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11 years ago

Show sucked. Get sober Sledge

Reply to  troubles
11 years ago

Only song in this play list that I liked was Suicidal Tendencies “I Shot Reagan”…

Reagan as the USSA republican president in the 1980’s granted amnesty to over three million illegal mexicans! It’s funny how the uneducated con-servatives forget this!

It was “promised” that another blanket amnesty would never happen again but it did!

Dana Antiochus
11 years ago

fuck that – great show man. people have to realize sometime we need a break from all the madness/analysis ~ and it all relates to the struggle because the Jews have literally suffocated white people from engaging and enjoying in their own unlimited, uncensored artistic musical expression. everything promoted today is the lowest common denominator crap, mediocre bullshit to be consumed by the sheeple/goyim. i might start doing a similar show to combine metal and race nationalism; music is one of the greatest weapons we have in the culture war, and sadly it is often used against us – time to retaliate.

Reply to  Dana Antiochus
11 years ago

It is one of the few things that truly unites us.

Reply to  Dana Antiochus
11 years ago

Well said Dana! I couldn’t agree more!
I’d love to hear a show combining metal and racial nationalism; my 2 favourite things eh!

Dana Antiochus
11 years ago

mike, listening to sieg read a piece by severus reminded me – you remember in the like the late 70’s or early 80’s when a whole sport stadium full of angry blue collar white fans of punk/metal had a blast burning pop/disco albums of mainstream music at the time? kind’ve reminds me of the Nazi book burning extravaganza

11 years ago

Interesting music there. Good broadcast Gentlemen.

11 years ago

To each his own. There may have been a few reasonable tunes but for the most part it was incomprehensible noise. I’m open to all kinds of music, as long as it’s music. As for representing a generation or time era that shit was an embarrassment. Do you really think that generations from now will acknowledge that as ‘music.’ Interesting maybe but music no.
Maybe if I was drunk or on acid I wouldn’t have cared what was played. But come, do we really want everyone drunk or on acid? I have to disagree Dana, but that’s just my opinion. I respect you for yours, I expect the same in return.

11 years ago

Greetings my dear Renegades! I hope you haven’t missed last nights events in Sweden. Hopefully you’ve heard about the immigrant riots in the suburbs of the Swedish capital of Stockholm the last week. Last night Swedes where starting to resist, for the fist time ever (I’m so proud off my fellow countrymens deeds). Here is an article from the swedish alternative news site Fria tider (“Free Times”): Swedes Take to the Streets to Defend their Neighborhoods Stockholm. Faced by another night of terror at the hands of predominantly immigrant rioters, Swedes grown tired of the police’s inability to put an end to the unrest took to the streets Friday night to defend their neighborhoods. The vigilantes were described as a motley crew of homeowners and… Read more »

11 years ago

Mike’s sense of humor and taste in music is refreshing and great. This guy has earned his Vodka. Teetotalers Fuck off!

Reply to  quasar
11 years ago

Yep. The way things are we NEED to drink!! at least sometimes!

11 years ago

Somewhat interesting from a musical history perspective. The poor audio quality of Blogtalk did not help. I think Sledge is the only real innovator on the network even if he’s not keeping his head above water with his stress management.

Reply to  Mark
11 years ago


Reply to  David in Texas
11 years ago

Sorry Dave (whose shows I don’t listen to), you’re the true innovator on the network.

Reply to  Mark
11 years ago

Hmmmm. You must be what my shows are talking about.

John Sholtes
11 years ago

I would suggest when doing shows on Satanism that you didn’t play music which plays along with the christard steriotypes of degrading Satan. The picture looks stupid too.

Reply to  John Sholtes
11 years ago

Sholtes, you’re fairly annoying. I would suggest when leaving comments to not be such a douche.

Dana Antiochus
11 years ago

ya why are people so tightly wound? i expect that more from christians

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