Kyle discusses the state of education, Common Core’s anti-White and perverted agenda, its jewish roots, the destruction of our instincts through indoctrination, learned helplessness, and how psychological experiments have been performed in order to perfect social control of young goyim.
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Great show Kyle. Super important topic. Education, or rather modern indoctrination and dumbing down, is ground zero for the parasites. It all begins there, for good or ill.
Excellent show! If I could hijack all the FM stations at rush hour drive time and broadcast this show I would. Guaranteed to wake up many with a hunger for more information on who the decision makers are and how they’re chosen for their agenda and not their credentials. Marxist egalitarianism is always a race to the bottom. In my grandparents day they use to advance (skip) or hold back students according to their abilities. So the standards remained constant and the question becomes how long will it take each individual student to achieve the next level. This is fair to all! And it worked in all white communities. Why? Because the worst behaviors were “chewing gum” and “talking in class”. They didn’t have to… Read more »
Try using an FM transmitter on your way to work tuned to a popular radio station. I don’t know if you can overcome the power of the stations but you’ll be closer so you never know.
I got the idea from an old host in the early days of Renegade. To be honest I don’t want to catch the legal heat. The point I’m trying to make is we could wake our people up if only they heard us. The facts are on our side. Imagine how many hits Renegade would get if Kyle got a 3 minute commercial on one of the major cable networks at prime time. Do you think they would sell him the time? At any price?
If his name was Spencer, Anglin or Duke they’d give him free time. They’d even pay him. Kyle is as ignored as the late Bob Whitaker. He’s doing something right.
“The hips on the drag queen go swish, swish, swish……”
It’s holocaust time, boys and girls.
Interesting the caller made fun of family’s staying together “children” returning home what losers”. Every culture the tribe starts at home working together so the next generation can supplant the sacrifice of the previous one
In the U.S. We are taught to kick out our offspring and pretend our job is done our linage dead. Most countries ours included in times past family’s sleep in the same room with built in caregiver grandparents passing on information and history of the clan
Many Americans go back to day one of this country without a foot of land to call there own
It’s why they need to brainwash us night and day as Jews steal it all
Yeah, keeping the family members fighting and isolated and all living in different pretty houses they have to slave away to attain — that’s precisely the Jew agenda. See this: https://youtu.be/hya_kCDD7Eo (About The Banking, Capitalist & Communist Housing scam)
No idea why you were downvoted. It says right in the Protocols that inherited wealth and united families are the enemy.
Yes, because a 35 year old man living with his parents again is definitely going to be starting a family of his own and becoming a warrior for his people. (sarcasm off)
Ah, when you put it that way, but consider too that Adolf Hitler wasn’t exactly a Winner. He was living off his mom’s pension. That’s what it says in the Lightning and the Sun, not some anti-Hitler garbage.
How can you downvote a plainly factual comment? Did Hitler live off his mother’s pension? True or false? If he was struggling to make ends meet or climbing the social ladder, Hitler as we know him wouldn’t have existed. So yeah, maybe the 35-year-old bachelor living with his parents is well primed to be a warrior for his people…
Then why is Kyle one of the only men brave enough to do the job? When are all the 35 year olds having mommy take care of them, going to start getting the job done?
Sinead, if families had large homes like European aristocracy does and pooled resources together, it would not be mommy taking care of him, it would be the family servants. You don’t realize it but you’re actually exhibiting Jewish thinking.
“family servants” – actually, you’re the one exhibiting jewish thinking. This kind of thinking is what got us in the mess of having White children raised by black and mexican women. We don’t need to live like aristocrats and we can raise our children ourselves, close to the land. That is the AgrAryan way.
Fair point.
So you’re telling me that wanting to take care of my children myself, instead of a servant makes me “jewy”? K, got it.
“and pretend our job is done our linage dead.”
Perfectly said. Are you really Cobra Commander? You can see it today in America the boomers are more interested in living it up than in leaving any kind of genetic legacy. And they seem to drink beer all the time…..
Nah I go by the Latin version online since the 90’s. Decided not to confuse the kids. Sometimes I put Rex in front
Nature is full of animal slaughtering animal for food. The whole vegan thing was very much a Jew construct and provably so. It went with whites being only allowed gruel and liking it
What is lost in seperating us from life and death is an instinctual appreciation of either. It’s why offerings were made for a good hunt often bringing the wit and strength of the clan tribe together as women collected nuts berries and the like
Now money is god we pay homage to the whore and her minions prophets the Jews
“Nature is full of animal slaughtering animal for food.” Yeah, well they also eat the meat raw. And little baby lions don’t cry over a fresh kill, but try ripping apart a rabbit with your claws and fangs (which you don’t have) and see how a baby human responds.
And by the way, Cobra Commander, the rampant consumption of tortured flesh in America is a jew construct and provably so.
What do you think eating that tortured flesh does to us psychologically, and do you think it has any impact on unknown spiritual realms?
I think you are under the delusion that every living thing you see is not going to die.
I give thanks for one life nurturing another just as my ancestors died so I could live and I will die in turn. We have been poor stewards of the world as we are led to rebellion by destroying nature and man to spite God. Punish yourself all you want just don’t try force others to go against the natural order of things.
When animals start talking philosophy and ponder there state of being we can talk equality and “meat is murder”
muh natural instincts
That’s pretty sick. What kind of civilization can consider that acceptable and normal? There’s no need for that. Pigs are wonderful animals and should be kept with kindness and love.
Well you preach nature and when she disagrees with your premise you get mad at me. The tribe hunting has pictures going back to the beginning. Eat healthy and eat what you want but forced austerity is very Jewish as is the vegan “Alcoholics Anonymous” type cult. We are omnivores for a reason. Natural as can be but have no fear meat will be regulated and overpriced available only for the elite
Show me your meat-eater intenstines, saliva, teeth, etc. and then we’ll talk about nature.
Just so we are clear on the global vision of forced “vegan diet “. No more out of season fruits and vegetables from around the globe to tickle your pallet but a soy based diet provided by mega corp no family farm as even now regulations make it illegal and cost prohibitive No gathering/gleening on the kings land as well. Think starvation diet for good goy dreaming of even a grub to eat. See China starvation for a taste or Ukraine Vietnam Cambodia or any other commie paradise “Vegan is the new kosher The Talmud likewise has guidelines that attempt to create a more compassionate humanity. Tza’ar Ba’alei Chayim, “the suffering of living creatures,” is a Talmudic law (Bava Metzia 32) that prohibits cruelty to… Read more »
Click to enlarge. See your future.
It’s not Cobra Commander, it’s Cobra Christard and boy does the holier than thou bullshit ever shine through strong with this poor mindfucked one! What a perfect fucking tool for yeshua & his daddy yahweh to use against his own people! See this is how it was done when the foreign desert parasitic mind virus was introduced to our people. See how well developed it is in this perfect example of the true Manchurian Candidate of the European people – the christard! Christard [krahyst-tahrd] noun 1. One who is spiritually retarded by the christian religion & constantly displaying clinical symptoms of the parasitic mind virus (see also “christinsanity”). Symptoms mostly manifest as uncontrollable displays of self-righteousness & elitism most especially against one’s own race often… Read more »
Sure I’m a Christian and probably why I don’t get triggered and crippled by differing views and beliefs. I also am confident in and understand what I believe and why by the astounding feat of actually reading the text in the Bible. Next you will tell me some pagan plant or star worship makes more sense without being able to rationally explain a thing about it. “Sun bright plant green must be the source of everything”. All new age goop is kabalistic in nature The Jews rejected God in order to be gods on earth and every day we are reminded of this. Linking Jews as the living ebodyment of a chosen people only reinforces what was said two thousand years ago and been written… Read more »
“Sure I’m a Christian and probably why I don’t get triggered and crippled by differing views and beliefs” Literally ALL of your comments are to bitch about how you don’t agree with us. You’re lucky Kyle lets you run your stupid mouth. I’d have booted your ass months ago.
Hear! Hear! Sinead! Isn’t it funny how christards say things like “…what was said two thousand years ago…” and talk about “paganism” as “new age” BUT totally disregard what our/their own ancestors were doing for THOUSANDS of years prior to the introduction of the mind virus! Christinsanity IS New Age! That’s what they just can’t seem to get through their thick indoctrinated skulls! 😀
If you actually read the text of the Bible, you will see that the second coming of Christ is a failed prophecy. This cannot be denied or explained away. Just read Matthew 24. He predicts the overthrow of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Temple and declares that IMMEDIATELY after the tribulation of those days he would return. That happened in 70 AD when Titus sacked Jerusalem. He also told his contemporary audience that “this generation shall not pass till all these things are fulfilled”. It takes a lot of mental gymnastics to try to get out of this. Why does Yahweh expect this of you? Faith? So you don’t question the writings of ancient Jews. Try as you will to deny it but the… Read more »
I have to admit that I’m not a vegan. But I feel like a hypocrite. The question you have to ask yourself is this: if you personally had to kill all the animals you consume would you at least cut it back? I know the answer to that. What I find even more disturbing is that there are people who make a living slaughtering 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week, and 50 weeks a year; so that it is out of sight, out of mind for us. I would like to know if there are any studies on the psychological effects such an occupation has on one.
Makes me think of No Country for Old Men
The jew doesn’t want you to live long enough to collect your retirement, That is if your lucky to have a job & make it that far.
Regarding BIll Gates, I’d guess the rich are the most easily coerced since they have so much on the line. Would you be a traitorous slave to the Jews if you had $50 billion on the line? The money system is so problematic in so many ways.
The poor guy with $10 in the bank and kids to feed risks the same if not more. A billionaire who is poverty stricken by only having $599 million is “suffering”. Lol sure sure
It’s why the first million is the hardest after that people are begging to be your friends and take there money first born virtue etc etc. T poor man often is the virtues man
Cities and towns are being destroyed by sh#t modern architecture, turning everywhere into a corporate shopping zone or condominium complex, often done by Jew-run development companies or funding. In the 80s they brought a Canadian rabbi, Paul Reichmann, over to London to ‘develop’ the Docklands, he called it ‘Manhattan on the Thames’. This was the template that was then rolled out over the West, with Jews and Arabs (Saudi funding) turning our cities into over-developed clones of Jew York, with no individual character and no soul.
Duke Pesta sounds gayer than that drag queen.
Great show as always .
Found it interesting as my children brought homework the other day and it seems the school thought it would be a good idea to spend a full term on humility which is defined as :
the quality of having a modest or low view of one’s importance.
I explained to them the fallacy of this idea and what detrimental outcomes this can lead to .
Great thing to be teaching our children that they have no real importance or special qualities.
Thanks Jews .