Kyle speaks with Frank Raymond, author of the novel Sweet Dreams and Terror Cells. Frank is an Indian man living in Canada who has done an extensive study of the White mind and how it contrasts with non-Whites. Topics of the discussion include: Frank’s book, how White people see nature and animal life, non-White tendencies towards cruelty, how liberal green movements are wrecking the environment through embracing mass immigration policies, how climate and time preference relate to character and thinking, Indian power dynamics, and much more.
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Thanks Kyle and Frank.
Awesome interview but two hours wasn’t enough. Even though he down plays it a bit, I really wanted to hear him talk more about ancient history of India.
Seems like America is India of 2000 years ago.
I’m afraid nature won’t be kind to our white universalist outlook. The strongest always survive. The jews have rewired our nurture patterns, and i think it counts for around 70% of our predicament at this point.
The indians in the UK act just like jews. Education, family, wealth, businesses, faith, breeding – very insular. They are our new middle/upper class with white servants. The jews are training/leading them to be our masters.
Good show Kyle and thank you Mr Raymond – very interesting.
PS Clinton’s faint chance of a shoo-in-van ished yesterday. She has pneumonica apparently – ha justice!
Justice will be that evil bitch dying a miserable, painful, weeping death the likes of which she’s made so many millions endure.
Same fate for her as for Merkel: burying them up to their necks in concrete and having them used as a public toilet for the rest of their days would be exceptionally appropriate.
Waste of concrete. Exile them to Liberia to be even further enriched.
The universalist outlook has been cross-wired by pathogenic altruism to bypass self, family, kith, nation and include aliens – when it never used to before the 1950’s. This media effort to wear down that sensibility is why we are in these straits. Basically the TV naysayers were all correct.
I really enjoyed this one a lot. Frank risks becoming the Indian equivalent of an Uncle Tom but yet here he is speaking of the in-justifications perpetrated against the white race.
I will gladly give you some of my cash for a copy of your book Frank, based on the fact that you risk your standing, for us whites, let alone what I will get out of the book.
Cheers for the show Kyle and thanks for your valuable effort Frank.
Excellent interview and so glad to learn about Frank, and I bet his novel is so interesting. (I was surprised to learn, while visiting Japan that as meticulous as they are in keeping their personal living spaces, they were not at all that way when out, their trash discarded in the theatres which were not cleaned, or carelessly tossed on the street,} I learned so much, and tried to share this post with Facebook, but it, Zucker, refused — as it also did when I tried to share the Bollyn article there. Maybe Renegade posts are now off limits at Facebook.
The guest Frank Raymond has illustrated very clearly why white survival is so vital. The survival of the planet itself depends on it, though we have to cleanse ourselves of rotten apples too. We have to become the best we can be. Great show.
Great show as always Kyle. It is always good to get an outside perspective, so much detail is often missed because as you said “we take it for granted”.
I have to agree with Yrton though because of Franks story telling manner (which i enjoyed) 2 hours didnt feel enough.
One of the best shows on the subject of “White Man’s Burden” i’ve ever heard. It summarizes everything i’ve ever encountered or subjects i’ve raised. We really need to do something about that Giant Fart Ring in the upper Atoms-sphere around the Equator and what causes it, this is the REAL “Green-House Gas” not “CO2” !:
“Feed the World, let them know it Christmas time” (Aids to Africa) Thanks to people like Bob Geldorff the Vermin Jewbags.
Great Conversation.
I also noticed that not only are environmentalists almost 100% white, they are also the more nordic types within the whites.
If you want to meet a bunch of nordic looking people, just go to WWF or Greenpeace.
Another thing is that its not that hard for these people to criticise japanese people for killing whales and dolphins.
And that of course is because they categorize Japanese people closer to white people than Inuits. Its all about race for them.
Solid, SOLID SHOW! You really should have him on again. Having non Whites support us goes to show the gravity of all of this.
Wonderful words from Frank, who reminds us just what we’re fighting for. Sometimes it takes a noble, honest outsider to remind us.