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T. N.
4 years ago

Hello Kyle. I’m Black and I’ve recently listened to your talks and I’ve been disconcerted about the current spate of world events. Not that I’m surprised, I just didn’t imagine it’ll be so soon. What I am also disappointed is the fact that you seem to take a very negative view of all black folks like it’s anyone’s fault to be born with a certain skin tone. I come from a very different narrative to the problem at hand, namely the Gnostic perspective after disavowing myself from the Abrahamic religions under a very convoluted process, and it’s intel highlights the problem today with marked insights. It’s solution requires a critical mass of the race human race to fight back against the parasite in control.

Reply to  renegade
4 years ago

What an excellent, thoughtful, and fair reply.

T. N.
Reply to  renegade
4 years ago

When I talk about Gnosticism, it’s not the bastardised version. Check out Not in his Image by John Lash Lamb. It was an eye opener after stumbling across so many alternative versions of our origins on the planet like the Sitchin narrative etc

Nonetheless I greatly enjoy your candour. I have just come to accept a supernatural entity factored into this problem otherwise it’s so mind boggling to explain this monumental problem. Have you looked into the Fallen Goddess Scenario? Please do! I strongly believe there is a solution: we’ll certainly come to the precipice but we can win

Last edited 4 years ago by T. N.
Karen Hetherington
Reply to  renegade
4 years ago

To Kyle Hunt: I’m sorry to see that you think slander is an appropriate criticism. You admit too that you never read his book “Not in His Image.” And based on one interview you had with John Lamb Lash, you say that he is a drug and porn addict? I’d say you need to check your one source before you go and slander someone.

Reply to  Karen Hetherington
4 years ago

I love how these people think a “good book” or “good work” negagtes all of the other terrible things about them. They say the same about James Mason. Why don’t you go off to John’s cult and eat some mushrooms while he forces you to watch porn. Yes, that’s what he considers “spiritual”.

Karen Hetherington
Reply to  T. N.
4 years ago

I’m on your page. People have to be ready to hear the FGS or be interested in reading the book by JLL “Not in His Image.”

Reply to  Karen Hetherington
4 years ago

Na, zu oft den Englisch-Unterricht geschwänzt?

Reply to  T. N.
4 years ago

Until Black people understand that jews are NOT WHITE PEOPLE there will be this irreconcilable mental cycle. White people are not jews, jews morph (somehow) as any and every race. I dont know how they do it and how they manage to keep with the jew Hivemind because it seems that no matter what the jew mutates into its still a jew and bows to the jewhood. However, as different sepcies we are being put against each other on purpose, and all the while the true enemy of us all pretends to be us all. This is how it has been done over the years that they have taken our forms and turned us over (subverted) form the inside. I mean, who really could imagine… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Skalgarir
Reply to  Skalgarir
4 years ago

Given that there are many, many parasites in the natural world that have all kinds of “wondrous” techniques for controlling their hosts I’d say a similar thing is more probable with jews rather than something mechanical or AI. The line between what is natural & what is mechanical can occasionally be blurry, especially these days, but for the most part I’d say it’s more likely there is some kind of non-tech parasitic thing going on here. Given just how bad things are I’d say it’s also highly likely that it’s a situation that has purposely been enhanced way beyond it’s initial natural occurrence. Think of that like a bad mutation that normally would’ve been removed from the gene pool immediately but instead was artificially concentrated… Read more »

Reply to  Skalgarir
4 years ago

Skynet is becoming reality.

Reply to  renegade
4 years ago

I agree with your thinking.
It is becoming more popular for us to dislike anything black, and that is just generalization.
A very intelligent man I listen to told me that ” There always is an exception to the rule, and in this war against the wealthy, many of our allies are not White ( as long as they are competent non-sheeple ) . “

Reply to  Britt
4 years ago

This isn’t a war against the wealthy. It’s a war against jewsh supremacists.

Reply to  Sinead
4 years ago

That’s right. “Wealthy” makes it appear like it’s “anybody with money” which shifts the focus from the REAL problem – the few ultra-rich supremacist jews who got their wealth through parasitism & being able to print it – to the middle class who earned it with hard, honest work. That’s communism 101 right there. That’s jews doing what they’ve always done right there. “Britt” sounds like classic hasbara using a common Swedish name. Maybe even a hasbot!

Last edited 4 years ago by Mary
Reply to  T. N.
4 years ago

Humans are not a race, they’re a species.

Reply to  Sinead
4 years ago

Absolutely right, so tired of hearing that P.C. nonsense nowadays. Another lie that’s becoming a dogma.

Reply to  Sinead
4 years ago

Just to inform. We are not even of the same species. Caucasoids are their own species. RH negative blood is the reason and was more prevalent in Caucasoids in the past. Africoids and Mongoloids originally lack of it.

T. N.
Reply to  Half-Celt
4 years ago

By your own admission it seems to me that you pander to evolution as the source of our origins. And yet it’s without an iota of doubt that the proponents of this theory are yet Yahudis. Without knowledge about the truth of our origins we’re totally lost! Because we have no guiding narrative and cannot come up with solutions, if there were any at all. I prefer to submit to the only narrative on this planet that has undergone vicious suppression: the story of the Fallen Goddess. There’s a reason why it was viciously suppressed!

Reply to  T. N.
4 years ago

Why are you saying “our origins”? We’re not Black so we don’t come from the same source.

Karen Hetherington
Reply to  Sinead
4 years ago

You are all confusing and confused.

Reply to  Karen Hetherington
4 years ago

No. Definitely sounds like you’re the confused one “Karen”.

Reply to  Mary
4 years ago

Since his first comment, “The Negro” (TN) was a troll in my eyes. His expression is far too intelligent, even for a black professor.

Reply to  Einzelkämpfer
4 years ago

I have to agree, wogs don’t express like this. Even so I had to speak my mind on the issue because it is important.

Reply to  Einzelkämpfer
4 years ago

We can not assume that all blacks are unintelligent, it could create a blindspot for us. That idea was used in the past and is outdated.
We need to be as up to date as possible, right?

Reply to  Britt
4 years ago

Go ahead and walk through the ghetto at night and let us know how that works out for you. 10/10 very progressive comment.

Reply to  Sinead
4 years ago

Many of us have a spirit, as do many of them. Even CERN is attempting to “re-create the soul”.
We need to stop simply being Whites and be of spirit as well. Division and apartheid is just what netanyahu employs against Palestinians.

Reply to  Britt
4 years ago

We’ve had “spirit” all along Britt. In fact it’s pretty obvious our people had way more “spirit” in days gone by & in all of history separation of the races was a very natural & very necessary thing. ALL species in nature are separated for a reason. But now in this tiny comparative fraction of modern time we are supposed to just throw nature out the window & smash all the races together & become “one” in some kind of unholy alchemical mud pie?! Absolutely NO THANKS! That said we can still of course respect each other if it is earned as respect should always be. We need to be very REAL about this situation & not get lost in some airy fairy new age… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Mary
Reply to  Britt
4 years ago

That’s not apartheid. That’s genocide.

Reply to  Half-Celt
4 years ago

The distribution of the DARC protein among the races of humanity (responsible for malaria, if active):

a+b+ 49% of Aryans, 9% of Mongols, 1% of Negroes.
a-b+: 34% of Aryans, 1% of Mongols, 22% of Negroes.
a+b- 17% of Aryans, 91% of Mongols, 9% of Negroes.
a-b- 0% of Aryans, 0% of Mongols, 99% of Negroes, 100% of big apes.

Because of their genetics, Negroes have higher protection against malaria than all other races. The only reason for sub-Saharan malaria victims and expensive WHO aid packages are Jewish vaccinations.

Last edited 4 years ago by Einzelkämpfer
Reply to  Einzelkämpfer
4 years ago

I have family in Switzerland (thankfully they do not work for WHO, who is based there, actually nearby CERN), some have gone to Africa for volunteer work. From what they tell me, I thought that even many africans are subject to malaria?
Please forgive my late reply and thank you for information, I’m still learning

4 years ago

So, does being Swedish and a Jew make someone a Swedish matzo ball?

Last edited 4 years ago by Ronnie
Reply to  Ronnie
4 years ago

No it makes you a kike and eligible for being sent into the bottomless pit.

Reply to  Skalgarir
4 years ago

You misspelled “volcano”.

Reply to  Einzelkämpfer
4 years ago

Oh no, there’s a chance they could get out of it with some kind of jewdo. But not this one.

Reply to  Skalgarir
4 years ago

Let us ask Goygle Translate what we should do with this piece of shit:

Last edited 4 years ago by Einzelkämpfer
Reply to  Einzelkämpfer
4 years ago

Oy vey, they know…

Screenshot (4873).png
4 years ago

Sadly, the anti-vaccine demonstrations in Germany are led by Bolsheviks. It is the same PsyOp shit like in the United States, but at least, it shows that there is some kind of resistance at all.

Last edited 4 years ago by Einzelkämpfer
4 years ago

Fauci, Gates and Bezos are Jews. One can tell me everything, but their kvetching styles and face expressions burn like garlic stench.

Last edited 4 years ago by Einzelkämpfer
Steve the bicyclist
4 years ago

Here is an interesting (& disturbing) article that might prove to be a new trend…

It’s about how their cops are telling victims of crime to give up their stuff and accept it.

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