Beattie Boy takes us around the world for a review of unfolding events and some history related to the White struggle. Music list
Sadly Joyster no longer wishes to participate with “Dinosaur News”. Her sharp observations will be missed. It is sincerely hoped that Joyster will have her voice heard on othr venues, via Renegade Broadcasting. jb
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Great show John!
Another good show John. I wish i had your faith in all these UK groups. They allll appear controlled to me. Take UKIP for example: They’ve had a fake punch-up ( picture made front page headlines), a white lady who lasted 18 days, and recently the UK editor of breitbart, Pakistani Raheem Kassam running for the leadership. The jews just mock and taunt the naive white sheep. Sorry to hear about you and Joyster. I’m sure it’s an amicable parting. I hope she can use her intelligence, wisdom and humour on other shows soon. PS E-jew funds going to a house of ill repute, well i never!! All MEP’s can claim £120,000 ($140k) a year in expenses – get this, without providing any evidence!!! Of… Read more »
Not really praise UK groups, rather updates AR .
Hi John, where did you find out about that meeting in Bristol (libtard capital of Europe)? Meh, thats just down the road from me and I didn’t even know.
Have to go through script. I follow various patriot posts to do with UK…..as soon as I recall, will advise Daniel.