Dinosaur News: Lionhearted Renegades Stand Together (9-7-16)


John discusses the invasion of Britain and how it relates to the brown flood into America, the utter degeneracy and depravity of our society (including churches), Richard the Lionheart and his victory, the need for real world connection between Renegades for security and support, and much more.

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Anthony Roberts
8 years ago

Happy Woden’s day to you too John. You have, and are doing great work for our fight. Keep going my friend. The jew negative: Just like the US, the UK gov are traitors, aiding the replacement of white people. The May wall is for show. Cameron promised only 10’s of thousands of immigrants. We’ve taken in over 300k per yr of blacks/arabs, in last 3yrs alone. They are just the ‘legal’ recorded ones don’t forget. Daily Mail online story today 08/09/16: Black French (lol) JOBLESS migrant couple with 8 children, turn down new 5 bedroom council/section 8 house in Luton, because it hasn’t got a dining room! Sacre-bloody-bleu! I ‘ve been looking at the KALERGI PLAN 1922 this week. It’s all in there. Blacks and… Read more »

Reply to  Anthony Roberts
8 years ago

You are an inspiration to us all Anthony with your words.

Anthony Roberts
Reply to  John Beattie
8 years ago

Thank you Mr Beattie. My 10 minute written ‘gee-up’ pales into insignificance to your magnificent efforts.
We all know how much these 2hr shows ( plus research ) take out of you. Please don’t overstretch yourself. Besides, we’re all expecting 30 more years at least, of your wisdom and humour.

Reply to  Anthony Roberts
8 years ago

BROADCAST NETWORK HAS APPROVED jb plan to share first hour of Odin’s day Dinosaur News, with smart mature Saskatchewan Lady, as the “Canadian Duet” starting September 14th Show !

8 years ago

I am very interested in how the good ol days were. A time when the average adult didn’t know what a freaking dildo was.
How was life? How did segreation work?

8 years ago

Good thing you speak with such a pleasant-sounding voice, Beattie Boy, because your words are scary. It is increasingly dangerous to live in neighborhoods near what you describe as ghettoes, and we would be wise to give up and move elsewhere, to areas you describe. The Video Rebel Blog has been warning us to have an escape plan for when the economy is collapsed setting off race and food riots, and recommends we have an escape plan, have lots of good friends, and flee to a place fifty miles from a big city, because all of the cities will be burned down and people do have wheels and cell phones they can use to loot from those near by.

7 years ago

The cat meowing in the background had me in stitches. Love your shows Beattie!

Reply to  Sinead McCarthy
7 years ago

Thanks Sinead. Enjoy yous equally !

Reply to  John Beattie
7 years ago


7 years ago

“A dildo a day keeps the babies away.” -John Beattie

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