Dinosaur News: Betrayal of the Base (7-27-16)


Mr. Beattie talks about how Donald Trump has ushered in the rainbow Republican coalition, some of the strange bedfellows caused by the election, Beattie at the pub, how we have to plan for what happens after November, legal underground resistance, and much more.

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8 years ago

Hahahahahaha! He threw the racket at his throat. I wish I knew Beattie back in the day. He and I would have caused some trouble. Legally of course. 😉

Great show Beattie Boy…

Inquiring Mind
8 years ago

John. I understand that you disagree with the Renegade hosts when it comes to staged psychological false flag operations.

Since every single one of the hosts at Renegade take time to research most of these events while putting their names on the line with potential backlash from the weak minded dupes that believe the MSM storylines and you really don’t, maybe they are on to something and you are dropping the ball?

Reply to  Inquiring Mind
8 years ago

You could be right, but sticking to my opinion,

Reply to  John Beattie
8 years ago

Why would you stick to that opinion is the face of overwhelming evidence? Are you just avoiding looking at the evidence, then being satisfied with your opinion? Check out Peekay Truth, NoDisinfo, BrotherSpartacus, Russianvids, Zachary K Hubbard, 66USPatriot, amongst others on Youtube who are taking apart the official narrative on these false flags/ hoaxes.

Reply to  Daniel
8 years ago

False flag focus = excuse to do nothing. Good part is that incidents true or false, will eventually force ( scare ) our WhIte middle class, to take defensive action = LUDUS.

Reply to  John Beattie
8 years ago

That’s the mindset of a loser no war has been won in fear but righteous indignation at the lie is a better more far seeing motivation

The idea that you need deceived dupes is Jewish communist in nature and leads only to ruin. You kept your eye on the prize so sell that vision of a better future worth fighting for

Reply to  John Beattie
8 years ago

False flag focus = excuse to do nothing? Speak for yourself. When the basis of their power is fear, and when that fear is completely ficticious and manufactured, the only way to get the white middle class awake and active is to get them to overcome their fear by showing them the man behind the curtain, or, in this case, the man in front of the greenscreen lol. You are stating this manufactured fear will force the white middle class to take defensive action, but it won’t as they will not be seeing the real power and will therefor be guided into a trap, e.g English Defense League etc. It is kind of strange that people can see how the kike has led us into… Read more »

Reply to  Daniel
8 years ago

“you just sound like Homer Simpsons dad”… Really Daniel?

Why don’t you go and fuck yourself?!

Beattie has a show here because he has much to offer. How fucking arrogant you must be to think that just because you don’t agree with him, that he doesn’t deserve a show here.

What are YOU doing here? Besides hanging out in the comments sections because you’re a fucking derelict….

Reply to  Shaun Surplus
8 years ago

Why don’t you learn to write and speak like you are not a feral, foul-mouthed lout, then I’ll respond to your idiotic questions.

Reply to  Daniel
8 years ago

Why don’t you learn to make your point without trying to insult John Beattie, a man that attracted the attention of the likes of Commander Rockwell and Dr. William Pierce because of the great works he was doing and perhaps I will consider not being a “foul-mouthed lout” toward you, you pussy bitch!

You sound like a kike. You make insults toward people but the moment somebody bites back, you scream ‘bloody murder’.

“The jew cries out whilst he strikes…”

Again, until you apologise to Mr. Beattie, go fuck yourself!

Anthony Roberts
Reply to  Shaun Surplus
8 years ago

But Daniel, isn’t a sign of intelligence, agreeing to disagree without resorting to insults, especially when Mr Beattie hasn’t disrespected you or your views? The majority of people listening here would say you are out of order. Show us all that you are a true Renegade and admit you are in the wrong on this one. Both hosts are giving up their valuable free time for all our benefit – they don’t need the extra hassle.

Reply to  Anthony Roberts
8 years ago

I pretty much disagree with everything you just wrote Anthony. I am not hassling anyone. Beattie gave his opinion on something and I took it apart. He seems like a senile old man with dubious opinions. Fair enough you lot find that, and Shauns profanity and cliche ridden diatribes, worth listening to; to me they just seem pointless.

Reply to  Daniel
8 years ago


Anthony Roberts
Reply to  Shaun Surplus
8 years ago

It’s one thing to take someone’s views ‘apart’ but why the need for insults? I don’t get you. It just comes across as very immature imo.
Without apologizing, you can’t comment on these two host’s shows anymore without being viewed as a hypocrite for listening. At least have a think about it – we all have our rash moments.

Reply to  Anthony Roberts
8 years ago

I don’t listen to their shows, they are shit and a waste of airtime imo. I was just commenting on a comment made. But I take your point, I’ll not comment on this thread.

Reply to  Daniel
8 years ago

If you don’t listen to their shows, why the fuck are you here, you dumbass loser? Attention whoring? How pathetic.

Anthony Roberts
Reply to  Daniel
8 years ago

Hey Daniel, you have every right to disagree with hosts or commentors but there is no need to be disrespectful. That Homer comment was uncalled for and a cheap shot.
You have good points to make but, as aryans, we should treat our elders with respect, no matter what. We are all frustrated, but you shouldn’t succumb to antifa speak. This is how the jews have destroyed our white family units. Remember, you will be an elder some day.

Reply to  Anthony Roberts
8 years ago

I’m not frustrated at all, nor is that antifa speak. I read his comment, it is a stupid opinion, so I took it apart. I wrote that I don’t understand why he has a show. I think the same of Shauns show. I tell everyone I know about the main far right radio shows/ podcasts, and always hope they don’t first click on Shauns or Beatties shows, as they will be listening to people significantly less intelligent than the average individual (and in Shauns case far more crass), which is a surefire way to turn people off our sides message.

Reply to  Daniel
8 years ago

You don’t fool me Daniel, you possible jew or shill. Not a jew? Then don’t behave like one. Beattie and Shaun have both done more for our people than you have probably even thought of. There are things I disagree with them both about but I am able to disagree without insulting them. So either get your shit together or kindly fuck off.

Reply to  Rose
8 years ago

no question on that, Rose. my heeb-o-meter never fails and ol’ Danny boy is making it dance. bleats like a shofar…

8 years ago

Like a BOSS as always, Mr. Beattie!

Robert Heimdal
8 years ago

Nothing surprising in that photograph. Opportunistic degenerate operative Milo with weak sauce right-winger James Edwards. All part of the Alt-Right Big Tent for Trump 2016.

Anthony Roberts
8 years ago

Good common sense as always Mr Beattie. Hopefully, most Renegade folk know jew controlled politics will not save us. Humpty Trumpty’s masters will bring on any homos or transgender to get him selected. Likewise Clinton too, but the idiots can’t see that. The jews will blur the traditional narrative of both parties to get either one of their puppets selected. Renegade is the only party for normal white people now.
PS You are correct. We all need to do more away from our screens. Get active and face-to-face….LUDU!

8 years ago

I don’t know I should cry about it or not (lol) but this James Edwards guy looks like my father during his 30s-40s.

Great show Mr. Beattie. As it appears, and they confess, the alt-right (a weird version of White nationalism that has turned into some type of a schizophrenic left/right mishmash) is trying to turn the conservative party into Liberal 2.0 by essentially making them more liberal than liberals.
Many people who threw rocks at Renegade before will soon realize, and they already have, and get their stuff together.

Mr. Beattie, would you discuss the off the grid laws in Canada? The northern parts are quite nice.

Reply to  Yrton
8 years ago

Thank you. Will try “off the grid” ?

8 years ago

James Edwards and most of the alt Southern cuck-servatives all have problems pronouncing or spelling the word JEW. There are several of these groups, including the SCV, I used to contribute and belong to, but they are all sucking up to the jew and the nigger and the spics. League of the South gave me lots of guff when after contributing to them and writing to inquire if they barred jews and niggers, got nasty letter saying that jews were in the upper levels and they welcomed all races. If they can’t name the enemy, the (((jew))) they have already lost the battle and are losers. It took me 76 years to figure this out. We are at WAR folks, get it??

Reply to  Jim
8 years ago

I did not know LS had jewsin the upper echelons or anywhere for that matter. Can you give specifics?

Reply to  Jim
8 years ago

I’ve noticed James has talked about Jews in the past, at least his co-host Keith has.

8 years ago

im grinning from ear to ear with a heart full of love, your a living legend mr beattie and a natural treasure of canada, thank you for your commitment and passion sir, your shows are a inspiration to us wild colonial boys and girls all over. thats enough butter now for the vinegar, i for one would still be ignorant of (((them))) if not for folks posting information and thoughts on the enslavement and genocide of our folk, so it is important, but only the 1st step, your right on in regards to the………leans in…….LUDU, thats the next step.

Shield Maiden
8 years ago

Great show Beattie! You were on fire!

8 years ago

Good show! There is nothing new with right wing Repug perfidy, as documented here: http://boardmanland.blogspot.com/2016/07/republican-perfidy.html

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