The Solar Storm: Apocalyptic “Anti-Semitism” (10-29-17)

Kyle flies solo to talk about the many ways we can view the Apocalypse, including the Christian and jewish views of the end times in the Torah and Revelations, and how our Apocalypse can be seen as a time of revealing and lifting the veil on the rulers of the world, and not necessarily the horrible end of life except for a chosen few.

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Reply to  renegade
7 years ago

“Mystery of the Snowflake”: it has 6 main branches. So why has this fascination with numerology being imposed as sadistic in the study of Nature ?, < which is what all things "Technology" should be based on (includes Astronomy). Forbidden knowledge perhaps, or rather, to further the decline of our ability to think critically by inserting false "Mystery" and Religious Fortune Tellers.

For your perusal, Oswald Spengler:

Anthony Roberts
7 years ago

“We’d have gotten away with it, if it wasn’t for you meddlin’ Renegades!” Lol! Oh those wonderful 1970s “programming for children” cartoons. Those were the gays, i mean days! Great show Kyle, i don’t know where you find the time to dig up this brilliant info, but unlike this world, my head is left spinning, so will have to listen again. PS Dahjoo 77 ( i think he’s the son of crrow 777 ) has just said that the DoD (dept of defence) will be conducting a drill ( black & checker?) across 3000+ counties in the US this Saturday 4th-6th Nov. It is enacting a “Solar Storm” strike causing total blackout; they test vhf, ham radio etc. Well, it just so happens that it’s… Read more »

7 years ago

Good show. Fuck the Sassoons, Torah, the creepy UN, zionists, and their racist dictator “Moshiach”. There are different sub-cults like the Sabbateans and the Chabad Lubavitchers but they are all bad and the Rothschilds are at the top. There are Sabbateans, the black cube 666 BS is everywhere. Go to blackcube . com and look at Trump and the Kushners, and Ivanka and Kushner visted the 7th racist Rebbe’s grave. They think it’s so complicated no one can figure it out but it’s not, they’re all working together, it’s not just one or the other. Jacob Rothschild and the rest of them just see non jews like ants and common ‘peasant’ jews are still beneath them. To the Rothschild’s if you’re not wealthy your worthless… Read more »

7 years ago

Don’t do Twitter so didn’t know where to put this, but…

Can’t forget Max Igan powerfully supported Zen (Children of God) Gardner. Jus’ sayin’.


7 years ago

Great topic. Another symptom of Christ insanity: wishing for the end of the world.

7 years ago

In the matter of JFK there is a notable and free set of 5 videos called Evidence of Revision which are composed of film segments from the 3 TV networks archives which were filmed at the time of the historical event or not too long after They can be viewed here on but probably also on you tube and google video. On archive [here is a link to a page with all five parts: ] they are posted by annonymous but their creator is not anonymous and WINGT TV audio archive also on and perhaps on there is an interview with the man who made the 5 part videos who was a retired military man in Southern CA though his name… Read more »

7 years ago

Hi Kyle, hoping you see this here. I just heard the very sad news that Paul Hickman, ex-Renegade host, recently took his own life as a direct result of enemy attacks on him for his stance in the struggle. I really appreciated Paul’s input here & his interviews were some of the most interesting I’ve heard especially the 2 he did with New Zealand activists. I really hope you can do some kind of proper send-off for him as an ex-host as his input was definitely worthy to the cause! Here is the info I was just passed that was posted at Radio Aryan 1 Nov 2017 – “…there is some sad news that Paul Hickman who was the host of ‘The Voice of Albion’… Read more »

Reply to  TrueNorthNZ
7 years ago

PS. Before anyone else says it – there are surely allowances for certain warriors in that place despite choosing their own exit especially today. No doubt Paul was a warrior in his own way & definitely did more than many out there by sticking to his core principals & contributing what he did. Respect Brother!

Reply to  TrueNorthNZ
7 years ago

For the record it appears Paul’s first show on Renegade was on 16 April 2014 & his guest was Keith Axon, an early organiser for the National Front in the UK. Paul was the first overseas host on Renegade & did a total of 43 shows between 16 April 2014 & 11 February 2015 (if my archive is complete).

Reply to  TrueNorthNZ
7 years ago

Sad news about Paul. Shocking. He was my guest in January 2014:

Reply to  TrueNorthNZ
7 years ago

Thanks for putting up the RIP notice & the links to Paul’s archived shows Kyle.

7 years ago

Hey Kyle, I have never commented on any of your shows and came to RENEGADE bc of CG, but you are an awesome host and run an amazing podcast site. Just wanted to say thanks for all you do! This show was damn good!

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