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11 years ago

Thank you Michael. Great show and info.

11 years ago

Excellent show, Mike.

11 years ago


I have to say wherever you were getting the information from about Islam was way off the mark. Most of those points you mentioned were historically INACCURATE.

To say that Christianity, and even more impossibly Islam was a Jewish operation is hopelessly off the mark.

11 years ago

Mike –

The classical piece that opens the show and runs for approx 1 minute, what is it called ? and how loud should it be played in public? I think turning the volume up to 11 would be a start.


11 years ago

Wow. I thought Douglas Dietrich was way off when he said the Saudis are behind everything. But you just connected the dots. Amazing.

Yukihiro Kitaguni
11 years ago

How many Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Pagans, Atheists…question the central platform of contemporary Jewry, Holocaustianity? Aside from Bishop Williamson, there aren’t too many. Here in Japan, if you were to ask people in the streets who they think history’s most evil person is, I bet Adolf Hitler would win the poll because Japan, albeit to a much lesser extent, is Israeli-occupied territory just your beloved Talmudic Soviets of Amerika (TSA), Kanada, Australia, the UK, and Germany. Aside from congratulating you, Mike, on another great show, I’d like to also extend my congratulations to World Jewry. They are the champions of the world — which is why every time I take a wee, I’m reminded that in spite of not having a Jewish mommy, I’ve… Read more »

Yukihiro Kitaguni
11 years ago

Not quite related, but let’s not forget the Almighty Richard Wagner’s 200th Birthday this month on the 22nd. Not sure what His Highness would say about all the DVDs out there, but, for starters, I personally like Deutsche Grammaophon’s Peter Schneider production of Lohengrin starring Paul Frey and Cheryl Studer. Like beautiful women, Wagner is all the proof you need for the reality of Spirit.

Dana Antiochus
11 years ago

Yukihiro, we have to be careful before saying this or that historical person or leader is a Jew. Often the Jews themselves put this stuff out to tarnish their enemies, which is quite ironic, because they know everyone hates them, so if worst comes to worst, they can just say “he’s one of the boys.” I doubt Ajad is a Jew – they do the same thing with Hitler and others. He seems to be a legitimate world leader opposed to Zionism/jewish influence today, one of the few.

Dana Antiochus
11 years ago

Glad to have a Japanese listener of Renegade – we honor them as a strong nationalistic people who fought heroically in the second world war as part of the Axis Powers.

Yukihiro Kitaguni
11 years ago

Dana, I should probably be more cautious in what I say, in this case, re Iran’s leader. So thanks for mentioning this. That said, just for the record, I don’t pay attention to Channel Jim Condit. Hitler was a genuine German nationalist. I believe his biggest crime was making Germany’s money based on the productivity of the nation and not on Jewish-controlled interest-bearing debt. Besides, for a while anyway, he outlawed vivisection! In some ways, post-WWII “Germany” is even more of an Israeli-occupied Territory than Gaza because Aryan Germany under Hitler posed the biggest threat, perhaps ever, to the guys who live by the code of Deuteronomy. Why is it Ezra Pound never writes cantos about Hitler’s financial programs? He frequently brings up the case… Read more »

Dana Antiochus
11 years ago

Ahmadinejad has openly hosted Holocaust revisionist conferences and is a great defender of Palestine – I’m pretty sure he has at the very least insinuated the Israel was behind 9-11, if not openly. I think the Saudi house might be cryptos, who knows. i’ve looked into it, and there comes a point in understanding the Jews where you can’t put anything past them.

Hirohito’s my hero!

Yukihiro Kitaguni
11 years ago

Well, Dana, Leon Degrelle is MY hero. Just because Ahmadinejad hosted a Holocaust revisionist conference doesn’t necessarily make him a good guy. Greg Johnson, over at Counter-Currents, promotes the genuine German nationalist, and unsung hero of WWII, A. Hitler, yet he promotes the Jewish-sponsored lie that Chechen patsies carried out the so-called Boston Marathon bombing. I have yet to discover who he thinks did 9-11, but I suspect he buys the line 19 Muslims did it. Les Visible says all the right things that many Renegades would agree with, yet he continues calling the bad guys “Nazis” (see his latest Smoking Mirrors). You might right, Dana, in believing Iran’s (Aryan’s) leader is a good guy, but personally, I just don’t have all the data necessary… Read more »

10 years ago

Where is the audio? It’s not on blog talk either?

10 years ago

Thanks had to go grizzom to find it… This links works better in the ipad

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