Nick speaks to Lark in Texas about his research into Communitarianism and why this subject should concern all of our listeners. The control system known as the New World Order and all of its many manifestations are seeking to remove all freedom under the guise of “the greater good”. Music list
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A truly fascinating and important show, thank you Nick and the Guest. I will be listening again and taking notes.
Too much communitarianism, not enough JEW.
@Bob in DC:
Are you bored with other networks and are now stalking Renegade? I am surprised you haven’t called in to get your 5% shill in yet (Bob follows the 95/5 rule of 95% half truths and 5% bullsh*t) By the way, how much do the Feds pay you per month to be annoying or is it a yearly bonus?
Where is your proof, or does Saul Alinsky not cover that aspect? … lol
Your irritating voice is the proof. It is what you say, Bob. It is how you say it, Bob. The variables become near infinite with word choice and sentence structure, yet you say the same irritating things, over and over and over and over… ad nauseum… always calling into other peoples shows and talking over and dominating until they stop taking your calls, Bob. If one wishes to spot a Fed; simply let it speak, as the Fed must lull, blind and bind its victim. Like a spider spinning its web… you are that spider, Bob. Over the years I have become an expert in spotting your likes… its every time you open your mouth, Bob… its every time your greasy, hairy fingers tipitty-tap that… Read more »
I agree with you, Mr. Bot: “…you say the same irritating things, over and over and over and over…”
Yes — It’s JEWS , JEWS, JEWS, JEWS…lol.
Bob the Sophist… need I say more?
@Bob the Sophist: The problem does not lie with the word “jew”, but with you, Bob. You are the problem, Bob, as you continuously obfuscate the truth.
Sure, you say, “jew”, but the problem with you, Bob, is everything else you say on top of “jew” is more often than not a half-truth or an outright lie.
This becomes the source of the problem, as you deceive the unwary and trusting, always inserting those little mind virus’, which cause paralysis or neurosis within the folk. It is your deceptive behavior which causes many of the uninitiated to turn away from the truth.
@Bob in DC or @Bob the Sophist:
Here is the perfect article for you, Bob, as it uses and explains the word, sophist, which exemplifies your personality and behavior. Ttfn.
All this bilge from a dog just because Lark from Texas continually rants about communitarianism while avoiding the kikejew cause.
Yes, it’s the JEWS!
How many times does the word Jew need to be mentioned in a two hour show in order for it to meet your approval? How many Jewish individuals were mentioned in this two hour span? Too many for me to remember.
How many times was it mentioned, and esp. as being causal? Lark has pushed this line for years — rather than concentrating on Problem #1, Enemy #1 — the kikejew.
Great show as always Nick
National Socialism: The unification of both left and right under Natural Law.
Bob is rather good at arguing with himself
Very interesting show, thank you
3 white people coming together to organise against the jewish anti white actions, and lark shouts at the 3 whites “COMMUNITARIANISM COMMUNITARIANISM” thou shalt not organise against the jews cause then you’re a communitarianist.
have confronted lark about this but he wouldn;t answer in the chat (rbn)
communitarianisn is jews merging jewish capitalism with jewish communism.
He admitted during the discussion that he was partially Jewish. Am I surprised? No
Truly profound discussion. Mindblowing in fact, what’s more is that Adam Curtis (from the nonlinear warfare segment) released a new documentary (very recently) that may be relevant.
Lark’s questioning of his identity and what it means to a worldview is admirable as well, though the need for White survival is abundantly clear. The European fair races have fallen from a great portion of the world population to a single digit minority, and as of now are not able to rule sovereignly over their own destiny anywhere.
But the final message I get from a lot of these podcasts is: Everything is fucking fucked, mate.
What about that Red Hat?
Such A Salinger move