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4 years ago

Blacks are basically just dark skinned Jews

Reply to  Dennis
4 years ago

Not true. Blacks are generelly speaking low iq and very impulsive making them very easily manipulated which the jews have taken advantage of with their control of the media. They use this flaw of Black people as a weapon against White people. And with the jews control, they allow and encourage Blacks to endorse and embrace their violent impulses and aim it towards Whites. This conflict was created by jews, specially considering Blacks are only here in the U.S because of the jewish controlled transatlantic slave trade which they then weaponized to destroy the U.S from within when they were given full rights in the U.S. Blacks commit crimes mostly on a street level while jews commit crimes so large it shakes the whole world… Read more »

Reply to  Ursa
4 years ago

Yes I get all that . I didn’t say they were Jews . It’s their attitude towards us from the ones that are empowered to the everyday negro . I’m pretty sure you have seen the black hebrews . You also have to remember that jews was one of the biggest players in the slave trade and enslaved them. Pretty sure the slave owners was taking female slaves and impregnating them , so is their a certain percentage that have Jewish DNA admixture…. I have a friend from Algeria and we have conversations about the jews. We discuss the Jew problem quite a bit. He told me one day that the jews and blacks have a weird bloodline together ( I should ask him more… Read more »

Anthony Roberts
4 years ago

So the evil White guy teacher was murdered trying to help educate and uplift a melanated soul brother out of (jewish supremacist-made) poverty. What a horrible nat-see! Miss Swimsuit UK 2019, has been stripped of her prestigious title, after saying: all lives matter; more unarmed Whites were killed last year; Whites don’t loot or destroy everytime; blacks kill more blacks and there’s little evidence for convicted criminal Floyd’s death. Well said young lady! P.S. Good show, Kyle, but i take all of the above back. Blacks ‘did not do nothing’ to deserve their current reputation, and the oppressed jewish people do not have control of anything in this world and have zero privilege….just in case the U.K. gov’t, C.P.S or West Mids County police happen… Read more »

eric the red
4 years ago

Kyle is 100% correct in his view of most, if not all Blacks in general. All of them SHOULD BE relocated Back to Africa! This should have happened in the U.S. shortly after the end of the 1st u.s. Civil War. We appear to be already well into the 2nd American Civil War.

4 years ago

It’s like everything nowadays is being turned upside down.

Reply to  Nicholas
4 years ago

Ya reckon?

4 years ago

the jews’ historical plans for White Genocide revealed in today’s planet of the apes system

4 years ago

Since the left has taken a perfectly nice girl’s name ‘Karen’ and turned it into a slur for White women, I say we start referring to these type of black people as ‘Mel.’ They never seem to be satisfied in how they are referred to ‘negro,’ ‘black,’ ‘African-American.’ Now I think White people should refer to these racist blacks as Mels. It has a kind of Jewish flair to it too (Mel Brooks) since they like to team up with the jews.

Reply to  HuckleBuck411
4 years ago

Starting out your comment with “the left” instantly highlights you as a either a retard or a troll around here. Go try that somewhere else where time-wasters hang out.

Reply to  Mary
3 years ago

They are spreading like the plague.

Mortal Goyal
4 years ago

Great job here kyle
Sucks theres only twenty of us listening

Reply to  Mortal Goyal
4 years ago


Rat detected.

Mortal Goyal
4 years ago

Seriously….you funny Kyle

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