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8 years ago

something wrong with the audio, getting a lot of clicks and hiccups breaking up in audio stream (adds seem to run ok)

Anthony Roberts
Reply to  jewbanker
8 years ago

Ol’ Beattie boy is a fighter. It will take more than a few kike bleeps to shoah his message!

Shawna Marie
8 years ago

He’s the Grandpa I never had

Reply to  Shawna Marie
8 years ago

Love it Shawna……you are on !! My so called grandies are unconscious about evils of race mixing, etc…… direct offspring typical ostriches.

Reply to  Shawna Marie
8 years ago

He’s the grandpa who I barely got to know. But I do remember him yelling at the news about the niggers and the spics (he lived in Orlando, Florida) and then my mom told him not in front of the kids. Men need to get things out in front of the children. There’s better ways of doing it, but if it is not engrained from a young age, the jews will mold them through the television and the schools. I do thoroughly enjoy your shows Ol’ Beattie boy. And I can’t profess my profound respect for your long and continued fight. Every single one of us needs to be doing this right up until the end just like him! Our actions are the only things… Read more »

8 years ago

Yeah we don’t know what happened to the audio of this one, because it went out over the stream just fine. I am very disappointed and have looked into everything. It could be that I needed to reboot the studio machine sooner than I did. It sounds like there are buffer errors. From now on, I will reboot the machine every week.

Reply to  Shaun Surplus
8 years ago

I don’t know what type of system you’re running, nor should you discuss it over the web to keep tight security, but depending on the system, such as linux OS’s, you can set up an automated reboot at specific days and times. If you really wanted to be reserved you could set it to reboot every night (first do your tests days and times when you’re sitting there to monitor it, then adjust the days and times as needed). I’ve set up a few shell scripts to take text files that I fill with youtube video URLs that I want to watch and then during the unlimited bandwidth periods (3am-8am) I have a script set to download the videos. I’m on a satellite connection so… Read more »

Reply to  Hermit
8 years ago

However, am pleased to report that e.mails received at praising June 1st show, kindly did not mention nuisance audio glitch. All is good Shaun. Thanks to everyone.

Reply to  Hermit
8 years ago

Cheers mate. I am well aware of scheduled reboots and 50 ways to do them. No offense, but if I have done what I have done for Renegade when it comes to it’s automation, I dare say I am well aware of automated reboots. And whilst there are indeed 50 ways to do it, I have 50 reasons as to why I don’t.

I appreciate your hints and tips.


8 years ago

Thanks for the plug John.

Reply to  Rob
8 years ago

You are most welcome CANDOUR. The plugging has always been cheerfully reciprocal Rob. Thanks from us both, to Renegade.

8 years ago

Have you seen our site? Toronto Street News of 17 years as a tabloid? 4 arson attacks, 2 attempts on my life:

There’s no fun here!

Reply to  Victor Fletcher
8 years ago

Heard of you / your patriotism years ago Victor. Passed away chum decades ago, Jim Spearin, spoke highly of you.

8 years ago

Billionaire banker family member Stephen Bronfman shanghaied Justic to Israel for indoctrination 2012. While there, Bronfman said he’s okay now because “Justin said “we” in reference to Israel and himself”. Both of them are traitors to Canada.

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