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10 years ago

Mr. Giuliani is a very interesting and intelligent gentleman Nick, but he is totally anti-Jewish as opposed to being pro-White. That is a very common mindset among White activists right now, although it is changing rapidly, and your very clear comprehension of White genocide is testament to that..Well done on your own pro-White development The topics that you have touched upon today would be much better attended to by Horus the Avenger, Kyle Hunt, Minervia from Bugs, Linux Lewis from Bugs, or if you can get him, Bob Whitaker. To discuss these most important issues you would be better served by someone who understands White Genocide and how we have utilized the Mantra very effectively to inform White people to overcome the psychological shackles that… Read more »

10 years ago

Also, you ability to bring everything back to White Genocide as per FTWR 79 is commendable, extremely helpful to our White people, and devastating to our anti-White enemies.

10 years ago

We often see so called Pro-White groups turn out to be Zionist front organizations like the EDL in Britain. You can’t serve two masters. Many Israel supporters, Jewish nationalists pretend that they care about our national interests, they don’t. So unless a group is squarely honing in on the string pullers behind the fall of Europe and America, Jewish Imperialism, they are just wasting valuable time and energy.

Nothing will ever change without first kicking the Jews out of power in our lands. It’s that simple.

10 years ago

We are fighting an agenda. We have had to accept the multicultural project as terms of our defeat in WWII to Jewish Imperialism which as we know uses two main thrusts for control: Zionism, holocaustianity, wars in Mid East, rewriting of Christianity, – Cultural Marxism, mass immigration, media promoted miscegenation, affirmative action, promotion of Islam and all other world views except ours, ‘white privilege’/ ‘white guilt’. Facing this problem as a pro-White movement rather than an anti-Jewish Imperialism movement has one immediate draw back. Jews are for the most part, white. Not the crypto Jews in China, Arabia, or Africa mind you. It’s for the Africans, Chinese and Arabs to deal with those. Maintaining a moral high ground as Merlin Miller puts it is very… Read more »

10 years ago

Bugs is jew controlled dissent. Sure lets talk about The White genocide but not name the jew. Lets talk about all the problems Whites face today but whatever you do, dont name the jew.
Who wants you to think its anybody but the jew and also not name jews? jews do, welcome to jew dissent bugsters..

10 years ago

This is why Bugster do not want you to name the jew. Blame Whites instead, bugster mantra jews are white like white rabbits. Bugs IS jew dissent, stay

10 years ago

Bob Whitaker isn’t telling anyone not to talk about jews. You can do whatever you want. He tells the BUGS Swarm not to blame jews when talking about White genocide. When you scream “jews”, someone else screams “Nazi”, after that the ONLY thing that demoralized, conditioned Whites will hear is “hate”, and they will oppose you. They have been conditioned to resist “racism”. It’s not really hard to understand. Whites have a hard time seeing themselves as victims, so they will defend a non-White “victim” against a White “bully” every time. You have to approach them with a message that gets them thinking about their own interests. But go on and do what has been so successful for you since the 1960’s. Blame the jew.… Read more »

10 years ago

Maybe you can come up with your own response instead of Bob approved nonsense. You’ve been exposed by Marr and Hadding, I’ve had my doubts since Murdoch was on Lana’s show a few months ago.
Go ahead and name symptoms and not the cause of those symptoms.
You are excusing the jew and blaming Whites.
There would be no(White) pathology without a pathogen(jews). Figure it out. Who blames Whites for all the problems in the world? jews. Who wants you to shift focus away from jews and blame Whites? jews…..

10 years ago

Once again, since you seem to have missed it, BUGS is not telling YOU not to talk about jews. Bob Whitaker doesn’t have any influence over you. BUGS tells its own Swarm not to mention jews because BUGS wants the Swarm to focus on propaganda that WORKS. BUGS does not point fingers at any particular group. If you attack ANY group, demoralized Whites will defend the “victim” against the “bully”, exactly as you, RIGHT NOW, are defending White antiWhites. That’s right; I said you are defending antiWhites…White antiWhites. BUGS blames ANTIWHITES, that’s everyone of every race, color, and creed who has one goal, WHITE GENOCIDE. You are either PRO-White or you are ANTIWHITE. At any rate, we’ve already fought the war that you are talking… Read more »

10 years ago

Intelligent people like intelligent arguments. That’s why I read & listen to material from people like Kevin McDonald, Tom Sunic and a host of others. I also enjoy Paul Hickman’s shows on Renegade as he talks to fighters who have been on the front line of real battles & the odd politician who has their head screwed on properly. Many people agree with the sentiments portrayed in BUGS material BUT the general approach they take with the massively repetitive MEMES they use and TYPING so MANY words in CAPITALS all through their comments actually gets annoying VERY QUICKLY which VERY often ends up just making them appear like KOOKS to the average person. It’s easier to dismiss their approach off-hand than it is a well… Read more »

10 years ago

Your mantra makes zero sense and you are missing the point. Memes about symptoms makes even less sense when the reason for those symptoms are not addressed. You think you are being clever. Like youre going to get one over or past the jew. Im done dealing with you jew controlled bugs. You have been exposed. Anyone shifting blame onto Whites ( it wouldnt be happening if Whites … Fill in the blank) while excusing or trying to be cute and tip toe around the jew are hurting more than helping. Again (White)pathology cannot exist without a pathogen(jews). Kmac and many others are guilty of this as well. It is jews and anyone not saying that and blaming Whites are hurting more than helping. Enough… Read more »

10 years ago

Nice photo selection Kyle for the program. It even has Charles at the top!

Thank you for the compliment TFF.

I hope everyone enjoyed both hours especially the treat of having Giuliani for hour one.

10 years ago

That was a treat, CM, even if some of us can’t seem to grasp the concept of practical politics and proWhite propaganda. I have to wonder whether a person who protests so loudly at the use of the White Mantra is really on my side of this discussion. “Look at anything, except the issue of White geNOcide!” This is exactly what Bob Whitaker has been saying for years. AntiWhites do NOT want normal Whites to realize the truth of White genocide. But Bob Whitaker has probably been fighting this longer than “Chris” has even been alive, so I’m sure Chris knows better. It makes me wonder what “Chris” does beside hang out in pro-White chat rooms and bitch about jews. wretchedWhiterabbit, and Lepus White on… Read more »

10 years ago

Timeforfreedom said… “…but he is totally anti-Jewish as opposed to being pro-White.” Why “as opposed” to being pro-White? To be MOST effective white people need to be both Pro-White AND Anti-Jewish. The jew is the MAIN problem facing ALL non-jews in this world so to just be Pro-White is not enough. Also, being Anti-Jew is something we can have in common with friendly non-whites and having non-white allies against a common enemy that threatens EVERY non-jew can be a strength not a weakness. The comment from Michael (who very obviously supports BUGS) above comes off as yet more defensive put-down infighting ie. “It makes me wonder what “Chris” does beside hang out in pro-White chat rooms and bitch about jews.” Sounds a bit hypocritical to… Read more »

10 years ago

To gain a fundamental grasp of why to be “pro-White” and minimize anti-Jew, read and listen to Bob Whitaker and HORUS over and over and over and…
The strength of the message is in the subtleties of of its construction. The Mantra is a tool. A tool which does its job in a very effective manner. A person does not need to know how the tool works (tho’ that may come, eventually), just use it… because it DOES work. “Keep it Simple.”
As for the “Chris” person… well… missing the mark by a LONG shot. No fault of his/her own. Only lack of understanding. “Understanding” may come in time but not necessary to use the mantra.

10 years ago

wretchedWhiterabbit said-

“At any rate, we’ve already fought the war that you are talking about. It was World War Two and we lost to OUR OWN BROTHERS, who fought for the jews. If The Great One couldn’t win that war, do you really think you can do it? White antiWhites will fight for the jew today, just like they did then, unless they are convinced to fight FOR THEIR OWN INTERESTS, against WHITE GENOCIDE.”

^ Are you suggesting that they would have had a greater chance of success had they kept silent regarding jewry and/or that we today have a better shot at combating our due extinction if we ourselves remain quiet in this aspect? I give neither scenario any credence whatsoever.

Stikamantra Wheredasundontshine
10 years ago

Tubby33 just described EXACTLY how to follow a religious cult! No need to really understand anything, just follow & chant whatever mantra is put before you! Who said we want to “minimize anti-Jew”? That would be absolutely stupid and as those with common sense here have already identified it works in the jew’s favor to do so. When you start to finally reveal the CAUSE of a problem you don’t immediately cast it aside to focus further on the symptoms! Those who think otherwise are nothing less than brainwashed tools, jews or their staff. Mariska is right on the ball. We have to be Pro-White AND anti-jew. If it helps, stop thinking of those as “pro” and “anti” or “positive” and “negative” and think of… Read more »

10 years ago

No, Blut&Boden, what I am suggesting is our interests were defeated then and the kikes have an even greater grip on the West today, than they had when they conned the United States into fighting against the interests of White Europeans in World War II. They’ve had 60 more years to propagandize us. But, it’s irrelevant. I don’t care if anyone talks jews. I point out jewish hypocrisy and double standards, quite often. In fact, I just lost my FB account Thursday, which I’ve built for more than a year, posting Mantra talking points to over 400 strangers, waking up MANY people while giving them tactics to defend themselves verbally against antiWhites. The SPECIFIC final straw was posting the Jewish obsession with fecal matter article… Read more »

10 years ago

Thanks for your response. I don’t attack BUGS and agree it is not an either/or issue.

10 years ago

Nick from Circus Maximus and Charlie Giuliani from Truth Hertz team up for the Renegade Broadcasting Wild Card for Hour One. They discuss:

Staying on Message, White Rabbit Radio Podcast: FTWR-79, Pro-White versus Anti-White, Painting a broad brush for Anti-Whites, White gentile traitors & their jewish mindset, Nick’s experience with women in Chicago who have Non-White children, the 14 Words, Richard Nikolaus Von Coudenhove Kalergi; Practical Idealism. We also discuss Robert Ransdell, “With Jews We Lose”.

Hour Two: Tom Bowie, Markus, and Tubby chime in and contribute to the show.

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