The Solar Storm: Christopher Bollyn – Israel’s Timeline of Terror (4-9-17)

Kyle interviews Christopher Bollyn, author of Solving 9/11: The Deception that Changed the World. They go over the history of Israel and detail the big events, showing how the jewish state was founded on terror and how the terrorists are still running the show, using their theatrical events to get the United States and other Western allies involved in perpetual warfare against anything standing in the way of Greater Israel.

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7 years ago

Great show. Christopher Bollyn is filled with knowledge about Israel and the history of those demons involved in death and destruction on this planet.

Anthony Roberts
7 years ago

Why are OUR people so apathetic? Week in, week out, Renegade present facts and evidence like in tonight’s great show – thank you Kyle & Mr Bollyn. What are you waiting for Indo-Aryan? The jews are laughing at us. They even have the time, money and power to “paint the lily;” like the supposed controlled in-fighting between Bannon & Kushner. We are at the tipping point. Trump, Putin, May, Jinping, Merkel, Un are all puppets in this jewish theatre. They will have their major war and sm crash in the coming weeks/months, if we let them. Our future will be slaves in squatter camps unless there is a mass awakening, and our folk do SOMETHING!! Renegade have given us the ammo – we have to… Read more »

Reply to  Anthony Roberts
7 years ago

You know what Anthony, that is truly the thing that bothers me. In fact, someone has to answer this. All I hear from people is either “there is nothing you can do about it”, or some kind of defensive resignation and “oh you just got to carry on”. I mean for phuques sake, what is it that people are so obsessed with plodding life, comfort and bordeom? I really can’t think of a way out of this, especially that all the superior technology is in their hands. What is this fatal flaw in the Aryan? Seriously, the jew has effectively made total success in their drive to be the owners of the world, yet the Aryans in all their power have fallen for this depraved,… Read more »

Anthony Roberts
Reply to  SKylgarir
7 years ago

Well SKylgarir, just my opinion, but 4 or 5 generations have been immersed in jew mind/body poisons. jew: education system, TV, hollywood, media, music, filth spreading, wifi, have destroyed our minds; fluoride, junk food, oestrogen/testosterone mimickers, gadgets, lack of physical work/exercise have destroyed our bodies. Their final jew-cancer agenda has been working on us for decades. We need a lot of White folk to rub in the “Renegade cannabis oil” cure, pretty darn quick!

Anthony Roberts
Reply to  Anthony Roberts
7 years ago

Call me a CT, but is today 04/11/17 (US version). Could it be the next and final great hoax/ff event for ww3? Full pink moon, 5777, passover etc.
DM online has a story of strange US naval patrol “looking” for Rus/NK subs off west coast of California. Gulf of Tonkin anyone? US nuke the region, eathquake, tsunami, blackout, martial law and then Trump “lets Russia/NK have it”..for israel of course.
Btw, was that asian guy, beaten up on the plane, setting up the “hate chinky” narrative?

Reply to  Anthony Roberts
7 years ago

My god….. I go downstairs for a drink and what do I hear form the TeeVee? 3 bombs go off in Berlin (4/11/17) some fussball team was targeted. The whole thing was very flaky and stinks of false flag. You called it. You are too good, too good.

Reply to  Anthony Roberts
7 years ago

Yes I agree Anthony. I just despair sometimes. Like now for instance.

Reply to  Anthony Roberts
7 years ago

Could it be that they are apathetic because of the water they drink, the food they eat, the air they breathe, the mindless stuff they watch on their screens, their love affairs with their own images (selfies), the education (designed to implant conformism) they have received, the feeling of helplessness brought about by planned and prolonged economic crashes and never-ending wars and false flag terrorist operations… The list goes on and on and on and on…

Shawna Marie
Reply to  Mischling
7 years ago

Those masses you speak of are not truely apathetic. They are capable of supporting & participating in a genocide/democide horror show when given the command from the Jewtbox.

7 years ago

Another great presentation. We are all midwives for the truth. A very painful labor and a difficult birth it seems. I hear you Kyle in regards to the lack of participation like you experienced recently in Washington. Please do not underestimate the seemingly quiet foot soldier. Personally I pound away at this day in day out,…… have lost my marriage of 20 years at the time – as well as many ‘ friends ‘. I have no regrets. We ARE out there……..Thank you Kyle and Christopher

7 years ago

Another great presentation. We are all midwives for the truth. A very painful labor and a difficult birth it seems. I hear you Kyle in regards to the lack of participation like you experienced recently in Washington. Please do not underestimate the seemingly quiet foot soldier. Personally I pound away at this day in day out,…… have lost my marriage of 20 years at the time – as well as many ‘ friends ‘. I have no regrets. We ARE out there……..Thank you Kyle and Christopher

Reply to  Max
7 years ago

There is A LOT of pro NS and Hitler popping up all over the place on youtube comment sections, it is at least good barometer for public sentiment. Holohoax videos are even more mobbed by the truth element, and you will find pro Hitler and NS comments in the most unexpected of places, with lots of thumbs up and support. Yes, I know it isn’t even making a scratch in the jewggernaut, but for now, it is spreading. Remember: it isn’t over, until it is REALLY over. The kike wants to turn up the voice volume and pyrotechnics of the Wizard of Iz to scare us into submission in the hope they will get us to drop position and flee without a confrontation before this… Read more »

John SmithRGB
7 years ago

really great show. I wish Christopher would invest in a decent microphone though; but I say that about 40% of guests lol

Reply to  John SmithRGB
7 years ago

Yes I had some difficulty in hearing him. One thing I did note though was around 1h 27m where he mentioned the Israeli balkanisation plan for the Arab States, the ‘Yinon Plan: Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen-eighties’. What purports to be the English translation by Israel SHAHAK is here: This whole breaking down States into bite-sized chunks as a prelude to global regionalisation is going on everywhere, you see it in UK for example not just with a possible breakup of UK, following the Brexit vote, into England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland (in turn this was preceded years ago by “Devolution” for Scotland and Wales) but at a more micro level now, with City States and Mayoral sub-State regions or Reichsgau as future… Read more »

7 years ago

very good

Michael Luna
7 years ago

Wow! Very cool intro music.

7 years ago

Israel, back in the time of the USS Liberty has the same sinister mindset now as back then. They wanted to murder all U.S. troops on that ship in order to have their secret bombing agenda go undiscovered. We are still dealing with the same sinister and yet brilliant mindsets that have no conscience about anything and everything they do.

7 years ago

An ‘ear opener’ for anybody prepared to hear the truth. Almost everything worthy of discussion is broached in this interview of Christopher Bollyin skilfully conducted by Kyle. For the conference entitled ‘The War on Islam: 9/11 Revisited, Uncovered & Exposed’ with presentations given by Richard Gage, Kevin Barrett and Christopher Bollyn on 18th Feb 2017, go to noi.orgSLASH911revisited

7 years ago

The soft spot Every myth has it’s soft spot, that part of the story that is taken for granted, accepted as fact, but when examined closer it conflicts with the rules of science. It is assumed that kinetic energy and jet fuel were the only energy factors at play to disintegrate the large airliners into no more than confetty, passengers vapourized and were blown to bits of bone. Jet fuel does not detonate, the combusuion of jet fuel is called deflagration. The “woof” you get when igniting a dish of flammable liquid such as gasoline is a deflagration. Deflagration is, a relatively gentle process which is simply the rapid burning of the fuel. One of the primary attributes of deflagration is that the flame travels… Read more »

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