Ragnarok Now w/ Siegfried 6-7-13

Episode VI- Odal Rune Bearers’ Rise Part I: American Anger-Mongers

Join Siegfried live for a show discussing the ‘cultural’ trends of the enemy, the backlash from our comrades worldwide, our history and composition as a people. Not to mention plenty of music.

This is the first part of a new series based on the combative attitude and new belief systems now gaining steam throughout our collective loyalties.  This first portion of the series will focus mainly on American history, modern consumer culture insanity and our heritage as Americans.

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11 years ago

Hey, great show.

I’m planing on listening to your show live starting next week if I have the time. I live in Denmark, so there’s quite a time difference.

I would like to call your show if I have anything to comment on, but since I will be listening from Denmark, I don’t have the option of call via phone. Is there some way to call via. Skype?

Reply to  Rune
11 years ago

Connect with Siegfried on Skype: TheHungryHun

Reply to  admin
11 years ago

I will, thanks.

11 years ago

Wow. Lugh was actually funny on last night’s show ! Who knew that he had it in him ? Hopefully it will be a recurring character. I appreciate the hosts on renegade who do comedy/satire well. I’m suspicious of those who don’t bring the funny to the table while pointing at the fuckers (men who self-identify as christian) who are in our way.

— Chris

11 years ago

Who was the stand up comic taking about fags?

Reply to  temp
11 years ago
11 years ago

Excellent show Fiddler.

11 years ago

Brilliant show!!!

Awesome comedy, awesome music, great content. I think subscribers to a few youtube users like BlackAcidLizard, Frindeelements, ramzpaul would LOVE your stuff.

May I put together a 10-minute highlights package of the show for youtube upload?

Reply to  HeavenEarthTrust
11 years ago

BlackAcidLizard is a Renegade listener. I am sure Siegfried would love for you to put together his content in a youtube video. Please feel free to do so with any Renegade content you like.

Reply to  admin
11 years ago

Thanks, awesome!

I think, on reflection, just uploading the shows in full might be best. I’m already a huge fan of Dana and Siegfried. When I get the content on youtube I’ll try to generate some interest from likely fans.

My take is a little different (but very pro-NS), but whatever our political/religious stripe I think pro-Whites are bound to benefit from Renegagde, its shows provide much to ponder, engaging critique, and much mirth and merriment!



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