Circus Maximus: Ryan Dawson – The Empire Unmasked (9-9-16)


Nick speaks with Ryan Dawson, the filmmaker behind The Empire Unmasked and longtime 9/11 truth activist. They speak primarily about Israeli involvement in the attacks of 9/11 and why Ryan sees much of the arguments about buildings coming down and planes to be counter-productive.

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7 years ago

Wait a second! What is all this uproar about not paying taxes (or in other words, not paying their own out of thin air made Federal Reserve Note/Debts back to them) while they can easily print it and fund their own wars? People still don’t get this whole idea in regards to money and taxes. THEY ARE A FORM OF MASS CONTROL and not of any independent value. If you really wanna be a Renegade in this regard then don’t use their money at all. I’m not an economist to come up with an alternative trading systems even though the bartering system seems like a good idea for basic trade. —- Someone please reply to my question: What’s the best form of investment in the… Read more »

Reply to  Yrton
7 years ago


Reply to  Jeremy
7 years ago

The best form of investment is on people, both spiritually and economically.

Reply to  Yrton
7 years ago

Land and people. Period. The only thing of any value, the shites know this that is why they want our work for their garbage notes.

7 years ago

Great show Ry is the first and last word on 911 for the public debate to bad he is not the entertainment clown the public peanut gallery craves.

Presentation and pt Barnum showmanship is all they consume… “Are you entertained yet”?

“Kind of but what about missiles lasers aliens and Keanu reeves ridding a rainbow to make it more palatable”… Ugh slouching toward gamora

Reply to  Cobra
7 years ago

Quite surprised that no-one has mentioned the testimony of April Gallup, a citizen employee at the Pentacon. She was there, Dawson wasn’t. I’ll take her testimony over his any day of the week.

Tom Sullivan
Reply to  Cobra
7 years ago

Dawson is not even the second, third or penultimate word on 9/11. No, he is not an entertainment clown, but certainly a clown of some sort.

Anthony Roberts
7 years ago

My two pence worth: No evidence of 4 planes – No discernible debris ( seats,bodies,luggage ) at any site, apart from wrong engine on pavement in NY. Off report speed of WTC2 plane 510knots/587mph, impossible apparently at sea level. Only 3 steel-framed buildings have come down by fire in history – yep, on 9/11. Why are they still building these fire deathtraps? Also, even with pancaking floors, the bottom third of those floors would still be visible, with their contents inside ( see earthquake pics ) Regardless of all the theories – it was the JEWS!!!!! PS Good show Nick – must have been uncomfortable for you at times. Still a bit confused about the guest. Is he saying it was only zionists? Or some… Read more »

Anthony Roberts
Reply to  Anthony Roberts
7 years ago

Sorry off topic: We’ve been Trumped! ‘Three’ my IP in UK has made the tribune ( not broadcasting ) a restricted access 18+ site today 10/09/16. (((They))) are watching.

Reply to  Anthony Roberts
7 years ago

It’s more likely you downloaded some free app and it installed a browser hijacker.

7 years ago

I’m 5 minutes in and laughing a little bit. “he became a racist” “its not the jews its only the zionists”. I don’t know if Ryan realizes what website he’s on.

The Pope of Nothing
7 years ago

Ryan Dawson…….I smell a dirty filthy jew. He would make a good butt buddy for Sean Stone.

Reply to  The Pope of Nothing
7 years ago

Read his website and actually think for yourself with the tiniest bit of information that you earned by research….. Then decide if your smell test works

The man spends hours giving you an arsenal of information based on his hard won research and people rather take the lazybones msm alt right lies

The Pope of Nothing
Reply to  Cobra
7 years ago

Still doesn’t mean he’s not a filthy jew.

Reply to  The Pope of Nothing
7 years ago

Don’t you find many times, you can hear “Jew” in their voices? Something just jumps out at you in the way they talk and the sound of their voice that says Jew. (not necessarily what they are saying) I have found this to happen many times when I hear someone and I get the “Jew” flag in their voices and sure enough, when I look at their names and faces and facts, they are a Jew. Becoming “jew wise” is more than just knowing about the history of Jews, it is a gut reaction to even hearing or seeing them.

7 years ago

I have heard Ryan before wanting to debate David Duke on the concept of ethnic nationalism and genetics correlating to culture but Duke never came through, it would be pretty entertaining for this debate/discussion to happen on one of these renegade shows.

Tom Sullivan
Reply to  kjhjklj
7 years ago

Dawson would be torn to shreds by Duke and without Duke needing to resort to the sort of childish name-calling that is Ry’s calling card.

Circus Maximus
7 years ago

Ryan Dawson has generally been an anti-racist from what I remember and it seems that he wanted to get into that sort of conversation because he is aware of what Renegade’s core stance is on racial matters. Problem is, he took the conversation in that direction when the show topic was his film and the 15th anniversary of 911. It took some effort on my part by having to keep bringing back on topic. Ryan used to be more critical of the Jewish tribe but it seems that he has altered his stance. Being isolated in Japan could/will prevent one from knowing the full extent of how Jewish behavior really is. Ryan spent time in California and stayed with David Cole-STEIN who has been on… Read more »

Circus Maximus
Reply to  Circus Maximus
7 years ago

Suffice it to say, I am looking forward to my next two interviews.

9-16 Rebekah Roth
9-23 Christopher Bollyn

Reply to  Circus Maximus
7 years ago

Ask Rebekah about the name ‘Koreann (pronounced Corrie Ann) Ashley” which she changed her (original?) name to in the late 80’s and why she did it THEN (hint: there had been no 9-11 yet.)

Bollyn should be very good interview.

Reply to  Circus Maximus
7 years ago

I too am very much looking forward to them. I am just about finished with her third novel, and am slowly absorbing SOLVING 9/11 by Christopher, and read everything he posts. I hope Rebekah listens to your interview of Ryan, and I will be listening to her next BlogTalk radio show and posts on Facebook and at her website. Thanks for taking time to enunciate,and speak clearly, not rush over your words, Nick. Christopher and Rebekah do that also, but not so much did Ryan on your show, and I need to relisten.

Reply to  Circus Maximus
7 years ago

Re: Rebekah Roth. Check out this interesting critique of Roth’s fictional work by Betsy McGee:

The Pope of Nothing
Reply to  Circus Maximus
7 years ago

Rebekah Roth……fucking jew.
Christopher Bollyn ….was married at one time to an Israeli citizen and spent a lot of time in Israel. Questionable, indeed.

Can’t we get anyone on here who straight-up hates the jews and knows all about Israel’s dominating role in 9/11?

Circus Maximus
Reply to  The Pope of Nothing
7 years ago

Proof Rebekah is a Jew besides “evidence” coming from disinfo artist Jim Fetzer and agent Pete Santilli?

I know Bollyn was married to Jewess up until 1985:

The Pope of Nothing
Reply to  Circus Maximus
7 years ago

Look at the bitch. She’s a fucking jew.

John A
Reply to  The Pope of Nothing
7 years ago

I’m pretty sure only Jews or negro would spell Rebekah that way…and Roth is a Jew name isn’t it?

The Pope of Nothing
Reply to  John A
7 years ago

Bingo! I am sick to death of fucking jews and crypto jews leading the “truth” movement. We’ve heard enough of their pablum. Let’s get some real jew haters on here. Anyone who doesn’t hate jews is not worth listening to. Basta! Enough of liars and deceivers! Enough of jews!

Reply to  The Pope of Nothing
7 years ago would be a good guest, he has a right sharp edge on the matter.

Good Dictator
Reply to  Circus Maximus
7 years ago

Also looking forward to these two interviews!

John A
Reply to  Circus Maximus
7 years ago

“Don’t throw the baby out of the bathwater”; no matter how much of a condescending prick the messenger can be.”
You patience I can only dream of sir!

Circus Maximus
Reply to  Circus Maximus
7 years ago

Seems that Ryan never watched this video: Here’s a sponsored video by Pilots for 911 Truth that breaks down the Pentagon incident and destroys the official narrative of how the damage was done.

7 years ago

Nick – “isn’t Japan like 90% homogenous”

LOL clever.

I could never make it all the way through his documentaries due the god awful production – text on the screen during narration, etc.

Really some mixed race sperg like this is the best the truth movement can do. The info is good though, of course.

7 years ago

Ry Dawson is a genius on 9-11 and some other issues but he is adamantly anti racialist. He says culture is NOT derived from a groups genome- the example he uses is Korea- same people, two radically diferent societies..I think his non racial thinking stems from his Ron Paul style Libertarianism and the fact that he married outside of his race, his kid is mixed. He has a blind spot on the legit concerns of white Europeans over the threats they face. Anyone can easily find out about how Jews were a problem long before “Zionism” but I guess he doesnt want to ‘go there.’ I find that I often have to ‘cherry pick’ my info from various researchers so he is excellent for some… Read more »

Tom Sullivan
Reply to  David Marshal
7 years ago

Dawson is anything but a genius. He got it right on some things with regards to 9/11 and now regards himself as an expert on the subject. However, he consistently shows himself to be a scientific ignoramus and certainly not the sharpest tool in the box. He derides those he disagrees with as “kooks” without realising the irony of such statements and relies on insults rather than argument.

Tom Sullivan
Reply to  Tom Sullivan
7 years ago

He’s certainly one of his biggest fans, if not the biggest.

Martin Bergman
Reply to  Tom Sullivan
6 years ago

Well said! I actually think he steels a lot of content from other people. I could be wrong but I think his research on 911 is stolen from another group of researchers – maybe During a short period he stole Denierbuds excellent documentarys and claimed he would send donations to him if you gave money to Ryan. I believe he is a fraud and that he lives on donations. The content he provides is of such a poor technical and rhetorical Quality. If he was serious he would have reached a lot further long time ago. So I guess his a beggar who pretends to hate the zionists. He also tried to team up with fear and gold doomsdat mongering jew Peter Schiff. Thats… Read more »

Reply to  David Marshal
7 years ago

Read “The Transparent Cabal” by Stephen Sniegoski . This book covers all the Jews leading up to the Iraq war in the government administration by name and for the benefit of Israel. Excellent.

7 years ago

His “The Empire Unmasked” is definitely a film I will be pleased to watch and publicize. Thanks for this recommendation, Nick. Re whether or not the art students in the Towers being Israelis or Europeans, Roth says, Israeli, and Bollyn and Dawson say, European. Were all of then Jewish?

And re Ryan’s expressed disdain for anti-semites, hopefully someday you can bring Adam Austin of fame as your guest here at Circus Maximum, I haven’t been to his website to see if he has updated it or made any more comments during 2016, but on line one can still access his book, that was too hot for Lulu to continue publishing, SUBVERTED NATION’S BASIC TRAINING FOR REVOLUTIONARIES. Thanks.

Cryin Lyin Ryan
7 years ago

Talk about “911 KOOK movement”. This clown thinks an aluminum plane made the cartoon cutout in the Pentagon. What a crybaby faggot WHINE TALKER.

7 years ago

I have to say, after thinking about it over the day, he is actually right when it comes to his strategy. All the physical evidence is too complicated and sketchy, and “theoretically” hand-waved away. Or, at least, people are such cunts that they will attempt to. Just look at all the arguments that still go on re: no planes, missile/no missile….The evidence that points directly to the culprits is the most damning and important. We should focus on the WHO side of things. Like he said – if someone burns your house down, you don’t obsess over whether they used gasoline or kerosene, you find out WHO did it and hammer on THAT drum. We should be able to overlook his commie brainwashing, really. It’s… Read more »

Tom Sullivan
Reply to  SphereCuck
7 years ago

I agree the who is more important than the how. However, if the “who” is so important, then why does Ry spend so much time putting down those who have a different version of the “how” than he subscribes to? If he views them as “kooks” then why give them the oxygen of publicity? Answer: he’s really not the sharpest tool in the box.

7 years ago

How about having this guy guest History Reviewed CHannel, his work is amazing

One of the best I have found yet, pure quality videos.

The Pope of Nothing
7 years ago

Christopher Bollyn’s Israeli connections go way beyond having a jewish ex-wife who worked in the Israeli intelligence sector. A little research into Bollyn reveals more than a few questionable events. I was at one of Bollyn’s events where he castigated a gentleman who stated the truth about the jews. Bollyn was adamant about how many wonderful, beautiful jews there are in the world. Yeah, right. That’s a load of shit. I would not be the least surprised to find out he is a crypto. The problem with the goy is they are gullible dupes in the extreme. Few white goy, even among the jew-wise, can ever fully rid themselves of the gullibility which is destroying our race.

7 years ago

This guys half retarded at best- he buys the magical assault on the pentagon with a jumbo airliner right through the fraud evidence division because there may or may not have been some scrap-yard parts “found” laying around at the scene.This he knows because he heard/saw it on the news?? I suppose jews are just tribally fanatic breed of European’s too right?Deport a arab ,save a box cutter….

7 years ago

It certainly is not important to me that Nick badger Bollyn or Roth about their personal preferences for names, religions, occupations, but focus his interview and conversation on their work, their writings, their research, and their activities re 9/11, our government, the police state, the Jewish State of Israel, the health of our nation, etc. They are both workers for truth and justice, and if that makes them leaders, so be it. I hope that Renegade hosts have Jim Fetzer on, to discuss the 911 Midwest Conference 2 held on the internet Saturday, and his new book about America being nuked on 9/11, and evidence about the Mossad, neocons in the DoD and the CIA .

7 years ago

When you’ve got a 9-11 researcher who has SOME good information, but who constantly denigrates as “stupid” those with equally (or more) plausible information who disagree with him and then tells them in a snotty, condescending voice, “Go kill yourself,” you know you are in JASON BERMAS territory. Buyer beware!

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