Solar Storm: Drew – Creating Value in a Rapidly Changing Culture (11-25-18)

Kyle and Drew discuss anti-White racism during the holidays, packing on the pounds, controlled voices, the state of regular folks, pharmaceuticals and other drugs, surveillance, DIY culture, service jobs, Amurican capitalism, money madness, and the importance of community.

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Anthony Roberts
5 years ago

All of these basic life skills are not being passed down, due to the engineered breakdown of the White family. The few folk allowed to have specialized skills, in a possible bolshevik future, will be the “slightly better off” worker slaves acting as sheepdogs for the chosen.

Common sense and a few life skills will help in the short-term though; so teach your children well. This will be the cement that keep family and communities together and strong.

PS Thanks for this show guys. It is very good of you both to give up what little spare family time you have, to help and encourage our folk to find a better way of living.

Reply to  Anthony Roberts
5 years ago

Hey Anthony I see your point about just being ” slightly better off ” as it’s just a trap in the end . I have a specialised skill which helps me to earn more to share with family and kinsfolk but then your expected to keep up with the newest cars and toys which are all designed to keep us trapped in their game with no way to see the bars that we build ourselves . One day jobs like mine will be sought after because there’s a harder chance to automate what I do . If any of our people are specialised we should use that for building up ourselves and definately try keeping that money within our circles . Always good to hear… Read more »

5 years ago

I appreciated hearing Drew on, also because you talked about your history together.
I’ve been thinking a lot about this “divide” you discuss (around 45 minutes in I believe)… Seems a lot worse in the States though tbh, you’d probably think it’s bearable in Europe by comparison.

5 years ago

Nice old school welding helmet pictured on the show page. Haven’t seen one of them in thirty years. They were really good back in the day. Thanks for reminding me.

Reply to  stevowisco
5 years ago

I don’t miss starting off the weld blind.

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