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10 years ago

Why did you close your youtube channel?

Reply to  Chris
10 years ago

I didn’t.

KikeTube closed it, and I’ve been too lazy to start a new one.

10 years ago

You’re serious, aren’t you? About moving. Well, I am a Mainer, by blood and trade. If you ever want to gam with a Local ‘for you move, feel free to shoot me an e-mail. I happen to like talking about the Downeast (I’m a Southern Mainer.) But seriously. Like Sledge used to say, “avoid the Groid.” Which means keep to places like Buxton, Gorham, Standish and Windham. There’s Bar Mills, of course, and plenty more with rilling hills and whatever. Westbrook is not your friend, Portland is now downtown Somalia and Lewiston is the armpit of the North. Old Orchard is still chalk full of Canadian summer complaints, but they’re being replaced by the damned Jamaicans who don’t have the common courtesy to leave when… Read more »

Reply to  Seaxwulf
10 years ago

I’m as serious as a heart attack.

I’m leaving Babylon is 6-9 months from now.

Maine is at the top of the list.

Alaska, and the NWF states are also on my radar.

Reply to  Observer
10 years ago

If you end up going to the Northwest, you oughtta do one of those Radio-Free style call-ins. I hear Alaska is rugged, good for character building. Not a lot of ladies to be found, from what I hear. Had a Coast-Guard buddy there for awhile. Fairly Conservative, too. And while I know we don’t wax Right or Left in the Movement/Struggle, I prefer moral Conservatives to social Liberals. At least I can tell a race-joke to a Conservative when they think Obongo-Cam isn’t watching. Again, a word of warning from a Local. “Maine, where the Men are Men and the Women are too.” USed to be we’d say that ‘cuz they was rugged. And they still are in the circles I travel. But toward Old… Read more »

Reply to  Seaxwulf
10 years ago

Thank you, friend.

I will take all of this to heart and mind.

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