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4 years ago

At this point every one is going along with the narrative and to do other wise is to be labeled a conspiracy nut…don’t think for one minute truth or reality will change there new normal…brush up on your new speak folks.

Troy Lor
4 years ago

I’ll give you my brief perspective. I’m not a sociopath. I like getting along with people and showing respect. The people I know in my town are all wearing masks. They are kind to me, and treat me really well, and I don’t like the feeling of not wearing a mask when they are wearing them. It just makes it seem like I’m looking down on them somehow. One woman has a beautiful colorful mask, and I just didn’t like the feeling I felt last time I saw her to pick up my mail when I wasn’t wearing a mask. The suitable compromise I’ve found is wearing a thin merino wool neck warmer up on my face when I am indoors in public for a… Read more »

Troy Lor
Reply to  renegade
4 years ago

I like blending in rather than having an X on my head that I’m an anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorist, and I don’t want people thinking I look down on them.

Reply to  Troy Lor
4 years ago

Konspiwacy feorist Antee vackser. Any other terms that try to trigger the reptile brain so we fear being ousted by our tribe and left to die outside in the jungle so we will comply with the nonsense?

Reply to  Troy Lor
4 years ago

allows me to blend in and seem like everyone else.

Good goy! Now, for your safety I’d just like you to kneel down by this ditch over here like you see everyone else doing… that’s right, side by side with your back to me & my friendly protection force buddies so that you blend in with everyone… good, good, now put this hood over your head & please put your hands behind your back just like everyone else. That’s great goy & remember we’re all in this together… BANG!!!

Troy Lor
Reply to  Mary
4 years ago

Big deal, Mary. If the world is like that, I’m not going to fight it.

Troy Lor
Reply to  renegade
4 years ago

Kyle, I wasn’t born here to save the world. It’s not my problem if this world is controlled by psychopaths and abusers. Where is the Creator to confront these demons? Why is it supposed to be my problem?

Reply to  Troy Lor
4 years ago

The world is controlled by psychopaths and abusers because people like you, in their infinite patience/tolerance throughout history, gave them a free pass at every turn instead of speaking up against them.
It’s not V-2 rocket science, Troy Lor the Troller; *you’re* part of the problem, and always have been.

Reply to  Troy Lor
4 years ago

It’s atrocious to see a coward bitch like yourself. It’s clear you’re only here to cause trouble if you’re such a little bitch about having respect for yourself and others. “Its not my job, I wasn’t put here to save world from ZOG! man im not even gonna try im just gonna help the jews genocide the White race ‘cause I’m a coward who just wants to blend into ZOGtopia” … Okay, so, you don’t care. Then why are you even engaging in such conversations… (possibility 1: pathetic coward | possibility 2: federal ZOG agent of somekind) lol … How were you expecting to be treated? If you’re not a paid agent, clearly you’re aware of the situation the world’s in, but you just don’t… Read more »

Reply to  Troy Lor
4 years ago

Troy Lor is right, it is not upto us to do anything, only Jesus can deal with these people, till then we have to strictly follow Jesus’s instructions such as this: “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters–yes, even his own life–he cannot be my disciple.” – Luke 14:26 Also remember we have to give away all our possessions to poor people such as BLM, Third World Immigrants, etc, Jesus 100% endorses this. – “Give what is in your cups and plates to the poor…” – Luke 11:41.“Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away.” – Matthew 5:42.“From him who takes… Read more »

Reply to  Troy Lor
4 years ago

This is another version of the: “give up, you can;t win, just hand it over to us the”, jewdi mind trick; mental subversion tactic in order to try and disable any physical resistance and instill some sort of short circuit pattern so as to lay down without a fight. Not going to work. The jewdo moves are too obvious.

Anthony Roberts
4 years ago

People who wear masks would never dream of blocking off their gas fire / boiler vent, AC outlet, or sealing their car engine exhaust, but will gladly cut off their fresh air supply. WTH!!?

At this rate the pfizer poison won’t be needed to fulfill their Georgia guidestones mandate, as the jewish supremacists, their minion elites, and slave celebs go about their ‘air kissing – as* licking’ pathetic soulless lives.

PS What will it take to wake folk up? Good show and experiment, Kyle. Don’t forget lil Tommy’s 1986 movie – Top Gun.
“Take My Breath Away?” No, more like “Highway To the Danger Zone!”

Anton Zyttidell
4 years ago

Nice talk Kyle. Here in Melbourne, Australia. We now have less restrictions, after months and months. Europe and America/Canada are in the same situation we were in in our winter. Now we don’t have to wear masks while we are outside and/or walking. But … We still need to carry masks with us when we go into any venue or building. We need to wear masks still indoors. Insanity right!? We have had zero cases for over thirty days now. Apparently it’s a victory for all the hard work the good citizens have been doing hah … What a joke aye. But, considering the media and Zionists dribble, the rules of Covid normal and distancing, customer numbers, cafe and restaurant barcode scanning tracing, patron limits,… Read more »

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