The Solar Storm: Frank Raymond – The Deceptive Dialogue About ‘Dreamers’ (1-21-18)

Kyle speaks to Frank Raymond about the weaponized language being used against White people in our countries to try to convince us to give up all our land and resources while applauding our genocide. Kyle and Frank offer some ways to respond to common arguments.

Frank Raymond is the author of Sweet Dreams and Terror Cells, the politically incorrect book of the century. The book debunks many of the myths that have anti-White liberals befuddled, and has effectively converted every liberal who has read it. It is a good work of literature, and a thriller, in the bargain. Instead of the e-book, go for the paperback, it is superior.
The link to the book is:
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6 years ago

Jewrassic Liars talkin’ ’bout Black-ish.–5HXw&bpctr=1516614722

Reply to  Renny
6 years ago

Renny – Don’t you just love how Jewtube is censoring comments on videos with INAPPROPRIATE content now? Yeah, me neither.

6 years ago

I think we also fall into their pre-set trap using “Muslim” for the invaders, instead of Arabs. They then promote the idea of whites converting to Islam, and can point to ethnic Euros who are Muslim. They appeal to the aryan ethic of respecting peoples’ beliefs that way and also to some Americans instinct to welcome those fleeing religious persecution (the myth of the puritans, for example).
I think using Arabs is avoided, like how they use Asians, because of the devastating historic precedents in Spain, Hungary, etc. And it also keeps Europeans from realizing it’s a race / heritage /dispossession wave that will forever change the ancestral homelands.

Reply to  Callwen
6 years ago

To me, Tucker Carlson is like the Richard Spencer of the jewish media. His father was a big propaganda player (Voice of America), and his role in this scripted drama seems to be to play a privileged eastern establishment guy. So to deconstruct it, you have to see him as controlled opposition. Interestingly VoA was involved in countering ‘Nazi propaganda’ too. They’ve gotten sophisticated with it, but I see this as more of that psy op and the script a mindf&ck for our people. I always enjoy Frank Raymond’s perspective, great show.

Reply to  Callwen
6 years ago

Calling them “muslim” is a general-narrative term, its a safe thing which is used in news nad “anti-immigration” sphere. I say it undermines the racial issue. I’ve never used it and never will, always calling them what they are, arabs. Also I never call negros/Africans “black” or Europeans “white”.

6 years ago

If America is an idea then anyone in the world can claim to be American.

6 years ago

Frank mentioned how the Cohen character said something along the lines of “this is who we are”. The first thought that comes to mind anytime someone says that, especially a Jew is “what do you mean WE?” If you allow anti-Whites to define who you are then you can hardly expect to win.

Wilder Lee
6 years ago

Kyle mentioned in passing that Native Americans were among the first to weaponize language? Perhaps I heard that wrong, but I would be interested in hearing more about this. Is there an article you can direct me to about this topic?

Reply to  renegade
6 years ago

I still think of them as Indians. We didn’t get the memo to change names in Australia.

I grew up watching westerns and other shows where White men didn’t just surrender when minorities called them names. They just shot them most of the time if they gave them trouble. The anti-White brainwashing wasn’t anywhere near as strong in the movies back then. You could actually sit through a movie without feeling violated by the end of it.

Reply to  renegade
6 years ago

In New Zealand the media constantly bombards you with “native Maori” even though they’ve only been here 600-700 years after traveling from their homeland of Hawaiiki. It is widely acknowledged that there was people here when they arrived who they probably wiped out (supposedly called “Moriori”) AND there is plenty of evidence (all denied/hidden by mainstream archeology) that fair-skinned people existed here waaaaaaay before them & for probably waaaaaaay longer. Similar to what happened with Kennewick Man, whenever remains are accidentally unearthed by building or roading projects here, the site is immediately labeled “tapu” (taboo) so that access is blocked to anybody outside government officials & representatives of local “iwi” (Maori tribe). The remains are always claimed to be that of old Maori tribe members… Read more »

Reply to  TrueNorthNZ
6 years ago

Is it true Maori get a massive cash payment when they turn 18 from white tax payers?

Reply to  TrueNorthNZ
6 years ago

The deed of suppression on this information by TrueNorthNZ runs out in 2060. And don’t forget those other surviving “Maoris” who look more White than anything else that are fighting the NZ Gov’t for Recognition. You should know who they are .. and that the traditional body art and dance is from ancient Celts, as is some of their Language/ names, eg: Legend of Tara (today a popular Woman’s name).

Reply to  TrueNorthNZ
6 years ago

Maoris never built the modern NZ. Whether their were Whites there before them or not is irrelevant. NZ is a White country. End of story. Once upon a time Whites simply claimed the land as their own. The same happened in Australia, US , Canada and parts of Asia and Africa. Other races did the same where and when they could. Whites weren’t doing anything uniquely “evil” then and still aren’t . Israel is conquering Palestine right now and attacking anyone who criticises them and the Chinese aren’t feeling guilty and “racist” for colonizing Tibet. Are they “racist”. Yes. Do they fucking care that anyone calls them “racist”. I seriously doubt it. We have no need to justify ourselves. Anti-Whites calling us names isn’t sufficient… Read more »

Reply to  WhiteWolf
6 years ago

Their architecture is comparable though.comment image and

Reply to  Nate
6 years ago

That’s not a bad effort. I’m not aware of anything approaching that level of sophistication by Aboriginals in Australia. Not even in the colder climate of the southern parts where they’d need to build some sort of shelter for the winter. I was talking to a Maori nationalist years ago and he mentioned that the Chinese visited NZ centuries before Whites did. No indication of how long they stayed but he said they promised to return. It wouldn’t surprise me if they are all part Chinese.They look part Asian. They had a comedy show on TV a while back where someone mentioned that Maoris might be part Chinese. One of the guys said “cook me some rice bitch”. That had me in tears. I’ve been… Read more »

Reply to  WhiteWolf
6 years ago

WhiteWolf – I thought I was being mocking, but apparently I was giving them too much credit. I wonder if they wuz kangz too.

Reply to  Nate
6 years ago

They wuz warriors. They are a stocky race. Half the men look like they are on steroids.

Reply to  WhiteWolf
6 years ago

They’re Alpha as fuck bro. They must be taking testosterone boosters like Sergeant Steel by Assault Labs, The Strongest Testosterone Booster To Ever Hit The Market! An elite squad of 16 effectively dosed ingredients has been formed to help launch a volcanic surge of testosterone in you! Ahhhh-ten-tion! Your Military-Grade Testosterone Booster Is Reporting For Duty!

Reply to  WhiteWolf
6 years ago

Don’t know who this “Maori nationalist” is you were talking to but that’s pure BS! You realise they have a pretty good sense of humour & love to lead Aussies on something wicked right? LOL! Anyway I know quite a few Maori in NZ who you might consider quite hardcore “nationalist” but none of them ever use that term. They also most certainly don’t look anything like they have any chinese in them – most would consider that an insult & in extremely bad taste! In fact I’ve just discussed the “alternative history of the chinese in NZ” you mention above with some of them & they laughed pretty raucously & muttered something about “gullible fucking Aussies!” LOL! FYI the first groups of chinese immigrants… Read more »

6 years ago

Excellent show, Frank Raymond is superb. I hope he will come back in the future.l

Reply to  Skalgarir
6 years ago

Frank Raymond is a Legend. 🙂
Here’s a good one: If the remaining White People are “Nazis”, then this must mean that ?
“Nazis defeated the Nazis on behalf of Jews/ Yewes during WW2”. < There's the quick reply that is needed in just one short sentence. Furthermore, "We defended the Ungrateful".
Feck off Jewbags ! and stop using Immigrants for your Global Real_Estate Endeavors !

Reply to  P. Davey
6 years ago

It is pure brute force insistence. The only factors are volume, ambiguity and repetition. The logic is contradictory and nonsense, which in essence in this case is secondary. Their main weapon is constant brain bashing and over saturation through all possible conduits as Frank Raymond says. Just total flat out screaming and repetition. It doesnt matter that it makes sense, because on the surface all it is is screaming, mouth foaming hysteria. They have set it up so that it resonates with psychology regardless of the sense, and that is the game of the filthy jew, to just bellow hysterically at the top of their lungs on whatever shitshow they are on. This is why there is no argument: because there is no argument. It… Read more »

Reply to  Skalgarir
6 years ago

It’s not quite just repetition and hysteria that is needed. As Frank points out the use of words is quite deliberate and sneaky. The words chosen were chosen for maximum effect and weren’t just the first words that came to mind.

Frank is one of the few people that has given the actual words of anti-Whites the attention they deserve. Words used sneakily as Frank described have a subliminal persuasive effect. The anti-White talking points which even the stupidest of sub-saharan Africans can use effectively work so well mainly because people aren’t dissecting the words and thinking about what they are hearing. Combined with repetition and hysteria the words do their black magic. First though the right words were chosen and chosen carefully.

6 years ago

Frank is right, whites need to develop nerves of steel and be able to be unshaken by these jew’s and their shabbos goy’s cutting ”one liners”. That’s all they are anyways. These delusional ”dreamers”, their instigators and supposed supporters fall to pieces when you are firm with facts. They only have a handful of pre-programmed ”gotcha’s” anyways. Being able to maintain calm in the face of a storm is a trait I believe our ancestors knew how to do very well. I have been in that position before, where I am just baffled by the absurdity of some peoples lack of rational that I am left speechless.. It is a very strange feeling once you mentally process the near total inability for someone to think… Read more »

6 years ago

From the Judaic racial supremacist control vantage, it is fair to say that the 60 to 80 million specifically non-White immigrants herded into this country since the Jewish Utopian 1965 Immigration Law was passed by an allegiance-alienated Congress -[ a condition that has remained the status quo ere since] – these masses of motley races- immigrants, who themselves are unaware of their purpose here, serve the specifically Racial Supremacist Jewry’s Purpose. And that Purpose is Jewry’s primary objective in America today: to use their weaponized Immigration Law of 1965 and their control of Immigration Policy & of a treacherous Congress, to social engineer White Americans into a minority in this country which will definitely no longer be their country nor be welcome in a land… Read more »

The Good Dictator
6 years ago

Hello Kyle, great show! I love your guest Frank and they way he illustrates important points.
May I ask what’s the title and author of the song that opens the last break that leads to the final half hour of the show? It’s a beautiful eighties-pop-style song. Thanks

The Good Dictator
Reply to  The Good Dictator
6 years ago

I tried to Shazam it, but it isn’t in their database.

Good Dictator
Reply to  The Good Dictator
6 years ago

Of course it is not in shazam’s database! 😀

Good Dictator
Reply to  renegade
6 years ago

Thank you so much! I’ve been wanting to ask for quite some time now, and it’s been a while since you last played it 🙂

Good Dictator
Reply to  renegade
6 years ago

Wow! I actually listened to the whole album on jewtube ( and I love it! The first track (HORST WESSEL SONG) is shoaed on jewtube in my ZOG country (Yidtaly), but you can listen to it here:

Good Dictator
Reply to  renegade
6 years ago

And here are the lyrics if anyone is interested: 2002 – Dresden ‎– Call Of The Blood Dresden is Joseph Pryce and Knut Pedersen. All songs by Joseph Pryce except Horst Wessel Song paraphrased by Joseph Pryce. Original cover painting by Alfred Sundvall Dedicted to the memory of Ludwig Klages. 01 -HORST WESSEL SONG(1) Raise up the flag, and stand as one, together. Our troops will march with steady, iron tread. Though comrades fall, shot down by leftists and Reaction, They march with us in spirit to the fight. Clear off the streets, the Brown Battalion marches! The streets are free–the Brown Battalions rule. The sacred flag brings hope to our oppressed millions; The day for freedom and for bread is here. At last the… Read more »

Adam NoMan
6 years ago

Raymond asks: What is the answer to the “meme” that “America” is an “idea.” It is more than a little surprising that Hunt doesn’t have a ready-made tactic for dealing with any such Jewist nonsense. One should never accept the validity of the lexical tropes offered from that quarter. One must never actually repeat the proposed vocabulary and always deconstruct such it by exposing the * motivation * behind it. In this particular case, it would be easy enough to retort: “Whose idea is it that America is merely an idea?” One might then pursue the question, Cui bono?,” as one always should, since all linguistic formulations are, in fact, magical incantations intended to bring about the condition they slyly pretend to only be describing.… Read more »

Reply to  Adam NoMan
6 years ago

Adam, where is your interview with Raymond?
One (You) should provide the link here for others to listen to..
One (I) would love to hear your many, varied, invaluable, vital retorts.
Surely you must be doing all you can to save the white race, and the world, from the jewish death spiral one (we) seem to find ourselves in.
Thanks in advance.

4 years ago

seen franks interview with red ice… happy to find him on facebook… glad to find renegade broadcasting

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