse my ignorance if I’m wrong on this. I like engaging in friendly debate with peers worthy of my brain space and time, anything else and I tire quickly.
20 years of studying a bogus religion? Yet you question our intelligence? Lol.
I could have saved you a lot of trouble by telling you all the abrahamic religions are simply about power. Whatever secrets are coded within the “holy” texts were never meant for anyone outside the priesthood.
As a blueprint for gaining power the “holy” books are useful. If you have no morals or conscience and follow the OT/Torah you’ll do well. Studying them to find some divine truth is an exercise in futility and a waste of life.
Somebody hand this guy a tissue, please. I’m out.
I have a lot of understanding for christian “normies” who are unaware of the Jewish problem, but not so much people who take leader/educational roles. Or maybe at least not at renegade where it’s refreshingly free of Jehovah’s influence. Although it’s true even prior Christians, who were heavily indoctrinated during most vulnerable time when their minds were moldable, still struggle and relapse with their faith sometime, at least rationally they’ll still admit the inconsistencies and blatant issues of plagiarism, historical innacuracy, or of course who wrote the damn thing. Some people are just blatantly stubborn and ignorant in their own emotionally-driven conclusions. Even scientists admit their conclusions are theories, even if we trust those theories with our lives in some cases. A lot of Christians… Read more »
I think a lot of people still see Christianity as a European religion which muddles their thinking. Christianity was almost exclusively a European thing for a long time as far as adherents go so I can understand their confusion. It’s roots were not European of course but not everyone looks into it. Personally I always found Christianity to have a foreign feel to it. It wasn’t really a hardcore religion to most people when I was growing up so I didn’t hate it but stories about hebrews and the middle east just held little interest for me. If you’re brought up to think you are a Christian and your entire family is the same way plus much of the population then it’s hard for most… Read more »
Making fun of my OCD and autism is disgusting. I should perhaps make fun of your ugly face as I’m sitting here with your picture in front of me, you’re offensive to my eyes.
What a saint.
Ya know what really irks me these days, more than ever?
I thought Christians were supposed to turn the other cheek? You best be careful lest your evil thoughts of revenge get you slapped down from the imaginary sky jew.
I vote Richard leaves the network. Get that semitic shite away from us.
@ James V
I am completely against Christianity, James. This guest started preaching and I did not appreciate that but I only tried to have him on to discuss concerns for our race and people which he does share with us. I have a show set to be on Monday, December 25th this year. Check out that show to see just what I think of Christianity…….
Okay. Then you thoroughly suck at debate.
@ James V I had really hoped to pretty much avoid the topic of religion altogether and focus on the concerns of our race for this interview. Perhaps this was wrong of me from the very beginning in this case. I am capable of debating someone on a given topic if this is something I want to discuss in the show. I did not invite this guest on here to debate his religion. Were I to have done so I would have made that clear to him ahead of time. I felt I should tell him our views on religion once the topic had been brought up, but I really did not want to debate religion with this guest as a topic for the show.… Read more »
You can’t predict how the guests will act, but the christiots seem to go into a stone avalanche for their jeebus
I think the guest took this as an opportunity to push the jew. What made me larf was how he tried to deflect what vegennance was saying through the chat about christidiocy by using red herrings.
🙂 0/
I think the show would have ended there to be honest.
Yet you were all too afraid to come on and debate me when the host opened up the phone lines. The one caller who did get through completely crapped himself. My intelligence and authority on the subject scares you, it takes you out of your comfort zone, for which I will not apologise. – it’s called growth you should try it some time.
No I wasn’t, I don’t listen to the shows live. No the whole thing has already been destroyed years ago, you are late to the party. After about 10 minutes it goes in circles and the same old yard just goes around, and aroundddd and arooooundddd.
Richard is a good guy and very bright it’s just a shame there’s so much dead air time when responding to my points/questions. What’s with the lag?
Maybe he just thought you were about to sneeze after every response what with all the sniffing & stuff going on there pal! Sounded like he was politely giving you time to get it out of your system to me.
Hey Richard, just curious, is there any particular reason that you named yourself after a dead man?
I am using the proper surname of my family and my parents had named me Richard. My last name is that of my father’s father. My grandfather’s surname was Karolkiewicz (He is dead now)- and as thus it is my family name. He immigrated to the Untied States from Poland when he was a child.
Thanks for clearing that up, Richard.
Why does this guy keep excessivley sniffing? Must be snorting too much of that semitic smack.
He is making it a white christmas, with a bit of “snow”.
How immature to resort to remarks about a symptom of my autism and OCD. I hold a PhD in RE, bet you guys haven’t got a college diploma between you. You’re all beneath me on many levels and aren’t brave enough to come on my show to debate me.
Enough with the PHD in RE already. I remember RE being a pretty easy ride. It is funny though, how you value the education system so much given what you should know about the state of our government.
And why do you keep asking random people to debate you? On what exactly? Christianity?
There is no debate to be had on it, there are just a few simple questions needed. Was jesus a jew? is the old testament part of the Tanakh? Was Paul/Saul a jew? Was Moses a Jew? the list goes on, but you get the jist.
And please stop ranting around the comments section like some demented retard.
“let’s try to focus on lifting people up instead of putting them down. there are only a select few among us who know it all…I wonder if there necks hurt from the over full brains holding those heads up straight”
You’ll never see me say dumb shit like this to Kyle and Sinead!
very clever, idiot
That’s not very uplifting 🙁 Stay classy 🙂
(((controlled opposition)))
The thing is the sheep must be governed, how do you govern superstitious half wits that are dangerous without Christianity? This is a big problem to have to overcome. Very few people have the IQ or tenacity to seek and find the arcanum. We would have to train them from, birth, redo the entire school curriculum. Even the “Nazis” knew this was impossible and simply used it to their advantage. We have to turn the Christians back on their masters, not destroy their illusions. We have to remind them the Jews killed Jesus, and what is an anti-Christ if not a Jew? A Jew is the very definition of an anti-Christ, this is the angle we need to press. Tell the Jews were the devils… Read more »
Much easier to simply attack “diversity”. Every anti-White policy being promoted these days is bring promoted under the banner of “diversity”. It’s fully retarded for any society to have “diversity” as it’s prime objective. I really can’t believe that so few people really understand just how stupid it is to be talking about “diversity” as if it’s some wonderful new ideology/religion. As a concept it’s way more retarded and harmful than marxism or even christianity. A nation can survive marxism and christianity but no nation can survive “diversity” for any length of time.
I agree Diversity is a symptom. Come on my show
Diversity is the disease not just the symptom. It’s the justification used to promote White genocide. Most big organizations have “diversity” officers to implement anti-White policies. Anti-Whites are always talking about how important “diversity” is to them.
Diversity is nothing more than a codeword for White genocide. It really can’t stand serious criticism which is why anyone who speaks out about it is fired if they work for anti-Whites.
Your show is entitled, ”Revelation”? No thanks. No character from any book is going to save you, your children, myself, or anyone else for that matter. Ever. As the saying goes, ”it’ll be a cold day in hell”. Pull up your boot straps and kick the habit. Your children will thank you for it. Best of luck to you Paul. I hope you innerstand, that unless you are in fact some kind of flavor or Ashkenazi, most of the commenters here are sincerely wishing you well – in that – all who are aware of the nature of the genocide we are living through, wish you would wake up, and walk away from the infant mutilating, wife loaning, animal sacrificing, generally psychotic cult of the… Read more »
You weren’t brave enough to call in and debate me when the host opened the phone lines. None of you were. Not one person. Actually one person did get through but completely crapped himself when asked what he’d phoned in for. His reply “I’m just listening”. You’re little cowardly boys the lot of you.
So you didn’t realise Renegade has a listen-in phone number & many people phone it to listen to the shows on their mobile devices? LOL! What a dumbass! Guess that silly little PHD that you flop out at every opportunity doesn’t really get you too far in the REAL world ay?! 😀
You weren’t smart enough despite your piece of paper (from a kosher controlled institution) to realize that renegade listeners aren’t into abrahamic insanity cults? You’ve studied lies so long that reality right in front of you is hidden.
Will the real JohnSmith please step forward?
Listened to this whole show & wish now I hadn’t. No slight on you Richard but this guest brought nothing new to the table whatsoever. Everything he brought up & his attitude can be heard everyday on all the run-of-the-mill troofer shows out there that just run around in circles like chickens with their heads cut off getting nowhere & providing no actual real-world solutions. Hey Paul – we’ve all heard this shite 1000 times before you boring cunt! If I wanted to hear this crap I’d just go get drunk & sit in the Mami’s chatroom with all the other deadend troofers who whine about shit but actually DO NOTHING!!
I am astounded to discover that the Paul on this comment board is the same Paul that spoke on Richard’s show . Paul, you came across as an educated and reasonable person until you chose to go into attack mode on account of my mild commentary. Perhaps you received my comment as an attack on you personally . I find such a reaction to be strange and unsettling, and actually validates my argument that your spirituality acts as some kind of virus on the mind . Frankly , I’d really like to see less vicious name calling and more intelligent conveyance of ideas . We all have the intelligence necessary for such an endeavor , and it doesn’t take a PhD .
Poor Paul… sounds like he need’s more Renegade in his life to help him see through the blood stained veil of christianity – perhaps Truth Hertz specifically.
Thanks to the comments, I was able to avoid wasting my time listening to this arrogant ignoramus.
Sad, I know quite a few strong, family oriented ”Christian” white men, who if they put their brains back into their skulls and detoxed the kool-aid, they’d be such great defenders of their race, their kin. Instead they spin their wheels defending the jewish holy book.
So much misplaced passion in the world.
Thanks to all the Renegades who are committed to the truth, no matter where it leads.
On a final note, may I just say this particular comment board has been strange and full of shenanigans. I put in a vote for me and all other sane people to move on and stop feeding the beast. Just my humble opinion.