Downtown White Police: Unite to Survive (2-10-16)


Tonight James Lancia discusses the importance of putting our many differences aside and uniting as white Europeans for the survival of our race which has dwindled down from 25% of the global population in 1950 to a mere 8% presently. Then he talks to a member of Greece’s Golden Dawn who describes the movement that has their boots on the ground in their fight to take back their country, while putting their own differences aside. In the second hour, James speaks with an active duty police officer who reveals the true reason of why cops are silent, and that many cops are behind the public and take the Constitution seriously. European cops are a different matter because they are federalized. James explains the difference, and why we do not want federalized or militarized police here in America treating us all like a conquered foe.
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Ted is Dead
8 years ago

Fucking POWERFUL broadcast! The first segment left me speechless. My wife and I listened to this show together and we couldn’t disagree on anything this guys said. When he broke down the numbers the way he did, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of urgency.
To all my white brothers out there, I join this call to action. Let’s put our petty shit aside and protect ourselves, our women, and our children now before its no longer possible.

Great show guys!

Brion K Baker
8 years ago

It is so good to hear James Lancia again. I could listen to him every day. He is the real deal. I am ready for whatever it takes to promote and to protect our people whom I consider to be the only species on earth that are truly human. It just warps my brain to think that so many of our people can and do breed with animals. We need to take our nations back and to put all these nonhumans and hybrids in their own areas. I will be 60 years old in a few months and I am training every day because hell is coming soon, I urge everyone to prepare for anything and everything that they can think might possibly happen.

8 years ago

I don’t agree that they’re petty differences, the Christian question, but agree they’re untimely. However, free exchange is important, in my view. Even more so than whether Christians define those who ferret out its problems for our people, as enemies, or “in the ranks of jews and muslims”. That’s a construct which assumes your will as inviolable, above the will of your white brethren, while seeming to accuse them of sharing the intentions of our enemies. It inculcates suspicion, as your motives result in demurring those in your presence who disagree, yet don’t intend to create hostility or strife. If those on the front lines are having existential crises, is it those posing questions who are the cause, or even those who are blasphemous? “Blessed… Read more »

James Lancia
Reply to  rise_yesterday
8 years ago

I believe you are missing the point. The premise of the show is to unite and put race before our differences, many of which are petty differences. As far as the Christian question, I made it perfectly clear where my faith stands. It is the many pagans and non-Christians who attack Christianity and Christians who make up most of what is left of the white race; whether you like it or not. So the point is, I am still willing to speak to my brothers and sisters of European decent and rally and unite them for a common cause, which is survival. I never attack people for their beliefs, but when I am attacked I will strike back, that is the point also. We tend… Read more »

Reply to  James Lancia
8 years ago

I didn’t think my comment would post and asked the site manager to remove it, because, in retrospect, I could see how the tone doesn’t match in written word and admit, I latched onto this accusation of “being of the rank of jews and muslims” as being hurled at all who dissent…, maybe because these are residuals of personal dealings with people who are devout (though race blind) and just generally volatile people. I don’t doubt your intentions. What I’m suggesting is that it’s potentially an Achilles heel for our race, long term; not the individual, necessarily. I don’t doubt that people can and do draw great personal strength from it, to achieve near god like feats in this life. But, I do think Christianity… Read more »

Reply to  James Lancia
8 years ago

“If religion is kept off the table when discussing white survival, there would never have to be a choice of which “side” I would prefer.”

Ok, fair enough and agreed – when working together towards a common goal. I’m guessing you don’t mean to say Guiliani’s show ought be shut down or everyone should zip it, online.

Anyway, must have skipped over that. Seems like the most workable and reasonable approach (if I took your meaning right.)

Reply to  James Lancia
8 years ago

For you my friend,this is inspiring

8 years ago

I enjoyed you show very much, James. I look forward to listening to many more. I can relate to where you’re coming from having grown up in a medium sized city here in central New Jersey where Whites were a minority where I resided and as well as in school. To tell you I “hate” diversity would be putting it mildly.

All the best,


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