Imperium Europa w/ Dana Antiochus 9-3-13

Selections from Crossing the Abyss, Issue 5, Spring 1999: “The West is Dead” by Max Frith; compared to and contrasted with “The West as a Tomb” by Alex Kurtagic from The Occidental Observer; possible exploration of Creed of Iron by Ron McVan if time; callers welcome.

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11 years ago

The comments I made on the program about Govhater should have been directed at an individual named Tony that called in last week to Dana’s program. I had the two of you confused. He was a good caller. We mainly agreed on the issues we discussed though I disagree with Tony a bit (a matter of degree)in the areas I mentioned during this program.

Dana a couple of things you mentioned I had to write down so I can look into them later. You & the other hosts are very knowledgeable in so many areas & the information given educates me &/or leads me to do research. You guys are younger than I am yet more learned & in many areas wiser.

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