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8 years ago

I walked into into the kitchen appliances and asked the sales rep, “do you have any 1000 jews per second ovens in stock?…”

Anyway, superb listen as always.

8 years ago

This little clip is for anyone who says that White people don’t have their own culture:

The Balt
8 years ago

I missed something. Why is Kyle dissing Angelo John Gage? Thought they were pals.

Ron Vibbentrop
8 years ago

I wonder if any of these whining crybabies have ever heard of the concept of ‘self-fulfilling prophecy’. For example, a man gets the idea that he is being discriminated against or ignored in a certain community (for whatever reason). He starts acting as if everyone he comes into contact with is plotting against him to keep him down or whispering something derogatory about him behind his back (this may be a correct assumption but most likely a fallacy). In any case, the people around him start noticing that the man is acting strangely or in a paranoid fashion in their presence and now tend to avoid him as he makes them feel anxious. The man now notices that the group he suspects are acting as… Read more »

Herbert Van Den Sozzidge VII
Reply to  Ron Vibbentrop
8 years ago

I wonder if you believe you have the answer to all these questions and if you believe they are always the right answer? I wonder if you always talk down to everyone as if they are children? I wonder why you spend time making comments in the comments sections of sites like Renegade’s? I wonder if you are jewish or just a silly jew-thinker goy?

Ron Vibbentrop
Reply to  renegade
8 years ago

Thank you for hauling my comment back from the wilderness of ambiguity, renegade.

8 years ago

Mr. Hunt. I would like to address some important questions to you concerning nordicism. Would you care to discuss this? Nordicism holds the most vital piece to Victory. The Truth. It is the only hope we have to break free from systematic mongrelization. To break free of the marxist equality for White people. In life there are only two directions to choose from; purification or degeneration. If you imagine the White Human in its purest form, what do you see? I see the Blond Haired White Human. It doesn’t even have to be the purest blond that should exist to be presented as The White Human i am definately in favor of an ongoing purification to an unpresidented form of the currently rare Red Haired… Read more »

Reply to  Lga
8 years ago

Hear, hear!!!!!!

Thank you fellow nord for having the audacity to speak the truth. We pure nords are the last holdout, and it is us the jews fear the most for various reasons.

Reply to  Blair
8 years ago

And thank you too Mr. Blair. Do you care to elaborate on those reasons? I definately think that it is an advantage to look in the mirror and realize; the greater the contrast to the Jew the more powerful the motivation and a beating heart for our people. All this, that our ancestors have given us. Who knows how many years that has taken. Are we really going to throw THAT away with this White Nationalist Marxism?

Please. To those who dislike what we have to say. Share your opinion with us. And let us all perfect our strategy for White Excellence.

Reply to  L.G.A.
8 years ago

sorry for the duplicate above

Reply to  Blair
8 years ago

And thanks to you Mr. Blair. Do you care to elaborate on those reasons? I definately think that it is an advantage to take a look in the mirror and see the staggering contrast between yourself and der ewige feind, the eternal enemy. Der Juden. The Jew. Take a very deep look in the mirror. Just think about that this masterpiece is the life work, the culmination of all your ancestors. All of them. How many years do you think this has taken? All that they have done to give you these gifts. Should we throw this away in voluntary ignorance in a pityful attempt to conform? Are we so desperate that we will allow ourselves to be rid of the most valuable treasure attainable… Read more »

Reply to  L.G.A.
8 years ago

I am a woman, sorry for any confusion. We seem to only arouse anger by stating the truth – the soul of the white race can only be saved by the nords. For one, the jews can’t hide amongst us so easily, given that we have the least admixture of any european people. There are lots more…

Reply to  Blair
8 years ago

Indeed, i fully agree. I have read some of your comments on the other shows and i’ve got to say, you are really something. Have you read the content of ”Why white is not good enough?” this australian named Aidhan, continues to impress me with his high skilled work. Of course the quantities of material of Renegade is unmatched. Just a pity the commenters won’t present a very effective debate on nordicism. Well that’s why were here right. A curious thing about these like buttons are, that they can be used one time by the same computer each day. So who knows how many peaople are for and against this? May i adress you ms or mrs mylady? how young are you, if you don’t… Read more »

Reply to  L.G.A.
8 years ago

Not young enough to get too excited over; I’m early middle aged. Sigh.

8 years ago×375.jpg
Peter Plauborg
(Regretfully a disgrace to his kind for his choice in carrier, but in appearence he is an example of a redhaired man with clear Nordic features.)

8 years ago

Language is used as the battle ground. People are more concerned about labels than action. Remember the phrase “sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me”? No that has reversed, because joodle can only fight on the abstract field. Check this: lan-guage, from languishing, language to mean that we are, by using language – languishing in the same sense as baggage. We languish in using language…. We are in language. Not sure of the grammatical technicalities so I wont embarass myself with my lack of English structure, but you know what I mean. Our (White race) are the envy of the world, so it is not hard to rope them into some resentment well against us. Its like those videos… Read more »

8 years ago

Critical Race Theory = Anti-White Hate Theory by pseudo-intellectual Negro (joke of a) professor.

4 years ago

[…] course I am 100% against Critical Race Theory, and I even did a whole show about it in 2016, but I do not think Trump is actually doing this right now out of the goodness of his heart and a […]

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